- Количество слайдов: 39
What is PBET? Information on Performance-Based Equipment Training Solid Performance Solutions 1
PBET: For Who? In-house trainers On-the-job trainers Vendor trainers Customer support specialists Anyone responsible for helping people improve their technical or equipment skills in the semiconductor industry Solid Performance Solutions 2
Why? Effective training. . . Improves performance Makes satisfied customers Makes more efficient use of staff Is used only when appropriate Requires specialized skills Solid Performance Solutions 3
Heard these complaints? He’s got a "certificate" — but. . Of Attendance Solid Performance Solutions 4
Heard these complaints? He’s got a "certificate" — but. . Too much theory in your course; it isn't practical. Solid Performance Solutions 5
Heard these complaints? He’s got a "certificate" — but. . Too much theory in your course; it isn't practical. Your experts couldn’t make my people expert performers! Solid Performance Solutions 6 Technical experts who train, Also need to be skilled in training.
Heard these complaints? He’s got a "certificate" — but. . Too much theory in your course; it isn't practical. Your experts couldn’t make my people expert performers! Your course materials were beautifully prepared! But. . Are they CLEAR, CORRECT, and COMPLETE so that they facilitate Performance Improvement? Solid Performance Solutions 7
Heard these complaints? He’s got a "certificate" — but. . Too much theory in your course; it isn't practical. Your experts couldn’t make my people expert performers! Your course materials were beautifully prepared! But. . You’ve got "tests" but they don't prove much. Solid Performance Solutions 8
Training: It’s About Performance Training Human Performance Business Results Solid Performance Solutions 9
In performance-based training. . . 1. Performance objectives are the heart of the process. Are you Ready to Connect Training to Business Needs? PERFORMANCE OBJECTIVES Solid Performance Solutions 10
In performance-based training. . . 2. Performance objectives are derived from the analysis of real world performance needs. Analysis is done first, “Up Front” … FRONT END ANALYSIS includes: Business Goal Analysis Job Analysis Task Analysis Solid Performance Solutions 11
In performance-based training. . . 3. Course content and other aspects of lesson design are derived from objectives. Analysis is done first, “Up Front” … FRONT END ANALYSIS COURSE DESIGN includes: Business Goal Analysis Job Analysis Task Analysis Solid Performance Solutions 12 Course Content Instructional Aids Demonstrations Practice Activities Skill Checks / Tests
In performance-based training. . . 3. Course content and other aspects of lesson design are derived from objectives. When Course Design is done first, … and objectives are created to reflect what was designed… COURSE DESIGN It is unlikely that the training will support the business requirements. Solid Performance Solutions 13 Course Content Instructional Aids Demonstrations Practice Activities Skill Checks / Tests
In performance-based training. . . 3. Course content and other aspects of lesson design are derived from objectives. Analysis is done first, “Up Front, ” to determine objectives and from this, everything else follows FRONT END ANALYSIS COURSE DESIGN includes: Business Goal Analysis Job Analysis Task Analysis Solid Performance Solutions 14 Course Content Instructional Aids Demonstrations Practice Activities Skill Checks / Tests
In performance-based training. . . 4. Performance objectives are clearly stated and contain standards (measurables). Functioning Heart Failure!! Heart Given: Given the lesson, 1) an XL 50 with a faulty magnetron, remove and replace the magnetron to 100% accuracy. 2) standard tool kit, 3) a replacement magnetron, and OR 4) the XL 50 Manual, remove and replace the magnetron. Standards: a) Each step your procedure must magnetron in discussing Demonstrate of theknowledge of the be followed by sequence, the b) When finished: removal procedure with two other people in the class. • no water will be leaking from the connections, and • the XL 50, when tested, will not automatically shut down due to radio frequency leakage. Solid Performance Solutions 15
In performance-based training. . . 5. Prerequisite objectives are identified and enforced. Prerequisites are those performance objectives (skills) which enable one to master certain entry level performance objectives (skills) in a course. Solid Performance Solutions 16
In performance-based training. . . 5. Prerequisite objectives are identified and enforced. Here’s what can happen when trying to train a group of maintenance technicians if this is NOT done… Solid Performance Solutions 17
In performance-based training. . . 5. Prerequisite objectives are identified and enforced. Operator Maintenan ce Tech That’s why prerequisites must be identified and enforced. Operator Maintenan ce Tech Equipmen t Engineer Maintenan ce Tech Maintenance Training Class … Individual Performance Cannot Be Assured Here Solid Performance Solutions 18 Proces s Engine er
In performance-based training. . . 6. Hands-on practice is maximized. Practice builds competence and confidence. Performers need competence and confidence to be successful. Solid Performance Solutions 19
In performance-based training. . . Instead of… 7. Skill tests are used to measure competency. • Having no tests— where students are certified because they merely 8. attended the training. tests are repeated until Practice and • Having all written or knowledge tests. "mastery" is achieved. • Using tests to rank students. • • Letting the clock and course schedule limit the amount of practice. Having the same activities and time limits for all students. Solid Performance Solutions 20
In performance-based training. . . 1. Performance objectives are the heart of the process. 2. Performance objectives are derived from the analysis of real world performance needs. 3. Course content and other aspects of lesson design are derived from objectives. 4. Performance objectives are clearly stated and contain standards (measurables). 5. Prerequisite objectives are identified and enforced. 6. Hands-on practice is maximized. 7. Skill tests are used to measure competency. 8. Practice and tests are repeated until "mastery" is achieved. Solid Performance Solutions 21
Summary definition of PBET Performance-based equipment training is the most cost-effective way to train customers and employees to operate, maintain, program, and troubleshoot complex equipment. Why? PBET is equipment training based on front end analysis that ensures participants are able to reach mastery of the job skills described in clearly stated and measurable learning objectives. Solid Performance Solutions 22
How Does PBET Compare to ELearning or Blended Learning? Keep in mind that Blended Learning is a training design strategy that incorporates both instructor centered learning activities (like lectures, instructor demonstrations, and instructor guided practice) with various self-paced learning activities (like e-learning or paper-based booklets for gaining knowledge and experiencing practice. PBET is an overall approach to creating performance improvement through training. PBET has always recommended a strategy of blended learning activities. As long as PBET guides the overall approach, any e-learning activities stand a better chance of success. Solid Performance Solutions 23
How Does PBET Compare to ELearning or Blended Learning? In other words, PBET involves the process shown below and described earlier. Blended Learning (which includes E-Learning) describes a “COURSE DESIGN” which includes both instructor-centered and self-paced activities. COURSE DESIGN • Instructor-Centered Activities • Self-Paced Activities COURSE FRONT END ANALYSIS DESIGN • Blended Activities includes: For Designing… Business Goal Analysis Job Analysis Task Analysis Solid Performance Solutions 24 Course Content Instructional Aids Demonstrations Practice Activities Skill Checks / Tests
How Does PBET Compare to ELearning or Blended Learning? There are some common errors in this area … And the PBET Workshop includes some activities to help trainers avoid them. When Course Design is predetermined to be entirely created as e-learning alone. COURSE DESIGN As explained earlier, it is unlikely that such training will support the business requirements, especially for maintenance training. This is because such decisions inevitably affect key principles like the implementation of effective hands-on practice, among others. Solid Performance Solutions 25 We want a 100% elearning course! For Designing… Course Content Instructional Aids Demonstrations Practice Activities Skill Checks / Tests
How Does PBET Compare to ELearning or Blended Learning? There are some common errors in this area … And the PBET Workshop includes some activities to help trainers avoid them. When Blended Learning is created so that ALL of the e-learning lessons are completed prior to the course. What many fail to realize… E-learning lessons permit flexibility in the context of a group of trainees at a remote location such as the supplier training center. Such flexibility is essential to creating maximum hands on practice at the least cost. A group course WITH individualized activities integrated into the course itself, provides the needed flexibility to schedule time on the machine with each student for all tasks. In a group course with NO individualized activities, it is difficult to find time for each person to practice tasks on the machine. Solid Performance Solutions 26
Why PBET for our industry? The principles make sense. Industry-wide task forces have recommended it. Some manufacturers require it. Solid Performance Solutions 27
PBET Origins 60+ Years of Performance-Based Training – Military – Many industries – Robert Mager: Criterion Referenced Instruction (CRI) 1992 -1994: SEMATECH – Task forces establish training guidelines – Julian Serda at SEMATECH creates original PBET Workshop » PBET Workshop = 4 -5 days [CRI Workshop 14 -20 days] » PBET Workshop = Specific to the semiconductor manufacturing and equipment industries [CRI = all industries] 1995: Richard Goutal takes over the Workshop Solid Performance Solutions 28
Richard Goutal: Workshop Leader Sole Owner/Consultant, Solid Performance Solutions Taught PBET Workshop over 150 times 1300+ people “PBET-ized” • 9 years - Workshop Leader / Training Consultant • 8 years - Training Manager for Semiconductor Equipment Supplier • 17 years - Secondary School Teaching and Administration Solid Performance Solutions 29
Is this the latest training fad? NO. Performance-based training is a core subset of performance technology. It grew out of. . . v Training methods used by the Allies in WWII v Learning theories of B. F. Skinner, Harvard Behaviorist v Subsequent work by major contributors to performance technology, including: Bob Mager Tom Gilbert Joe Harless Solid Performance Solutions 30
Is this the latest training fad? Today, there are thousands of practitioners of performance-based technology in many industries. Recommended for more information: Ø A GROUP: International Society for Performance Improvement: www. ispi. org Ø A BOOK: What Every Manager Should Know About Training by Robert Mager. Contact for purchase: Center for Effective Performance, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Tel - 770 -458 -4080. Solid Performance Solutions 31
Why Solid Performance Solutions? Uses the SEMATECH outline & course objectives – The workshop is industry-specific – The workshop is condensed Broad experience with the application of PBET principles to the semiconductor industry Solid Performance Solutions 32
About the PBET-ized Number "PBETized" To Date: 1317 204 2002 -’ 03 Those Attending. . . From U. S. A. 68% From Other Nations 32% 358 2000 -’ 01 Those Attending. . . Suppliers 89% Fabs 11% 320 1998 -'99 Organizations 319 1996 -'97 116 1994 -95 Solid Performance Solutions 33 With Any PBETized 162 With 5+ PBETized 69
Top 10 Participating Organizations To Date '94 -'95 '96 -'97 '98 -'99 '00 -'01 '02 -'03 Intel Teradyne ESEC Asymtek Cookson Novellus Canon DEK Panasonic Lam Research 81 65 49 47 47 33 32 32 30 28 Solid Performance Solutions 2 1 ---5 34 44 11 5 4 17 2 12 15 -23 7 28 25 22 11 4 -13 --- 19 25 11 17 17 14 -4 11 -- 9 -8 4 2 7 20 -19 --
Top Participating Organizations* Accretech Advantest AEM-Evertech Alphasem AMD Asymtek Asyst Technologies August Technology Aurotech Automation Tooling Systems Axcelis Technologies Bio-Rad Laboratories BTU Canon Capris Cencorp Cookson / Speedline DEK Delta Design Disco DNS Electronics Electroglas Entegris Solid Performance Solutions ESEC FSI International Fuji Gasonics Gem City Engineering General Scanning ICOS Vision Systems Intel KLA Instruments Kokusai Kulicke & Soffa LAM Research Lindberg Lintec LKT LTX Mecomb Sales & Service MIT Motorola National Semiconductor Nikon Novellus NP Test 35 Panasonic Philips Analytical Rofin-Baasel Rudolph Technologies RVSI S K Daifuku SCP Global Technologies Semiconductor Systems Shinko Speedfam - IPEC SRT STI Sub. Micron Systems SVG Teradyne Texas Instruments Therma-Wave Tiros Semiconductor Tokyo Electron Ultratech Unaxis Vanguard Automation Varian * With 5 or more having been PBET’ized
About the Workshops Locations Since 1998 San Jose Area -- 16 Boston Area -- 16 Phoenix Area -- 16 Austin / Dallas -- 7 USA Misc -- 2 Asia -- 20 Europe -- 4 PLUS 26 On-Site Locations Worldwide 107 Workshops in All Solid Performance Solutions 36
The PBET workshop overview Duration: Four days (five days when done overseas or onsite) Requirements: There are 18 - 23 skills to be learned Approach: • Background information is provided as necessary • Many examples are provided as templates • Each skill is practiced • Job aids are provided for many skills to simplify the work • Each skill is tested and participants are "Signed off" as they demonstrate their performance Application: Participants work on two of their own lesson development projects. Participants work alone, in groups, and with partners throughout the workshop experience. Solid Performance Solutions 37
PBET tasks taught in the workshop q q q q q q Identify PBET Characteristics List PBET Design Phases Perform Needs Analysis Perform Task Analysis Plan Job Aids Perform Job Analysis Edit Performance Objectives Write Performance Objectives Interpret Skills Hierarchies Develop a Skills Hierarchy Design Skill Test Describe Relevant Practice Select Relevant Content Determine Content Delivery Method Plan a Lesson Introduction Prepare Your Own PBET Lesson Plan Develop Course Materials Apply Trainer Characteristics Pilot a PBET Lesson Plan Explain PBET Trainer Responsibilities Describe Evaluation Levels Solid Performance Solutions 38
More information Solid Performance Solutions www. Mr-PBET. com Solid Performance Solutions 39