What I ate yesterday?
What’s your favourite food? What is your favourite vegetable? What’s your favourite fruit? What’s your favourite fast food? Do you like fast food or home- made food? How often do you eat out? Do you drink any alchocol?
Vocabulary Food
A white gold
Food containers A bottle - Бутылка A box - Коробка A can - Банка A carton - картонная коробка A jar - Банка A packet – пакет, упаковка, пачка a tin - консервы
Can you count these things? boat sand flower sugar water grape
Do they make sensible plurals? boats sands flowers sugars waters grapes
If you can count it, use ‘many’ • How many boats can you see?
If you can’t count it, use ‘much’ There is too much water on the floor! Clean it up!
Much or many? • For plurals, use many • For non-countable things, use much
Now try these 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. You are making too _____ noise! How _____ sugar do you want in your tea? How _____ apples are there? Why are there so _____ policemen here? He has told me that so _____ times! I have too _____ work to do.
How much water do you drink? I drink a lot of water. I drink quite a lot of water. I don’t drink much water. I don’t drink any water. How many apples do you eat a day? I eat a lot of apples. I eat quite a lot of apples. I don’t eat many apples. I don’t eat any apples. A lot. Quite a lot. Not much. None. A lot. Quite a lot. Not many. None.