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What is the CIA? NSA? How do they relate to the Cold War? What is the CIA? NSA? How do they relate to the Cold War?

Will things change? Eisenhower = elected in 52’ Wanted to reduce military spending (had Will things change? Eisenhower = elected in 52’ Wanted to reduce military spending (had quadrupled under Truman) ▪ Got us out of Korea…. Khrushchev = 53’ replaced Stalin Relations thawed briefly Started a policy of “De-Stalinization” ▪ Denounced Stalin’s purges & said era would be less repressive

Do things change? 1955: Warsaw Pact The Eastern Europe equivalent of NATO, headed by Do things change? 1955: Warsaw Pact The Eastern Europe equivalent of NATO, headed by SU Period of détente – Geneva Conference Lots of covert actions both sides 1955 -56– conflict over Egypt/Suez Canal & Israel Eisenhower Doctrine – US defend Middle East against communist attack Gave President discretion to use military at will U-2 flights – CIA spying missions – 56’ Gary Powers – 60’

What else does this tell you about the Cold War? Why does this happen? What else does this tell you about the Cold War? Why does this happen?

The Arms Race Competition between the US and USSR for military supremacy Led to The Arms Race Competition between the US and USSR for military supremacy Led to the two nations competing to create the most nuclear weapons and most the deadly & long range nuclear weapons The Race Began when: US detonated A Bomb 45’ SU detonated A Bomb 49’ US detonated H Bomb 52’ 67 x amount Hiroshima SU detonated H Bomb 53’ SU launched Sputnik 57’ Both created ICBMs US launches own satellite 59’ By 61’ enough to destroy world

What do the cartoons reveal about the arms race? What do the cartoons reveal about the arms race?

The Policies Eisenhower’s S of S, John Foster Dulles – fiercely anti-communist We are The Policies Eisenhower’s S of S, John Foster Dulles – fiercely anti-communist We are willing to go to the “brink”, i. e. , the edge Brinkmanship is born “slippery slope” Massive Retaliation, deterrence Army/navy spending decreased, weaponry & space spending increased “a bigger bang for the buck”, G. Humphrey, S of Treasury MAD: Mutually Assured Destruction

Arms Race is based on…. Fear & paranoia Anything good come out of this? Arms Race is based on…. Fear & paranoia Anything good come out of this? ? ?

How will the arms race impact us at home? https: //vime o. com/1144 7253 How will the arms race impact us at home? https: //vime o. com/1144 7253

The Arms Race at Home 1950 – Civil Defense Administration America public fallout shelters, The Arms Race at Home 1950 – Civil Defense Administration America public fallout shelters, the Emergency Broadcast System, food stockpiles -- and Bert the Turtle's "duck and cover. " ▪ http: //www. history. com/videos/inside-a-prefab-fallout-shelter#inside-a-prefab-falloutshelter ▪ Prefab fall out shelters – 45 secs Office for Civil Defense trained citizens to fight fires, rescue people, and administer first aid, and the Civil Air Patrol taught them to keep their "eyes on the sky. " scattering of air-raid shelters -- some purpose-built, most improvised in basements and subways Blackouts became the norm in coastal areas, where streetlights were doused to hide cities from enemy pilots

Duck and cover http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=C 0 K_LZD Xp 0 I Duck and cover http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=C 0 K_LZD Xp 0 I

Army Instructions Dropping immediately and covering exposed skin provide protection against blast and thermal Army Instructions Dropping immediately and covering exposed skin provide protection against blast and thermal effects. . . Immediately drop facedown. A log, a large rock, or any depression in the earth's surface provides some protection. Close eyes. Protect exposed skin from heat by putting hands and arms under or near the body and keeping the helmet on. Remain facedown until the blast wave passes and debris stops falling. Stay calm, check for injury, check weapons and equipment damage, and prepare to continue the mission. —US Army field manual FM 3– 4 Chapter 4

http: //vimeo. com/11447253 Surviving Nuclear Attack 10 min http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=sa. Lwg. http: //vimeo. com/11447253 Surviving Nuclear Attack 10 min http: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=sa. Lwg. BK JT 7 o 1955 CW documentary fall out https: //www. youtube. com/watch? v=YR 4 Uri 9 H_Ds Atom bomb song