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What’s Happening in Europe? EUropean Programmes: Tempus and Erasmus Mundus Robert Wagenaar Chair Dutch What’s Happening in Europe? EUropean Programmes: Tempus and Erasmus Mundus Robert Wagenaar Chair Dutch team of Bologna Experts External Adviser European Commission for Higher Education Joint co-ordinator Tuning Educational Structures in the World Coordinator Erasmus Mundus Master Course EUROCULTURE

European programmes to promote cooperation in higher education q Lifelong Learning Programme: European member European programmes to promote cooperation in higher education q Lifelong Learning Programme: European member states (and 4 other countries) q Erasmus Mundus: worldwide q Tempus: “neighbouring countries” (from Russia to Morocco) q Alfa: Latin America q Edulink: Africa, Caribbean, Pacific q Asialink: Asian countries q Bilateral Cooperation with Industrialised Countries: USA, Canada, Japan, Korea, Australia, New Zealand

European programmes to promote cooperation in higher education EU European programmes to promote cooperation in higher education EU

Erasmus Mundus II (2009 -2013) Objectives q Promoting the quality offer in higher education Erasmus Mundus II (2009 -2013) Objectives q Promoting the quality offer in higher education with a distinct European added value q Encouraging incoming mobility of third-country graduate students and scholars q Fostering structured co-operation with third-country higher education institutions q Enhancing the profile, visibility and accessibility of European higher education in the world

ERASMUS MUNDUS One programme, three actions. Action 2 (460 M€) Large partnerships of EU ERASMUS MUNDUS One programme, three actions. Action 2 (460 M€) Large partnerships of EU and Action 1(463 M€) targetted non EU universities with Target: 150 Joint Masters scholarships for EU and non EU 35 Joint Ph. Ds individuals at all levels of higher education, in a variety of Joint Master and Doctoral disciplines and variable duration Programmes implemented by EU and non EU universities with Action 3 (16 M€) scholarships/fellowships - Attractiveness Projects, for EU and non EU - Studies and students/doctoral - Information activities of candidates and scholars for EM National structures the entire duration of the joint programme

Action 1: Joint Masters and Joint doctorates Key features Ø Ø Ø Consortium of Action 1: Joint Masters and Joint doctorates Key features Ø Ø Ø Consortium of at least 3 EU HEIs Possible participation of third countries HEIs as partner Scholarships for non European and European students/scholars Obligatory mobility Award of recognised double, multiple or joint degree Links with world of employability and research are encouraged (associated partners)

Action 2: International partnerships main features q Establishment of cooperation partnerships between European and Action 2: International partnerships main features q Establishment of cooperation partnerships between European and Third countries HEI in a specific region. q Objective: Organise and implement structured individual mobility arrangement between the European and Third Country partners. q Scholarships of various lengths (3 months to 3 years) for bachelor, master, doctorate and post-doctorate students and HE staff. Use of Erasmus style cooperation mechanisms. q Special attention is given to disadvantaged groups and populations in a vulnerable situation.

Action 2: partnerships regions and budget (2010) Target 100 partnerships W. ACTION 2 / Action 2: partnerships regions and budget (2010) Target 100 partnerships W. ACTION 2 / Strand 12 M, Balkans 1 (2010) 720 sch ICI strand Lot 1: 150 sch Morocco, Algeria, Tunesia 7. 5 M, Lot 2: Egypt Lot 4: Libanon, Syria, Jordan ACP 6 M, 200 sch ACTION 2 / Strand 2 (2010) Neighbourhood & Russia 33 M, 1225 sch Yemen, Iraq 3 M, 110 sch Asia region 24. 75 M, 1100 sch Lot 5: Bahrein, Kuweit, Omar, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, United South Africa Arab Emirates Argentina 4. 8 M, 150 (This Lot 4. 4 Mcoordinated by Universitysch Deusto, ES) is 130 sch of

Action 3: Promotion of European Higher Education n Promotes European higher education through measures Action 3: Promotion of European Higher Education n Promotes European higher education through measures enhancing the attractiveness of Europe as an educational destination and a centre of excellence at world level. n Type of activities v Funding for « Attractiveness projects » v Studies, Calls for Tender v Support to the EM Alumni Association activities v Support activities of the Erasmus Mundus National Structures through restricted calls for proposals

Tempus Programmes EU Neighbouring countries Tempus Programmes EU Neighbouring countries

Tempus programmes Tempus IV: 2007 -2013 Objectives: Ø To support the modernisation of Higher Tempus programmes Tempus IV: 2007 -2013 Objectives: Ø To support the modernisation of Higher Education in Partner Countries of the surrounding area, including Central Asia. Ø To establish an area of cooperation between the European Union (EU) and the Partner Countries. Ø To favour voluntary convergence with the European Area for Higher Education. Geographical coverage: Ø 27 partner countries in the Western Balkans, Eastern Europe, the Mediterranean and Central Asia Funding: each year around 50 million euro to select around 60 projects. Up to 90% of project costs are funded (max. 1, 5 million)

Tempus – partner countries Southern Mediterranean Region Eastern Europe/Caucasus Western Balkans Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Tempus – partner countries Southern Mediterranean Region Eastern Europe/Caucasus Western Balkans Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Libya, Morocco, the occupied Palestinian territory, Syria, Tunisia. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova, the Russian Federation, Ukraine. Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia, as well as Kosovo* *under UNSCR 1244/1999 Central Asia Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan.

Tempus - approach q Institutional cooperation: consortium of EU/PC HEIs q Bottom-up programme mainly Tempus - approach q Institutional cooperation: consortium of EU/PC HEIs q Bottom-up programme mainly implemented through calls for proposals seeking projects targeting reforms in higher education institutions and/or systems q Strong involvement of national authorities (in partner countries) q Strong accent on dissemination, sustainability and exploitation of results q Complements other EU mobility programmes (e. g. Erasmus Mundus)

Tempus - Activities q Joint Projects implemented at institutional level Ø Ø institution building Tempus - Activities q Joint Projects implemented at institutional level Ø Ø institution building Ø improve university governance Ø q to reform curricula create more links with society Structural Measures implemented at national level Ø q for the development and reform of national higher education structures and systems in Partner Countries (national policies, legal frameworks) Accompanying Measures: dissemination and information activities (conferences, studies, exchange of good practice, National Tempus Offices, Higher Education Reform Experts, etc. )

Tempus - Themes refer to the EU modernisation agenda for higher education: q Curricular Tempus - Themes refer to the EU modernisation agenda for higher education: q Curricular reform Modernisation of curricula: ECTS, 3 cycles, recognition of degrees q Governance reform University management and student services Introduction of quality assurance Equal access to HE q Higher Education and Society Development of lifelong learning Development of partnerships with enterprises Knowledge triangle education/research/innovation Training courses for public services (Ministries / local authorities)

Tempus: eligible partnerships National projects: Multi-country projects: (targeting 1 single Partner Country) (targeting more Tempus: eligible partnerships National projects: Multi-country projects: (targeting 1 single Partner Country) (targeting more than 1 Partner Country) minimum of 6 HE institutions minimum of 7 HE institutions 3 from the involved Partner Country 2 from each involved Partner country (minimum 2 PC) 3 from 3 different EU countries

Tempus Programmes q q Currently 25 projects with Dutch participants; 2 projects with a Tempus Programmes q q Currently 25 projects with Dutch participants; 2 projects with a Dutch coordinating institution (Wageningen University and Maastricht University Ru. G in national top three ‘of all times’ participating institutions with just under 70 projects (WUR, Uv. A, RUG, UU, Tu. Delft…) q Tempus National Contact Point (Nuffic): information about the program, help with the preparation of project proposals and advise for ongoing projects: tempus@nuffic. nl q National Tempus Offices in partner countries: http: //eacea. ec. europa. eu/tempus/tools/contacts_national_temp us_offices_en. php

Erasmus Mundus: http: //eacea. ec. europa. eu/erasmus_mundus/index_en. php Tempus: http: //eacea. ec. europa. eu/tempus/index_en. Erasmus Mundus: http: //eacea. ec. europa. eu/erasmus_mundus/index_en. php Tempus: http: //eacea. ec. europa. eu/tempus/index_en. php Credits: This Presentation has been prepared by NUFFIC (Jef Stapel and Madalena Pereira)

What’s Happening in Europe? Thank you for your attention ! What’s Happening in Europe? Thank you for your attention !