Скачать презентацию What happens with the Aerophilately What do you Скачать презентацию What happens with the Aerophilately What do you


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What happens with the Aerophilately? What do you do with the Aerophilately? What happens with the Aerophilately? What do you do with the Aerophilately?

In the latest International Philatelic Exhibitions it is having problems with some exhibits of In the latest International Philatelic Exhibitions it is having problems with some exhibits of Aerophilately

Aerophilately exhibits are transferred to other Classes AND/OR Exhibits of other Classes are transferred Aerophilately exhibits are transferred to other Classes AND/OR Exhibits of other Classes are transferred to Aerophilately

PHILAKOREA 2014 Glen Stafford (Australia) Nicaragua Air Mail (The early years) AE to TR PHILAKOREA 2014 Glen Stafford (Australia) Nicaragua Air Mail (The early years) AE to TR

SALON PLANÈTE TIMBRES PARIS 2014 Nicolaos Karanikolas (Greece) The “Inselpost” overprint 1944/45 PH to SALON PLANÈTE TIMBRES PARIS 2014 Nicolaos Karanikolas (Greece) The “Inselpost” overprint 1944/45 PH to AE

BRASILIANA 2013 Francisco D´Amico (Venezuela) Venezuela: The first air mail TR to AE Jose BRASILIANA 2013 Francisco D´Amico (Venezuela) Venezuela: The first air mail TR to AE Jose Alberto Junges (Brasil) Varig PH to AE

BRASILIANA 2013 AUTRALIA 2013 Mc. Farlane, Andrew (U. S. A. ) The 1928 U. BRASILIANA 2013 AUTRALIA 2013 Mc. Farlane, Andrew (U. S. A. ) The 1928 U. S. A. Beacon Air Mail Stamp AE to TR

The question is inmediate: and this why it happens? The question is inmediate: and this why it happens?

In my opinion, there are two problems: a)A severe interpretation and /or application of In my opinion, there are two problems: a)A severe interpretation and /or application of article 3 of the SREV for Aerophilately. b) We have more than 30 years doing the same thing…….

About 1960 started to appear the Classes of Competition and the Commissions as we About 1960 started to appear the Classes of Competition and the Commissions as we currently know them

The Commission for AIR MAIL COLLECTIONS was created in the FIP Congress of Munich The Commission for AIR MAIL COLLECTIONS was created in the FIP Congress of Munich (1966)

The first regulations for AIR MAIL COLLECTIONS was presented in the FIP Congress in The first regulations for AIR MAIL COLLECTIONS was presented in the FIP Congress in Madrid (1975); was approved in the FIP Congress in Philadelphia (1976); and was published for the first time in the publicity brochure of the ITALIA 76 (Milano)

An Aerofilatelic exhibit has therefore as basic contents: 1. Postal documents dispatched by air An Aerofilatelic exhibit has therefore as basic contents: 1. Postal documents dispatched by air 2. Official and semi-official stamps issued especially for use on Airmail, in mint or used state, but principally on cover 3. All types of postal and other marks, vignettes and labels

particular means of aerial transport, not conveyed through a postal service but deemed important particular means of aerial transport, not conveyed through a postal service but deemed important to the development of air mail 5. Leaflets, messages and newspaper dropped from the air, as a way of normal postal delivery or on the occasion of postal services interrupted by

6. Mail recovered from aircraft accidents or incidents 6. Mail recovered from aircraft accidents or incidents

Some Jurors in a severe application of the SREV of Aerophilately “penalize” in Treatment Some Jurors in a severe application of the SREV of Aerophilately “penalize” in Treatment those exhibits showing stamps. Or if they think that there are “many stamps”, it is transferred to TR

They correctly apply the SREV and Guidelines of Aerophilately MAKE THAT IS VERY CLEAR They correctly apply the SREV and Guidelines of Aerophilately MAKE THAT IS VERY CLEAR But there are outstanding exhibits who feel little appreciated

Marta Villarroel de Peredo (Bolivia) Bolivia Air Mail Enrique Bialikamien (Costa Rica) Costa Rica-Development Marta Villarroel de Peredo (Bolivia) Bolivia Air Mail Enrique Bialikamien (Costa Rica) Costa Rica-Development of Air Mail Mario Ravasi (Switzerland) Scadta-Development of

Others who have already suffered the problem, put the exhibit directly in TR Santiago Others who have already suffered the problem, put the exhibit directly in TR Santiago Cruz (Colombia) Scadta´s First Issues- A Traditional Approach to Airmail Stamps

It is difficult to understand the Aerophilately without the stamps that made it possible It is difficult to understand the Aerophilately without the stamps that made it possible

I have asked the opinion of the FEPA Member Federations about this matter. Through I have asked the opinion of the FEPA Member Federations about this matter. Through J. R. Moreno I have received several answers: Austria, Croacia, Cyprus, Germany, Monaco, Slovenia, Spain,

This is a ver high priority for the FIP Board and we would like This is a ver high priority for the FIP Board and we would like to be able to approve the new (revised) SREV in our next Meeting in December in Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia)

There are two Subclasses of Competitive Exhibits Subclass a) Covers flown Subclass b) Air There are two Subclasses of Competitive Exhibits Subclass a) Covers flown Subclass b) Air Mail stamps and their use in Air Mail service

An Aerofilatelic exhibit has therefore as basic contents: Subclass a) Covers flown 1. Postal An Aerofilatelic exhibit has therefore as basic contents: Subclass a) Covers flown 1. Postal documents dispatched by air 2. (before 3) All types of postal and other marks, vignettes and labels relating to aerial transport

with a particular means of aerial transport, not conveyed through a postal service but with a particular means of aerial transport, not conveyed through a postal service but deemed important to the development of air mail 4. (before 4) Leaflets, messages and newspaper dropped from the air, as a way of normal postal delivery or on the occasion of postal services interrupted by

5. (before 6) Mail recovered from aircraft accidents or incidents 5. (before 6) Mail recovered from aircraft accidents or incidents

Subclass b) Air Mail Stamps and usage 1. (before 2) Official and semiofficial stamps Subclass b) Air Mail Stamps and usage 1. (before 2) Official and semiofficial stamps issued especially for use on Airmail, in mint or used state, but (principally) also on cover. 2. Any proofs and essays associated with the issues of the