WHAT MAKES A GOOD GEOGRAPHY? Mozhegov Sergey Alexeyevich Гб-161
Geographer - scientist, a specialist in geography Georgaf studying geographic shell of the Earth - the scope of the interpenetration and interaction of the lithosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, biosphere and noosphere, structure, dynamics. The most important object of geographical study - the processes of interaction between man and nature.
We can say that the geographer - a person who studies the earth and everything that happens in it.
Geographer may specialize in the study of local lore, physical geography, geomorphology, glaciology, economic geography, geoinformatics.
The geography of work often consists of three stages: preparation, field and cameral. At the preparatory phase of formulation of the problem is being studied available materials, maps, results of previous studies, field work is determined by the program. The field stage is going to factual material. All data recorded in the field diary. The cameral stage processed material collected, the results are interpreted.
The word geography (. Zemleopisanie ancient Greek, Earth and write, describe) has two definitions:
- A single set of sciences studying the geographical envelope of the Earth, and is focused on the identification of spatiotemporal patterns. The main objects of study Geographical Sciences are geosphere (the biosphere, atmosphere, lithosphere, hydrosphere and soil cover) and Geosystems (landscapes, natural areas, biogeocoenoses. . . )
- Body of knowledge about the spatial and temporal features of any territory, object, phenomenon or process (geography of continents and oceans, Russia geography, tundra geography, geography of the spread of avian influenza, the geography of karst processes N-Region)
The geographic culture includes the following components: a geographical picture of the world, geographical thinking methods of geography, the language of geography.
Geographer works not only in the room, but also in open areas; can be field trips (expeditions, field observations, even trips with students or pupils - if it is a geographer and teacher).
This person must be physically strong man. Geographer should know as mathematics, physics, geology, and biology, soil science, chemistry.
Professionally important qualities curiosity; propensity to research activity; good eye; advanced memory; Good orientation in the terrain; simplicity; ability to analyze and think logically; physical endurance.
Geographer - a person who studies the earth and everything that happens in it. That is why is the physical geography, economic, political, medical. . . Any. Even the geography of sport. It became an independent branch of geography, studied ethnicity, lifestyle, history, culture, economy, the nature of any one country or group of countries. Many-sided life - versatile and professional activities geographer.
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