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Autumn 2010 • Changing role of the local authority • Restructure within the local authority • Budget restrictions for local authority and schools • Education White paper encouraging autonomy and partnership • Need to establish a clear forum to give a voice to governors across the city • Schools already working in ‘Education Improvement Partnerships’ coming together to develop leadership and learning – start of Derby Schools Learning Partnership
So …………………. • Should governors form a partnership and work with Derby School Learning Partnership? • Focus group met to look at a way forward – YES • 2 places offered on Management Board of Derby Schools Learning Partnership alongside Primary, Secondary and Nursery heads
Primary EIP 3 Primary EIP 2 4 Primary EIP 1 Secondary EIP Derby Schools Learning Partnership Management Board Nursery Schools Partnership Primary EIP 5 Derby Governors Partnership
• A trading arm of a company with limited trust run by a specialist secondary school of performing arts that has a commercial theatre • PB Associates contracted to deliver our services till December 2012
Purpose Ø To work within the Derby Schools Learning Partnership Ø To provide a forum for governors to work together to support raising standards of pupil achievement and narrowing gaps in attainment across Derby Ø To facilitate governor and clerks development through high quality training, support and networking opportunities Ø To raise standards of school governance so that more governing bodies are judged to be ‘good’ and ‘outstanding’ Ø To liaise with regional and national bodies
Derby Governor’s Partnership Who are the members? • Schools who buy into the Governor Support Package Who can attend the Partnership meetings? • 2 from governing body of member schools How often are meetings held? • At least once a term
GOVERNOR PARTNERSHIP STEERING GROUP 10 Governors representing all phases, Secondary, Primary, Nursery & 2 Clerks • • • Governors elected at the spring term meeting of the Governor Partnership Clerks elected at spring term meeting of Clerks Network For a 2 year term of office Representatives to DSLP Board • • 1 x Primary Governor 1 x Secondary Governor Elected by the Governor Partnership Steering Group For a 2 year term of office
One Year on……. Ø Steering Committee formed and now managing finance and strategic development Ø Constitution agreed Ø First year of a Programme of Training and Events completed o Buy up of over 60% of schools o Governor and Clerks Conferences both well attended o Termly briefing sessions for Governors and Clerks o Induction Training o Full programme of other training courses, i. e. Understanding data for monitoring and evaluation
Second year, 1 st April 2012 onwards Ø Opportunity to confirm links with NGA including ‘Gold’ membership for our Partnership members Ø Working with Derby University, NCSL and LA Ø Developing ‘Governor Improvement Partnerships’ (GIPs) Ø In school bespoke support to meet individual needs and budget. Ø Buddies for new governors, clerks and chairs Ø Introducing Governor Improvement Partnerships
GOVERNOR IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIPS Aims • To work with governors and clerks to achieve outstanding Governance in support of Leadership and Management as judged by Ofsted. • Through governor and clerks collaboration, support networks, training and appropriate challenge, working toward school improvement and improved pupil outcomes How • Small groups of governors and clerks (GIPs) with a facilitator meeting at least once every term working in a supportive way to meet specific needs of the group • Helpline /email /telephone support within the GIP, with reference to DSLP and NGA helpline if required. • GIP section on each termly newsletter. • Suggest items for Governing Body termly Agenda to be placed in the newsletter • Feed ideas into Partnership meetings.
GOVERNOR IMPROVEMENT PARTNERSHIPS External information via Df. E, NCSL, NGA, LA, etc. DSLP BOARD Cross Phase Strategy 7 other Partnerships HE and FE provisions Procurement opportunities Governor Partnership Steering Group Finance and Development Strategy GIP 1 GIP 2 Working in a collaborative Partnership GIP …… Working in a collaborative Partnership