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WHAT I BELIEVE # 1 I believe that the believer’s body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in them and He is given by the Lord to those who are to glorify God in their body (I Cor. 3: 16 -17; 6: 19 -20) # 2 I believe that the gift of the Holy Spirit is only given to those who obey the word of God becoming believers in Christ, and that this gift is the Holy Spirit Himself, that all believers receive after Christ has now been glorified. (John 7: 3739; Acts 2: 38; 5: 32) # 3 I believe that the Holy Spirit is given to all those who are saved to indwell them as a seal, pledge, guarantee and down payment of the inheritance, proving that they are the children of God. (Rom. 8: 15; Gal. 4: 6)
John 3: 3 -7 “You Must Be Born Again” Nicodemus thinks of physical birth Jesus is talking about a spiritual birth Water AND the Jesus teaches that one must be “born of water and the Spirit” (vs. 5) Jesus said, “that which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit? BORN OF THE
John 3: 3 -7 “You Must Be Born Again” Nicodemus said, “How can these things be? ” Jesus said, “Are you the teacher of Israel and do not understand these things? ” “Water AND the Spirit” Jesus also said, “If I told you earthly things and you do not believe, how will you believe if I tell you heavenly things? ”
John 4: 7 -15; 6: 35; 7: 37 -39 “Living Water” In John 4, Jesus, wearied from His journey, came to a well for a drink and had an encounter with a Samaritan woman. (vs. 6) Jesus asked for a drink and this shocked the woman, since Jews have no dealings with Samaritans, and she questioned Him. (vs. 7 -9) Jesus said, “If you knew the gift of God, and who it is who says to you, ‘Give Me a drink, ’ you would have asked Him, and He would have given you living
John 4: 7 -15; 6: 35; 7: 37 -39 “Living Water” This woman makes the same mistake as many who do not understand the spiritual meaning in this lesson (vs. 11) She asks, “You are not greater than our father Jacob, are You, who gave us the well…where do You get that living water? ” (vs. 12) Jesus said the physical well would cause all to thirst again, but the spiritual water He can give will be IN an individual “a well of water springing up
John 4: 7 -15; 6: 35; 7: 37 -39 “Living Water” In John 7, Jesus continues teaching on the “living water” and says He would give this water to all who thirst and believe in Him (vs. 37 -38) Jesus says of the one who believes, “from his innermost being will flow rivers of living water” (vs. 38), “as the Scripture said” (Is. 44: 3 -5) John said that Jesus “spoke of the Spirit WHOM, those who believe in Him were to receive. ” John also said, “the Spirit was not yet GIVEN, because Jesus was
John 4: 7 -15; 6: 35; 7: 37 -39 “Living Water” Jesus tried to explain these spiritual lessons on several occasions and in many cases people said they could not understand it. (John 6: 35, 60) We learn that many of the disciples decided to stop following Jesus because they could not handle this hard teaching (John 6: 61 -66) The question we must answer is, “You do not want to go away also, do you? ” Believe that Jesus has the words of eternal life in obeying Him and the Holy
Acts 1: 9 -11; 2: 36 -41, 44 “Jesus Is Glorified, People Are Saved, The Spirit Is Given” In the book of Acts, we find, Jesus was glorified and went to be seated with the Father in heaven (Acts 1: 11; Mark 16: 19; Acts 2: 36) Now the Holy Spirit can be given to those who believe and Peter preached about this gift as a gift given to those who obey the gospel (Acts 2: 37 -38) The Bible states that those who received the word were baptized so they were forgiven of sin and now could have the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2: 39 -41, 44) This promise is to all mankind who will obey Jesus
Acts 2: 39; 3: 19; 5: 32 “The Promise Is For You…” Peter said that the promises that he had proclaimed were for everyone that the Lord our God will call to Himself (Acts 2: 39) Other passages in the NT teach us this exact same promise is available to those who obey the Lord in turning from sin and believing in Him (Acts 3: 19; 5: 32) Notice that the “times of refreshing” come after we have repented and turned to the Lord, which is also the time when the Holy Spirit HIMSELF (“whom”) is given to us (Acts 3: 19; Acts 5: 32; See Titus 3: 4 -7)
QUOTE CONSIDERATION “The Promise Is For You…” Looking at the gift of the Holy Spirit and the times of refreshing as the same thing one writer said, “Hence, "the gift of the Holy Spirit" means the same thing as "times of refreshing". The "gift of the Holy Spirit" was the forgiveness of their sins. The "times of refreshing, " which is figurative language, is an equivalent term. What a "refreshing" it is to be forgiven of our sins, redeemed and made heirs of God. ” ---Unknown
Acts 19: 1 -5 “Did You Receive The Holy Spirit When You Believed? ” They said, Paul said, “Did you “No, we have receive the Spirit not even heard when you whethere believed? ” (vs. 2) is a Holy Spirit” Paul asked, “Into (vs. 2) what then were The text says, They said you baptized? ” “when they “into John’s (vs 3) Paul said, “John baptized with the heard this, they baptism” (vs. baptism of repentance, telling the were baptized in 3) people to believe in Him who was the name of the coming after him, that is, in Lord” (vs. 5)
Romans 5: 5 “The Holy Spirit Who Was Given To Us…” Later we will notice how the Spirit is a guarantee or down payment of our hope. Paul here says “hope does not disappoint” because the Spirit is given. Notice again the word “who” describing the person of the Spirit as the “gift” Himself, “who” is given to us (Acts 2: 38; Rom. 5: 5) Paul states that this is how we can know that we have the love of God…by the Spirit who has been poured out “in our hearts” (Gal. 4: 6)
Romans 8: 11 “His Spirit Who Indwells You…” One of the most interesting discussions on the indwelling of the Holy Spirit can be found in the 8 th chapter of the book of Romans Paul first helps the saints to realize that they are free from the Law to follow the leading of the Spirit. Those who follow Him are destined for life and peace (Rom. 8: 1 -6) Paul says that those who will not accept the new law in Christ and want to cling to the old Law, cannot please God and they do not belong to Christ. One who obeys
Romans 8: 11 “His Spirit Who Indwells You…” Now Paul shows these saints how they can be sure they are alive in Christ even if the body dies and the flesh decays…you have life from the Spirit dwelling in you (Rom. 8: 10 -13; I Cor. 3: 16 -17) If you want to be reassured that you are a child of God, consider that Paul says you need to be led by the Spirit of God and receive the Spirit of adoption (Gal. 4: 6), so that the Spirit can bear witness with our Spirit that we are children of Godof diligence to (Rom. 8: 14 Paul talks of the blessings 17) it to our eternal home and reveals make how the Spirit can be of assistance to us
I Corinthians 3: 16 “Your Body Is A Temple Of The Holy Spirit” “Do you not know…” “your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit…” “who is in you, whom you have from God…” “you are not your own for you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your Good question to answer The Holy Spirit uses your body as a temple Not “it” but “who” and “whom” (personal) Gr. hos “…–who –mtrue, Since this is –se” you must be holy and live for glorifying God in your body
I Corinthians 6: 19 -20 “You Are A Temple Of God…The Spirit…Dwells In You” “Do you not know…” Paul wants us to know “you are a temple of God…” God resides in us as His spiritual temple “the Spirit of God…” God is in us in the person of the Spirit (I John 3: 24; 4: 13) “dwells in you” (I Cor. 3: 16) Dwell means “to reside, cohabit, make a home” etc. and He does this in
I Corinthians 2: 11 -13 “The Spirit Of The Man, Which…The Spirit Who” THE SPIRIT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT MAN Notice first that when addressing the spirit of man, the Bible uses the word “which” to be impersonal Many willingly accept that in our body lives a spirit that will live on in eternity With the Holy Spirit the Bible uses the word “whom” to address Him in person. Some deny that the Holy Spirit could ever dwell within us in person (See I Cor. 2: 11)
QUOTE CONSIDERATION “The Spirit Of The Man, Which…The Spirit Who” “Surely a literal indwelling is not doubted on the ground that we have no sensible evidence of the Spirit’s presence. For neither a priori nor from the Bible have we any reason to conclude that such evidence would be afforded us. And gratuitously to assume it, and then make the assumption a ground on which to doubt the indwelling, is more unwarranted indeed” ---Moses E. Lard (Lard’s Quarterly 1964: 19) “If true, then in you somewhere, somehow, you contain a divine, eternal Being, and you have no evidence whatever to prove this. He is there, but you have no idea what He is doing or even if He is doing anything at all! You can't feel Him, hear Him, smell him, see Him, or taste Him; yet some think that He
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The “Matter Of HOW” Question Most brethren will IT IS NOT A If we can answer admit that the Holy MATTER OF the question of Spirit dwells in the “who dwells in Christian, but will us? ”, then we likely add the BUT A MATTER OF don’t have to ask qualifying “how? ” The Bible statement, “It is not says that the Holy a matter of does the Spirit Holy Spirit dwell in “who, …whom, … us, but rather how He, …Himself” the Holy Spirit Acts 5: 32; I Cor. 6: 19 -20; Rom. in the dwells See dwells in us” Christian (Gr. HOW WHO
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The “Matter Of HOW” Question Once we know that the Bible promises the Holy Spirit Himself to indwell as a gift to the believer, we have no right to ask how, but we must simply accept Acts 5: 30 -32 this plain truth. 16, 26 (vs. 30 -31) = Jesus 5, 8, 14) = Man IT IS NOT A MATTER OF HOW BUT A MATTER OF WHO Consider what happens when you fail to respect the personal pronouns of the text of Scripture. I Cor. 6: 16 -20 (vs. 16 -18) = Man Rom. 8: 5, 8, 14, (vs.
QUOTE CONSIDERATION About The “Matter Of HOW” Question One person said of the possibility of the personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit, “The Holy Spirit Himself does NOT literally and personally dwell within your person or being. It is impossible and no where does God's word teach such an idea!. ” ---Unknown
I Corinthians 12: 13 “We Were All Made To Drink Of One Spirit” Not only is this in harmony with Acts 2: 38 in that each believer does receive the gift of the Holy Spirit after obedience, but it is also in agreement with the teaching of Jesus regarding “living water” after “For by one Spirit we were all baptized into one body…and we were all made to drink of one Spirit” Paul is teaching that we are not only baptized by one Spirit into the church, the body of Christ (Acts 2: 47), but that those who obey the Lord are made to drink of one Spirit, just as we all have been promised to have
II Corinthians 1: 22 “Sealed Us…Gave Us The Spirit In Our Hearts As A Pledge” A constant teaching of the apostle Paul is that we have a guarantee, pledge, down payment, as a child of God when the Holy Spirit dwells in us. This is God’s way of sealing us for redemption and we can know that we belong to Him ED AL SE A seal is said to be used as a mark of authenticity, genuineness (letter), a mark of ownership and a means of security. Read: II Cor. 5: 2 -5; Rom. 8: 26 Eph. 1: 13 -14; 4: 30 I
QUOTE CONSIDERATION “Sealed Us…Gave Us The Spirit In Our Hearts As A Pledge” Commenting on Ephesians 1: 13 -14 we read, “Then it follows, most certainly, that if we are now sealed with the Holy Spirit, as these Ephesians were, it takes place after, and is something more than hearing, believing and receiving the word. Their sealing was to them an earnest of their inheritance; that is, a pledge of God’s faithfulness on their part, that they ‘grieve not the Holy Spirit of God, whereby ye are sealed unto the day of redemption. ’ Eph. 4: 30 ” ---T. W. Brents (The Gospel Plan Of Salvation 642)
QUOTE CONSIDERATION “Sealed Us…Gave Us The Spirit In Our Hearts As A Pledge” Commenting on the Greek word arrabon which is seen in the text as “earnest” Ardnt and Gingrich say it means, “first installment, deposit, down payment, pledge, that pays a part of the purchase price in advance, and so secures a legal claim to the article in question, or makes a contract valid…In any case, [arrabon] is a payment which obligates the contracting party to make further payments” ---Ardnt & Gingrich William Barclay says this pledge is “ a foretaste of what is to come” ---(New Testament Words 58)
Ephesians 6: 17 “The Sword Of The Spirit…Which Is The Word Of God” = TRUE OR FALSE The man who uses a sword to fight against the enemy is the sword with which he fights. The sword that is used by the man to fight against the enemy is the man who sets out to fight.
Ephesians 6: 17 “The Sword Of The Spirit…Which Is The Word Of God” = The Holy Spirit delivered and uses the word of God as a tool to prick the hearts of men unto salvation, but the Holy Spirit is not the word of God. The word of God is the tool that the Holy Spirit delivered and uses to prick the hearts of men unto salvation, but the word of God is not the Holy Spirit. Consider the following passages: Eph. 1: 13 -14; 4: 4 -6; II Cor. 6: 6 -8; II Thess. 2: 13; Heb. 6: 4 -6
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Connection With The Word & The Spirit Eph. Col. 3: 16 “And do 5: 19 get drunk not “Let the word of Christ with wine, for that is richly dwell within dissipation, but be filled you, with all wisdom with the Spirit, teaching and speaking to one another admonishing one in psalms and hymns another with psalms and spiritual songs, {and} hymns {and} singing and making spiritual songs, singing melody with your heart with thankfulness in When one turns from sin and obeys the Lord from the heart, they to the Lord…” your hearts to God…” are filled with the Spirit and then they are to serve the Lord with
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Connection With The Word & The SPIRIT ACTION Spirit WORD John 3: 5, 8 Gives Birth. I Peter 1: 23 John 6: 63 Gives Life 25 Ps. Saves 119: 93 Jam. Bible Just because Titus 3: 5 The the Spirit and John 16: 8 Convicts 1: 21 Titus plainly states John that after we the word Rom. 8: 16 Testifies 1: 9 5: 39 Heb. receive the have similar Rom. 15: 13 Gives Power 4: 12 John qualities does II Thess. 2: 13 Sanctifies word we obey 17: 17 not mean I Cor. 6: 11 Washes that word and that they are Acts 9: 31 Comforts Eph. 5: 26 then we the same in Eph. 5: 18 -19 Indwells Rom. 15: 4 receive the “gift each passage John 16: 8 Reproves Col. 3: 16 of the Holy
QUOTE CONSIDERATION About The Connection With The Word & The Spirit “Whatever we read about the power of the gospel or the activity of the written word in the lives of aliens or Christians is true. But these facts do not contradict what we read about the Holy Spirit dwelling within the Christian…I don’t really think that any gospel preacher believes that the Spirit is to be identified as the written word, but there are some Christians who do believe it. And they have gotten this erroneous impression because some preachers can’t read one of these plain passages without saying, ‘through the word; not separate and apart from the word’” ---Ferrell Jenkins (The Holy Spirit And The Christian)
Titus 3: 5 -7 “Washing Of Regeneration And Renewing Of The Holy Spirit” Renewing Of The Holy Spirit The washing of regeneration (made alive from the dead) is the salvation that comes when we are baptized for Eph. 1: 13 -14; Tit. 3: 5 b 7; II Cor. 4: 16 The renewing of Washing Of the Holy Spirit is Regeneration that which comes after we have Rom. 6: 3 -4; Eph. 2: 5 -7; received Him as Col 2: 12 -13 a gift and are then sealed for
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Division Of The Spirit For The Indwelling I agree, but you don’t Some say you cannot take a “cookie cutter” to the Holy Spirit and have Him to dwell in every have to spilt the Holy Spirit for Him to dwell in every place that He wills (Ps. 139: 7 -10) The omnipresence of God in the Spirit allows for an easy, clear understanding of this teaching The Holy Spirit “who” dwells in you is proof.
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Need For Miracles With The Indwelling Some demand that we must see something supernatural from a believer, in order to believe in the indwelling of the Holy John was full of the Spirit in the body Holy Spirit, but never worked a miracle (See Lk. 1: 15) The promise of the “gift of the Holy Spirit” is for everyone who believes, while the miraculous “gifts of the Spirit” were only for those that were apostles or were gifted through the laying on of the apostles hands
QUOTE CONSIDERATION About The Need For Miracles With The Indwelling “The fact of the personal indwelling of the Holy Spirit does not mean that any of the erroneous denominational theories about the Holy Spirit discussed… are true. It does not imply that there is a present-day baptism of the Spirit, nor present-day miracles, direct operation of the Spirit in conversion or tongue speaking” ---J. D. Thomas (The Spirit and Spirituality 26)
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Need For Miracles With An Indwelling APOSTLE IS PROMISED The Spirit Himself would be with the apostles and be in them (John 14: 16 -17) BELIEVER IS PROMISED All who believe are promised the gift of the Holy Spirit who dwells in them (John 7: 3739) This was fulfilled and This blessing came to was only given to the those who first obeyed apostles in this the gospel and will be miraculous measure given to all who believe. (Acts 1: 2, 12 -13; 2: 1 -4, (Acts 2: 38 -39; 5: 32) READ Acts 10: 45 -48; 11: 15 -18; 15: 8 -9 43)
QUOTE CONSIDERATION About The Need For Miracles With An Indwelling “…I conclude that the Holy Spirit dwells in my body as well as in the body of an apostle, though not in the same measure or manifestation” ---Roy Lanier Sr. (Firm Foundation 20 Oct. 1964: 673)
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Similar Indwelling Of The Godhead HOLY SPIRIT These There are passages all many who Rom. 8: 9 -11 Rom. 8: 10 Rom. 5: 5 speak of the say that the I John 3: 24 Eph. 3: 17 Rom. 8: 9 -11 indwelling of John 14: 18 -23 Cor. 3: 16 I Father, Son I John 4: 16 the God etc. Gal. 2: 20 I Cor. 6: 19 and Holy head. etc. II Cor. 1: 22 Spirit all II Tim. 1: 14 Do the dwell in the Father, Son etc. Christian the and Holy same way. Spirit all Consider the following passages: abide in us in Eph. 2: 19 -22; I John 4: 13; Eph 3: 16 -20; II Cor. the same FATHER SON
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Similar Indwelling Of The Godhead There are many who say that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all dwell in the Christian the same way. FATHER SON These passages all speak of the indwelling of the God head. Do the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all abide in us in the same
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Similar Indwelling Of The Godhead There are many who say that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all dwell in the Christian the same way. The Father and the Son dwell in the Christian through the person of the Holy Spirit and they are all one in the believer THE ANSWER TO OUR QUESTION IS YES… NOT IN THE WORD BUT These passages all speak of the indwelling of the God head. Do the Father, Son and Holy Spirit all abide in us in the same
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Gift Of The Holy Spirit Some FATHER SON HOLY SPIRIT The problem brethren is that these John 4: 10 Eph. 4: 7 Acts 2: 38 propose that brethren fail “the gift of the “the gift to notice that of of the Holy language Holy Spirit of Christ…” Spirit…” must be a gift God…” authorities from the Spirit agree that since other the definite passages article in Acts The Bible says that the gift of using this 2: 38 is found same Greek the Holy Spirit is the Holy Spirit , in that “whom God has given to those structure refer context for a who obey Him” (Acts 5: 32) =
QUOTE CONSIDERATION About The Gift Of The Holy Spirit Lenski says that the “genitive is appositional …so here the gift is the Holy Spirit” He also said that the construction of the grammar is parallel to Acts 2: 33 where, “the promise of the Holy Spirit” means, “the promise which is the Spirit”. ---Lenski (The Interpretation Of The Acts Of The Apostles) “Certainly the gift of the Holy Spirit is the Spirit itself (KJV translation M. L. H. ) given. The common version (KJV) of the passage is very faulty, faulty inasmuch as it completely hides the true sense from the common reader. Render it as follows and all is clear: And the Holy Spirit will be given you. A child can understand this; and it expresses the exact import of the original. ---Moses E. Lard (Lard’s Quarterly, Oct. 1864: 104)
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Spirit Being Given As A John 15 Relationship "Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither {can} you unless you abide in Me. "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing. ” John 17 “…that they may all be one; even as you, Father, {are} in me and I in you, that they also may be in us, so that the world may believe that you sent me. ”. . . “that they may be one, just as We are one; I in them and You in Me…:
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Spirit Being Given As A John 15 Relationship There is no question that Jesus was referring to a relationship in this text, “for apart from” Him we can “do nothing”. The way that we enter this relationship is through obedience to the word of God, after which we receive the Holy Spirit to dwell in us as a pledge of our inheritance (Eph 1: 13 -14) John 17 Jesus wanted us to be “perfected in unity” like He and the Father were (vs. 23) and this happens when we “believe in” Jesus (vs. 20). This is also in harmony with the gift of the Holy Spirit to dwell within the child of God after our obedience. This
ANSWERING OBJECTIONS About The Work Of The Holy Spirit 1. To serve as a “seal” or a “pledge” of our inheritance as we can know with a certainty that we are children of God and are able to be assured of redemption (Eph. 1: 13 - It is said that if the Holy Spirit dwells in us, then He must have some work to do in us WHAT DOES THE HOLY SPIRIT DO WHILE INDWELLING THE 2. To intercede for us in our prayers (Rom. 8: 2628) 3. To motivate us to purity and holiness in the body of this life (I Cor. 6: 1220)