- Количество слайдов: 10
What is Globalization? – Increasing transnational flows (of humans, of money, of data, of culture, of norms, of trouble? ) – Interconnectedness of political, economic and cultural organizations? – Emergence of ‘world cities’? – Decline of nation-state? – Spread of Western-style consumerism? – ? ?
Globalization Is commonly understood – as flow of symbolic and material goods, humans, ideas, aspirations, etc. – as recent phenomenon (1990 s on). . Globalization as – a negative scenario, or… – a positive one
Worries over Globalization is the spread of capitalism Loss of control over the operations of global capitalism Need for national and local governments to take back control (economic, social) Loss of national sovereignty, damage to democracy Environmental worries
Uneven flow patterns (from one geographic locus to the others) Increased gaps between nations due to new media Control over content: even if everybody is connected, there are different degrees of power Increased commercialization creates “homogeneity/sameness” rather than “diversity” (“Cultural Imperialism”) Fear of “Americanization” (globalization=Americanization? )
Positive Scenario Promotion of global markets Removing barriers to the flow of capital, products, information and people. Promotion of liberal democracy Information + Communication Technology + Market-Led Democracy = Global Civil Society
Move from a national to a global economy Global is more important than the national Markets are becoming more and more important…states (governments) less and less important. Development and modernization through information
Globalization: Liberal/Neoliberal Perspective (Positive) Promotion of global markets Removing barriers to the flow of capital, products, information and people. Promotion of liberal democracy Information + Communication Technology + Market. Led Democracy = global civil society Move from a national to a global economy Global is more important than the national Markets are becoming more and more important…states (governments) less and less important. Development and modernization through information
Globalization: Marxist/Neo. Marxist Perspective (Negative) Globalization is the spread of capitalism Loss of control over the operations of global capitalism Need for national and local governments to take back control (economic, social) Loss of national sovereignty, damage to democracy Globalization is “Cultural Imperialism”, and an attempt to spread US consumer culture in order to make money for US capitalists. Key to BOTH versions is the link between globalization and capitalism
Economic Globalization: Examples Power of large global companies such as Coca. Cola, Microsoft, Sony, Unilever. Spread of free-trade agreements (GATT, NAFTA) Economic Unions (EU) Global use of US Dollar, Euro as currency
2006 WORLDWIDE GROSSES Title Studio 1 Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest BV 2 The Da Vinci Code Sony 3 Ice Age: Meltdown Fox 4 X-Men: Last Stand Fox 5 Cars BV 6 Mission: Imp III Par. 7 Superman Returns WB 8 Over the Hedge DW 9 The Break-Up Uni. 10 Inside Man Uni. 11 Poseidon WB 12 Scary Movie 4 Dim. 13 Click Son. R 14 The Pink Panther Sony 15 The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift Uni. 16 Talladega Nights: Ballad of Ricky Bobby Sony 17 Big Mom. House 2 Fox 18 V for Vendetta WB 19 Failure to Launch Par. 20 Miami Vice Uni. Worldwide Domestic (%) Overseas (%) $1, 004. 1 $753. 5 $645. 8 $441. 6 $415. 0 $395. 3 $378. 0 $307. 1 $189. 1 $183. 9 $181. 7 $176. 4 $172. 1 $158. 4 $416. 6 41. 5% $217. 5 28. 9% $195. 3 30. 2% $234. 3 53. 1% $242. 1 58. 3% $133. 5 33. 8% $197. 0 52. 1% $155. 0 50. 5% $118. 7 62. 8% $88. 5 48. 1% $60. 7 33. 4% $90. 7 51. 4% $136. 5 79. 3% $82. 2 51. 9% $587. 5 58. 5% $535. 9 71. 1% $450. 5 69. 8% $207. 3 46. 9% $172. 8 41. 7% $261. 8 66. 2% $181. 0 47. 9% $152. 1 49. 5% $70. 4 37. 2% $95. 4 51. 9% $121. 0 66. 6% $85. 7 48. 6% $35. 6 20. 7% $76. 2 48. 1% $147. 1 $62. 5 42. 5% $84. 6 57. 5% $142. 8 $138. 1 $131. 4 $128. 2 $126. 7 $142. 2 99. 6% $70. 2 50. 8% $70. 5 53. 7% $88. 7 69. 2% $62. 9 49. 6% $628 k 0. 4% $67. 9 49. 2% $60. 9 46. 3% $39. 5 30. 8% $63. 8 50. 4%