Belye_tigry_ang_yazyk (1)Исаева, Черникова.pptx
- Количество слайдов: 10
White tigers are very rare and really beautiful. Zoo visitors love watching them and taking pictures of them.
Tigers can be not only white but also orange ones with stripes. They have soft pleasant fur which looks very beautiful in the sunlight.
White tiger live in India, Africa and Kyrgyzstan
People have made up a lot of legends about tigers. For example, in Kyrgyzstan, it is believed that a tiger with white fur can protect a person from problems and bring good harvest.
White tigers have blue eyes. They usually eat deer. White tigers are good swimmers, besides, they can climb the trees. Tigers usually don't bark on animals around, that is just the way how they communicate with other tigers. If they want to attack somebody , they usually snort (фыркают) or hiss (шипеть), not bark.
Tigers are big cats, however they cannot purr (мурлыкать). But they drink water just like simple cats do.
Nowadays tigers are in danger of disappearance.
White tigers are extremely rare. They can be found nearly only in wild life, it's hard for them to live in zoos.
There a lot of programmes and articles (передач и статей) devoted to (посвященных) the life of tigers and their problems.
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Belye_tigry_ang_yazyk (1)Исаева, Черникова.pptx