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District 80 2015 -2016 District 80 Program Quality Director Strategies Patricia Lum, DTM www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies The District 80 Toastmasters The Club Presidents & The VPEs District Officers & Program Quality Director’s Team Training Projects Chair Peter Ng Linda Ong Poh Yeow Kian Special Projects Chair Gerald Ong Gwen Ling Lean Siew Hong Chee Keng See Harikrishnan Media Support Specialist Lawrence Quek Translator (Ch. & En. ) Alice Chan Wan Mui District 80 Program Quality Director (PQD) Patricia Lum, DTM Your Partner In Education &Training Projects www. district 80. org
Team work is Dream Work
District 80 PQD Strategies Distinguished District Program - Distinguished / Select / President District 1. SDOs must submit the Division and Area Director Training Report to World Headquarters by September 30 showing that 85 percent of division and area Directors were trained. 2. SDOs must submit the District Success Plan (DSP) to World Headquarters by September 30. 3. 3 / 5 / 8 (*10) percent increase of membership payments base 4. 3 / 5 / 8 (*10) percent increase of club base 5. Distinguished clubs equal to at least 40 / 45 / 50 (**70) percent of the district’s club base. Districts shall not create, administer, or promote any other recognition programs which compete with official Toastmasters International recognition programs. www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies Program Quality Director responsible for all aspects of education and training within the district. A. Education Goals: Promote Education Awards. Supporting quality club programming efforts. B. Training Programs: Responsible DLTs, COTs. Conduct Training programs. Promoting the Distinguished Club Program C. District Conference. D. Speech Contests www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies A. Educational Goals 1. Workshops - Divisions submit Workshops proposal by 15 July. - Selected workshops will be subsidized by District, under PQD budget. - All selected workshops must not be charged at more than $5/pax - The revenue will go to Divisions funds. - Subsidies will cover the Tea-Break based on reimbursement with invoice. - Subsidies Amount will be based on $3. 00 per pax. (Cap at $300. 00) www. district 80. org - PQD Team will assist with publicity and online registration of
District 80 PQDStrategies A. Educational Goals 2. Proposed Workshops - Effective Evaluations to Inspire /Table Topics to Impact - Be an Effective Contest Chief Judge / Judge - Conducting Quality Speech Contests * English / Mandarin / Tamil - Parliamentary Procedure - Language Evaluation: The ABC of English * English / Mandarin / Tamil - Start Point: P 1 to P 10 - Advance Projects: Introducing 4 Exciting Manuals - Your Voice Speaks and Your Body Tells - Speech Marathon - workshop x 2… 5 th Dec / 5 th June www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies Training Programs: Responsible DLTs, COTs. Conduct Training programs. Promoting the DCP Conduct District Training Programs *Select Facilitators *Select Training coordinators *Support Facilitators / Coordinators in their projects. www. district 80. org
District 80 PQDStrategies B. Promoting the Distinguished Club Program. -Divisions conduct Club Officers Training (COT) and submit reports to district by 31 st July / 30 th Jan **Area Council / Breakout Meetings and Area Visits dates -Monitoring progress The DCP is one of the most useful and powerful tools for a club that wants to help its members grow. It gives you a blueprint to track your club’s educational accomplishments, membership growth, officer training results and administrative success. At the start of your year, agree as a club what level of success you want – Distinguished or Select Distinguished or President’s Distinguished. Then go for it! By the Past President of Toastmasters International, Dilip Abayasekara, DTM www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies Program Quality Director GOALS 1. 100% Clubs’ Officers attending COTs 2. 500 CC / 200 AC / 200 CL / 100 AL 3. 30 DTM / 60 Triple Crown 4. 70% Distinguished Clubs 5. Members Retention www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies Goal 1. (TI goal) 100% Clubs’ Officers attending COTs Before 31/8/15 and 28/2/16 District goal: Divisions with 100% Clubs with 4 Club Officers attending both COTs before 31/7/15 and 31/1/16 Division will receive Division’s fund. -> -> $$30. 00 www. district 80. org
District 80 PDG Strategies Goal 2. 500 CC / 200 AC / 200 CL / 100 AL Individual Recognition Clubs with highest education awards Education Awards Quarterly – Show them how to do it – What’s in it for them – Appreciation/Recognition at club level www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies Goal 2. 500 CC / 200 AC / 200 CL / 100 AL Recommendations: – – Additional meetings or alternate month meeting Achievers Days for each Area’s Clubs Joint Meetings Encourage members to step out of their comfort zones, by speaking outside the clubs. – Plan marathon speeches meetings – All Participants for Area and Division Achievers Day will receive one District pin. www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies Goal 3. 30 DTM / 50 Triple Crown Individual Recognition Award TI Branded Pins For Triple Crown recipients by 2 May 2016 will receive TI Branded 3 -crown pins. 4 -crown / 5 -crown / 6 crown-> *green starfish pin / blue starfish pin / yellow starfish pin -Any additional educational award will received TI Branded pin of the latest title. -E. g. ACS, ACG, CL, ALB – will received ACG Pin -Get 3 -crown by end Nov -> -> S$20. 00 ……. . plus certificate from PQD * Awards and award’s colour subject to change www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies Goal 3. 30 DTM / 50 Triple Crown Individual Recognition Award TI Branded Pins -For Distinguished Toastmaster -> -> -DTM Medal with the belt www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies Goal 4. 70% Distinguished Clubs District goal: 70% Recognition Award Clubs achieve Distinguished status by 30/4/16 Distinguished Club -> 1 set Select Distinguished Club -> 2 sets President Distinguished Club -> 3 sets Achieved 5 DCP goals by December 2015 -> 1 set. www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies Goal 5. Members Retention Individual Recognition Award Club Recognition Award To Be announced. www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies District PQD Calendar Division 1 st COT / 2 nd COT / Workshops Coordinator / Organising Chair Trainer / Speaker Date Division (* ) 1 st COT Workshop 1 – Be A champion Contests Judge DVGs to plan COT 1 & COT 2 early. Calendar. Humorous Speech and Evaluations Contests Submit comprehensive progress reports to DG/LGET by end-June 2009. nd COT 2 Wherever possible, avoid “clash of dates” Workshop 2 - Workshop 3 International Speech and Table Topics Contests • • DVGs to plan COT 1 & COT 2 and Contests early. Avoid “clash of dates”, if happen, please reconsider changing the dates. **Ist 3 to send in your calendar by 15 th July get www. district 80. org
For Division Directors (Hoodie) and your Area Directors (TM T-shirts) 1 st 3 Divisions that complete all requirements by end December 2015. 1. Submit Calendar by 15 th July a) submit dates for workshop b) COTs c) Division Contests 2. Divisions / Areas Directors trained by 30 th Sept. 3. Conduct COT & Submit report to District by 31 st July (with 100% trained) www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies C. Planning and executing the district conference. • Semi-annual Conference 24/25 Oct 2015 @ NTU (Capital of Ideas) • Annual Conference 21 May 2016 • Conference Organizing Committees to meet as often as necessary. • Submit regular progress reports to DD/PQD • Contests for both Conferences. **Division with the most delegates for both the conference will get a Special Award!!! www. district 80. org
I wasn’t born a leader. They were all around me though. In the community, at work, at school. Leaders were everywhere. They were the heads of families, coaches of teams, business leaders, mentors, organizational decision-makers. I admired these leaders. They influenced who I was and who I was becoming because I aspired to walk in their footsteps. And, so, I committed myself to becoming one. Finally, it came to me. It wasn’t just what leaders knew that enabled them to lead. They had a voice. They could tell their story. They could listen and answer. They didn’t just accomplish, they communicated. So I set out to find my voice. Learn to process ideas in the midst of discussion. Train myself to listen attentively. Learn to give feedback – and accept it. I needed to organize, plan, deliver and follow up. I needed a place where all the ingredients were there, and someone would guide me along the way. I found that place. I found a community of learners and the path to leadership. I am a leader – and I was made. TOASTMASTERS INTERNATIONAL Where Leaders are Made www. district 80. org
Be determined to succeed. It cannot be done without Discipline. www. district 80. org
District 80 PQD Strategies To reach the Peak, YOU need to take the next step. Just 5 Steps to Achieving Success: Have a Vision Set Goals Take Action Monitor Progress Achieve and Celebrate Enjoy Your Journey www. district 80. org