- Размер: 1.3 Mегабайта
- Количество слайдов: 6
Описание презентации When children are three, they start going to по слайдам
When children are three, they start going to a kindergarten or nursery school. There they are prepared for a primary school to study music, art and dancing.
When children are seven, they go to a primary school to study different subjects there: languages, maths, sport computing…
At the age of eleven pupils start secondary school where they study more subjects such as: History, Grography, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, Literatu re, Biology and so on.
Secondary School is divided into: lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges. At the end of secondary school pupils have exams in different subjects which they choose themselves. But exams in Russian and Maths are obligatory. And their choice depends on the University they are going to enter and get higher education.