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White Dragon Temple Healers in the Heartland White Memorial Camp click to begin Council White Dragon Temple Healers in the Heartland White Memorial Camp click to begin Council Grove, Kansas March 23 -28, 2008

Topeka is a historic meeting place for tribes in the Flint Hills of the Topeka is a historic meeting place for tribes in the Flint Hills of the Great Plains in the heartland of North America. The Camp is located southwest of Topeka, the current Kansas capital, on the summit of a hill northwest of Council Grove, Kansas. Flint Hills My initial scan of the site KANSAS Many discoveries indicate native Americans used this site in earlier centuries. indicated use for ceremonial gatherings for 2000 years—likely much longer. White Memorial Camp Council Grove click to continue

Sacred Space Strategic location, height and orientation strongly suggest White Memorial Camp is a Sacred Space Strategic location, height and orientation strongly suggest White Memorial Camp is a sacred space focusing a strong charge of earth flux to interconnect a wide region. The site’s true power is hidden— obscured by a visual false floor created by a man-made reservoir that floods the surrounding valley. The true depth and dimensions of the valley space enclosing the Camp’s hilltop are hidden by the watery surface of the reservoir. click to continue

Fire & Water In studying any site as sacred space, one simple exercise can Fire & Water In studying any site as sacred space, one simple exercise can begin to clarify the site’s major dynamic elements. This involves identifying the land’s Fire Centers and Water Centers Then explore land features that connect these polar parts of the land. click to continue

Water goes down to occupy the land’s lowest spaces. The significant lake is most Water goes down to occupy the land’s lowest spaces. The significant lake is most often the Water Center. Lake At White Memorial Camp, the Water Center isn’t obvious, since water surrounding the site is a man-made reservoir, not a natural water body. Studying old maps may reveal the original Water Center. Undoubtedly the reservoir changes the site’s fire & water balance. click to continue

Fire goes up, into the sky. The Fire Center is the significant high point Fire goes up, into the sky. The Fire Center is the significant high point of land. A sacred hill or holy mountain reaches up into the sky to bring streams of magnetic flux down to distribute in the surrounding lands. At White Memorial Camp, fire points are scattered over and around the site, interconnected by ley line grids. Neither busy conference schedule, nor chill windy weather encouraged me to explore these areas. What I found in the Camp kept me busy. click to continue

Mountain White Memorial Camp sits on a remarkable and auspicious hill. Horizons visible across Mountain White Memorial Camp sits on a remarkable and auspicious hill. Horizons visible across the reservoir are linear and level, with no steep slope or sharp peak to invoke a perception of great height. Yet, the Flint Hills are an ancient plateau of sedimentary rock pushed high above sea level. On this uplifted plateau, the Camp sits atop a hill that commands the high point at a sharp angle formed by river valleys This hill is the “holy mount. ” click to continue

Arrowpoint Flooding the river valley has left the Camp almost on an island. The Arrowpoint Flooding the river valley has left the Camp almost on an island. The reservoir encircles 85% of this almost-island. A narrow isthmus to the north connects the site with the rest of the land. This hilltop summit is an arrowhead— an uneven diamond, whose long, narrow tip extends south. The Camp facilities encircle the north edge of the highest point on this arrowhead-shape landform. click to continue White Memorial Camp Entrance Dining Hall Cabin A Cabin B Cabin C Cabin D Cabin E click to continue

Water Fountain B A C D Dining Hall E First I dowsed deep water Water Fountain B A C D Dining Hall E First I dowsed deep water sources. I detected one massive flow rising under the land at the very bottom of the ravine northeast of Cabin A. For Tuesday breakout session, we visited this spot for me to scan. This rising vertical column of deep, primary water is almost 3000 gallons per minute, and rises to just under 300 feet. This massive flow system sends water outward in 27 veins, each about 100 gallons per minute. Normally, I find 5, 7 or 9 veins— on occasion, 13 —rarely, 21. So, 27 veins in one flow system is rare, extra-ordinary and fascinating. This suggests 3 -fold fractal symmetry to site geometry 27 = 3 x 3 = 33 click to continue

Ley Line Cross During the Tuesday breakout sessions, near Cabins B & C, I Ley Line Cross During the Tuesday breakout sessions, near Cabins B & C, I detected a ley line. B A C D E A quick dowsing survey revealed 8 ley lines in the area bounded by my field of sight. However, I detected no order or geometry to them. Clearly, they don’t converge on one spot, or any obvious order. Wednesday I discovered two 25 to 30 foot wide ley lines cross in the dining hall. The building is square with these two ley lines. The center of the crossing is on the right side of the room’s southeast end. click to continue

Ley Line Cross Generator I got an impression one ley line starts nearby. That Ley Line Cross Generator I got an impression one ley line starts nearby. That evening, I went outside to trace this ley. B A C D E It begins by the driveway, 70 feet past the dining hall wall. Grass was greener where this ley begins. Turning right, in dim light, I saw for my first time the field behind the dining hall. My dowser mind got a glimpse of a large, strong energy field —a huge, complex vortex spiraling from the sky. I was startled. Back inside, I told Jack Stucki, “We may have a stairway to heaven here. ” click to continue

Ley Generator B A C D E After dinner, I went out to study Ley Generator B A C D E After dinner, I went out to study the other ley line. It, too, begins in the field behind the dining hall—about 180 feet past the southeast wall, near a power pole and circle of cedars. At the ley’s initial point turf is darker and rougher than any other area. But I know nothing about native plants of the Flint Hills. I detected two ley lines crossing at the circle of cedars, but didn’t take time to chase their ends. Another ley line runs in front of Cabin A, behind administration building and pool bathhouse. Tracing to its origin, I found it, too, begins in the field, near Cabin D. click to continue

Ley Generator So, at least three ley lines are generated at the Camp. I Ley Generator So, at least three ley lines are generated at the Camp. I found two other leys cross the third, and go northeast and north. This is getting complex. B A I rechecked my earlier dowsing to learn that of the 8 leys, six are generated on the site. C D E A site crossed by 8 leys is extra-ordinary and auspicious. For 6 to begin on a site has profound and deep implications. That night, I saw an aerial photo on the dining hall wall. Stunning! The Camp may be a broadcast center in the magnetic matrix— —nerve nexus in the mindfield of the Flint Hills heartland? click to continue

Ley Alignments Generator Thursday, on my way to Cabin B, as I climbed out Ley Alignments Generator Thursday, on my way to Cabin B, as I climbed out of the ravine between Cabins A & B, I crossed a ley line. B A This was one I found Wednesday. I was impressed this ley runs along the crest of an earth ridge. C D Another ley from the field behind the dining hall runs right through Cabin B. E Again, I was impressed the ley runs along an earth ridge— hinting intelligent human intention had modified topography to match the earth energy matrix. More than a full day of field work is needed to precisely map this busy, complex site, and confirm these tempting clues. click to continue

Ley Alignments Windows in the common room of Cabin B face northeast. ? Ravines Ley Alignments Windows in the common room of Cabin B face northeast. ? Ravines enter the field of vision from left and right, then unite to go northeast. B A C D E Across water of the flooded valley, directly, dramatically on the ley, is a round hill, higher than any on the horizon. The alignment’s visual power was felt by everyone in the room. Standing, facing this image, I felt its magnetic enchantment. At dinner, I studied the aerial photo awestruck, wondering, “Is White Memorial Camp more than a historic meeting place? more than a sacred space? How ancient is this site? ” click to continue

Ley Alignments Before dinner, I explored ley lines in the field behind the dining Ley Alignments Before dinner, I explored ley lines in the field behind the dining hall. Two leys going north and northeast begin in the field’s southwest edge. B A A sixth ley line crosses the field northeast toward Cabin E. It, too, begins on the southwest side of the dining hall field. C D E I got tangled mapping the leys, power poles and cedar circles in the field’s north end, and never precisely mapped where the last three leys begin. Many questions remain, but I am confident in my rough map that 6 leys begin on the site. I have unclear information on two other leys crossing the site. click to continue

Coil of the Dragon While my map is incomplete and imprecise, the data declares Coil of the Dragon While my map is incomplete and imprecise, the data declares that White Memorial Camp is a major earth energy center. B A C D E My experience with similar sites suggests the 6 leys generated on the site are linked together in a larger energy structure. This unifying energy field forms a vortex of dense magnetic flux descending from the sky: a stairway to heaven Perched on the crown of the hill, this generative neural center in the landscape mindfield is a coil of the Dragon click to continue

Ancient Temple? Parts of this puzzle hint at mystery more amazing than its sum Ancient Temple? Parts of this puzzle hint at mystery more amazing than its sum of parts. B A C D E One key feature urges me beyond ordinary bounds: land profiles Level ridges and linear slopes on radial ridges aligned on leys hint that human intelligence altered the site for ceremonial purposes. One imperative is a ceremonial site must orient to space & time. Time is fixed by moon & sun horizon points. Sacred sites align on solstice sunrise, so east alignments are key. However, this site offers a 360° field of vision. I explored a small area of a large site. I left with many questions, a few sketchy answers —and lots of love in my heart. click to continue

Ancient Temple? B A C D E Beyond Cabin B, a long, level ridge Ancient Temple? B A C D E Beyond Cabin B, a long, level ridge extends quite a distance north. Cabin B is at the end of a similar, shorter earthwork. An even shorter earthen ridge aligns with another ley. The aerial photo hints at more. click to continue

B A C D E I left with great joy to know folks took B A C D E I left with great joy to know folks took to heart my hints our meeting site is an ancient temple— not a few hundred feet or a few centuries— a web of sites landscape scale many miles across thousands of years old. click to continue

yarrow in the heartland click to continue My closing panel inspiration was that White yarrow in the heartland click to continue My closing panel inspiration was that White Memorial Camp is a broadcast center in the regional Earth grid. What is done there in spirit and emotion radiates across a wide region. What the land calls to me for is joy. Its tired soils need nutrients. Its giving spirit needs recognition. Arrow to the Heart While on the bus leaving, images and messages locked in a coherent form: arrow to the heart The image invokes numerous nuances Cupid’s Arrow–pierced by love Wounded Healer Warrior Hunter Opening the Heart Inner Path to Self Awareness Truth

Sips from the Stream of Consciousness yarrow in the heartland click to continue Five Sips from the Stream of Consciousness yarrow in the heartland click to continue Five days of light, love and magic in a community of healers and heartworkers. Such a sweet gift! In our 5 -day gathering, images, ideas and emotions aligned with themes and our human creativity to lift our encounter to higher realms of symbol and significance, deeper dimensions of feeling and connection. White Dragon Temple Council Grove, Kansas March 23 -28, 2008 Arrow to the Heart While on the bus leaving, images and messages locked in a coherent form: arrow to the heart The image invokes numerous nuances Cupid’s Arrow–pierced by love Wounded Healer Warrior Hunter Opening the Heart Inner Path to Self Awareness Truth

Sips from the Stream of Consciousness March 23 -28, 2008 While on the bus Sips from the Stream of Consciousness March 23 -28, 2008 While on the bus leaving, images and messages locked in a coherent form: Five days of enlightenment and joy spring seeds awakening to heal the human heartland. arrow to the heart To find a few clues to an ancient earthwork temple is icing on our sweetcake of communion and celebration. The image invokes numerous nuances Cupid’s Arrow–pierced by love This uncertain mystery from beyond history hints that our own assembly is one instant in a global symphony of awakening. Water Angel Council Grove, Kansas Arrow to the Heart yarrow in the heartland David Yarrow White Dragon Temple Wounded Healer Warrior Hunter Opening the Heart Inner Path to Self Awareness Truth Turtle Eye. Land Sanctuary 44 Gilligan Road, East Greenbush 12061 518 -507 -5335 dyarrow@gmail. com www. dyarrow. org