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What Happened to the Sanctuary Doctrine in the Last 35 Years? Part 1 Richard M. Davidson Gospel Study Group October 21, 2016
What Happened to the Sanctuary Doctrine in the Last 35 Years? I. The “Ford Crisis” II. Ten Disputed Issues III. Fresh Insights Since 1980 IV. Where Do We Go from Here?
I. The Ford Crisis • October 1979: Ford’s presentation at PUC • Ford’s 991 -page manuscript, entitled “Daniel 8: 14, the Day of Atonement, and the Investigative Judgment” • August 10– 15, 1980: Glacier View Conf. • Aftereffects: hundreds of pastors and church members leave the SDA church • Personal experience at Andrews University
II. Ten Major Disputed Issues Desmond Ford synthesized the arguments against the sanctuary doctrine (from Canright, Ballenger, Fletcher, Conradi, etc. ). We summarize 10 major disputed issues: 1. The reality of the investigative judgment and its relationship to assurance of salvation. • Is the concept of an investigative judgment of God’s professed people biblical, or only a face-saving device invented by a group of Millerite Adventists after the Great Disappointment? • Is the concept of an investigative judgment of God’s people opposed to the biblical teaching on Christian assurance?
Ten Major Disputed Issues 2. The reality of the heavenly sanctuary and its relation to the earthly. • Is there a real heavenly sanctuary (in space and time)? • What was the original function of the heavenly sanctuary, and will the heavenly sanctuary return to this function after the end of sin, or no longer exist (Rev 21: 22)? • Is there fundamental continuity or radical discontinuity between sanctuary type and antitype? • Is it appropriate to argue typologically from the basic contours of the earthly sanctuary apartments and services to the basic contours of the heavenly original? If so, what are those basic contours?
Ten Major Disputed Issues • 3. The defilement and cleansing of the sanctuary. • Was the earthly sanctuary defiled automatically by the commission of sin, or by the record of confessed sins transferred by the blood of the individual sin offerings offered during the year? • Did blood only cleanse, or also defile, in the OT ritual? • Was the earthly sanctuary cleansed by the blood of every sacrifice during the year, or only by the blood of the special sacrifices on the Day of Atonement? • Can the heavenly sanctuary be defiled, and if so, how? • How is the heavenly sanctuary cleansed?
Ten Major Disputed Issues 4. The identity of the scapegoat (Azazel) of Lev 16. • Does the scapegoat (Azazel) of Lev 16 refer to Christ, as many Christian claim, or to Satan, as argued by Seventh-day Adventists? • What does the ritual of the two goats teach us about theodicy (the vindication of God’s character)?
Ten Major Disputed Issues 5. The historicist interpretation of apocalyptic prophecy and the year-day principle. • Is the historicist method of interpreting Daniel and Revelation supported by Scripture, or to be discarded, as most of the scholarly world has done, in favor of a preterist (fulfillment in the past) or futurist interpretation? • Is there solid evidence in Scripture, and particularly in Daniel and Revelation, for the year-day principle?
Ten Major Disputed Issues 6. The little horn of Daniel 8: 9– 13. • Does the “little horn” of Daniel 8: 9– 13 refer to the Selucid king Antiochus Ephiphanes, or does it point to pagan/papal Rome? • Is it appropriate to have “multiple fulfillments” (apotelesmatic principle) in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation?
Ten Major Disputed Issues 7. The interpretation of Daniel 8: 14. • Have Adventists correctly interpreted Daniel 8: 14 in light of its immediate context (vv. 10– 13), or arbitrarily jumped to Lev 16 for its interpretation? • Are the 2300 “evening-mornings” 2300 full days, or 2300 evenings plus mornings, i. e. , 1150 days? • Is it legitimate to start the 2300 days at the same time as the 70 weeks prophecy of Daniel 9: 24– 27? • Is the date for starting these prophecies 457 B. C. or 458 (or some other date)?
Ten Major Disputed Issues 7. The interpretation of Daniel 8: 14 (continued). • Do the 2300 days of Daniel 8: 14 take us to the time of Antiochus Epiphanes, and the reconsecration of the Jerusalem Temple in 165 B. C. , or to the cleansing of the heavenly sanctuary starting in October 22, 1844? • What is the meaning of nitsdaq in Dan 8: 14—“be cleansed, ” or something else? • Does Dan 8: 14 refer to the same event as the anointing of the sanctuary in Daniel 9: 24? • Is the date of October 22 (based upon the Karaite calendar) the correct date for the Day of Atonement in 1844, or should the rabbinical calendar (Sept 23) be followed?
Ten Major Disputed Issues 8. The entrance of Christ “within the veil” in Hebrews and the Day of Atonement. • According to Hebrews (6: 19, 20; 9: 12; etc. ) did Christ start His antitypical Day of Atonement (Most Holy Place) ministry in A. D. 31, as He entered “within [the second] veil” at His ascension (thus leaving no room for a future Day of Atonement starting in 1844), or is there another Old Testament background for these passages? • Does the book of Hebrews teach a future (from the firstcentury perspective) antitypical Day of Atonement, involving an investigative judgment of God’s professed people?
Ten Major Disputed Issues 8. The entrance of Christ “within the veil” in Hebrews and the Day of Atonement (continued). • Does the book of Hebrews teach, or at least allow for, a twopart ministry of Christ in a two-apartment heavenly sanctuary? • How could Christ have ministered in the Holy Place of the heavenly sanctuary for over 1800 years, when Hebrews says that at His ascension He sat down on His throne at the right hand of God (presumably located in the Most Holy Place)? • Were the Father and Son separated from each other for more than 1800 years before 1844?
Ten Major Disputed Issues 9. The sanctuary doctrine in the book of Revelation. • How does the sanctuary message structure the book of Revelation, and what are the implications of this sanctuary structure for the interpretation of the book? • Does the book of Revelation teach a future (from the firstcentury perspective) investigative judgment of God’s professed people, or only a judgment upon Babylon? • Does the phrase “His judgment” in Rev 14: 7 refer to God’s judging work, or to the world’s judging of God, or to the great judgment hour of God that commenced at the Cross?
Ten Major Disputed Issues 10. The authority of Ellen White in doctrinal matters. • Although the doctrine of the sanctuary is ultimately built upon biblical evidence, and not upon the writings of Ellen White, do Ellen White’s writings provide authoritative clarifications/amplifications of Scripture in matters of the sanctuary doctrine, or his her inspiration limited to pastoral/devotional matters?
Ten Major Disputed Issues • Study of the Daniel and Revelation Committee (DARCOM) during the decade of the 1980 s– topic for another presentation • Research by other Seventh-day Adventists • Research by faculty members at Andrews University Theological Seminary—the focus of this overview
III. Fresh Insights into the Sanctuary Doctrine Since 1980 • Brief journey through the riches that have emerged in sanctuary research, particularly at Andrews University in the last 35 years. • Principle of organization: Psalm 27
Psalm 27: A Single-Minded Quest • Question: If you had only one request to make of the Lord, what would you choose? • Ps 27: 4: One thing I have desired of the LORD, That will I seek: That I may dwell in the house of the LORD All the days of my life” • Psalm 27 - “Song for the Sanctuary”
Centrality of the Sanctuary • David’s affection for the sanctuary – 1 Chronicles 29: 1 -3 • The Sanctuary motif permeates Scripture! • The Sanctuary was central in Israel’s Life • Renewed interest among SDA’s in the importance of the sanctuary message
Adventists and the Sanctuary • “the subject of the sanctuary was the key which unlocked the mystery of the disappointment of 1844. It opened to view a complete system of truth, connected and harmonious, showing that God’s hand had directed the great advent movement and revealing present duty as it brought to light the position and work of His people. ” GC 423
The Sanctuary and Jesus • The Sanctuary! Momentous subject! Grand nucleus around which cluster the glorious constellations of present truth! How it opens to our understanding the plan of salvation! How it lifts the vail (sic) from the position of our Lord in heaven! What a halo of glory it throws upon his ministry! What a divine harmony it establishes in the word of God! What a flood of light it pours upon past fulfillment of prophecy! How it fortifies the mighty truths of these last days! What a glory it sheds upon the future! With what hope and joy and consolation it fills the heart of the believer! Glorious subject! Its importance can neither be overdrawn nor overestimated. • Uriah Smith, “Reflections on the Sanctuary, ” Review and Herald, March 25, 1858.
Beauty, Truth, and Goodness • Philosophers’ Triple Star of Value • Patriarchs and Prophets 595: “endeavor to awaken the love for goodness and truth and beauty” • For David, the sanctuary summarizes all that is of value in life—triple star of value David’s three-fold quest in the sanctuary:
1. The Sanctuary: Basilica of Beauty “To behold the beauty of the LORD” (Ps 27: 4) • Beauty - no‘am – of the Sanctuary – Ps 29: 2; cf. 2 Chr 20: 21 • Typology in Leviticus and Hebrews
2. The Sanctuary: Temple of Truth “to inquire in His temple” (Ps 27: 4 b) – “inquire” - baqar = diligent search for truth • Present truth of Daniel and Revelation
Psalm 27 Chiastic Structure A. “The Lord is the strength of my life” (vv. 1 -3) B. Beauty of the Lord (vv. 4) C. “My enemies” (vv. 5 -6) D. Three Positive petitions (vv. 7) E. “Seek My face” (vv. 8) D. Three Neg. petitions (vv. 9 -10) C. “My enemies” (vv. 11 -12) B. Goodness of the Lord (v. 13) A. “He shall strengthen your heart” (v. 14)
3. The Sanctuary: “Great House” of Goodness “See the Goodness (tuv) of the Lord” (Ps 27: 13) • “Temple” (heikal) = “Great House” • What is the “good news” or relevancy of the sanctuary doctrine? • Ps 27: 5 -6—vindication and protection • Emphasis in the Prophets
Summary of Key Insights • What follows is a little taste of some of the precious insights into the beauty, truth, and goodness of the sanctuary message, which have emerged in teaching for the last 35 years in the Doctrine of the Sanctuary class at the Seminary
A. Bascilica of Beauty: Sanctuary Aesthetics and Typology 1. Aesthetics of the Sanctuary • Moses’ tabernacle: – one TON of gold; – Four TONS of silver! (Exod 38: 24 -25) • Solomon’s temple: – 100, 000 talents of gold (1 Chron 22: 14) – 3, 500 TONS of gold! 50 BILLION US$ – One million talents of silver – 35, 000 TONS of silver! 6 BILLION US$
(1) Sanctuary Aesthetics For further study: • Davidson, Jo Ann. Toward a Theology of Beauty: A Biblical Perspective. Lanham, Md. : University Press of America, 2008. • ____. “Toward a Scriptural Aesthetic, ” AUSS 41, no. 1 (Spring 2003): 101– 111. • Davidson, Richard M. “The Sanctuary: ‘To Behold the Beauty of the Lord, ’” in The Word: Searching, Living, Teaching, vol. 1, ed. Artur A. Stele (BRI, R & H, 2015), 15 -31.
2. The Bigger Picture: The Reality of the Heavenly Sanctuary • When did the heavenly sanctuary originate? • Was there a heavenly sanctuary even before sin arose in the universe? • Isa 14 and Ezek 28: heavenly sanctuary setting: “the mountain of the congregation” • The original purpose was worship • Before soteriology is doxology! • Jer 17: 12– existence from the beginning!
Mind-Stretching: Into the Pre-Fall Heavenly Palace! • The aesthetic senses • God’s home! “house of the Lord” – Russian interior decorator describes how the furnishings of a house reveal the character of the one who lives there – Beauty of the heavenly sanctuary reveals the beauty of the Lord!
The Return to Its Original Function • Will the heavenly sanctuary cease to exist? Rev 21: 22 “I saw no temple”—in the city. • Rev 21: 2– the New Jerusalem is the “tabernacle [Skenē]of God” – Rev 21: 16 –shaped like a cube = dimensions of the Most Holy Place – Rev 7: 15 “they serve Him day and night in His temple”
God’s Eternal Home—And Ours! • John 14: 1 -3 “In my Father’s house” = the sanctuary! “Mansions” = rooms. • God is inviting us to His home! • See, R. M. Davidson, “The Sanctuary: ‘To Behold the Beauty of the Lord, ’” in The Word: Searching, Living, Teaching, vol. 1, ed. Artur A. Stele (BRI, R & H, 2015), 1531.
3. The Basis of Sanctuary Typology • The earthly sanctuary is a copy and shadow of the heavenly sanctuary. • Tabnit – typos: miniature model of the original: Exod 25: 8 -9; Heb 8: 5 • Davidson’s dissertation: Typology in Scripture (AU Press, 1981) • SBL presentation and reaction
4. The Garden of Eden and its Surroundings as Earth’s First Sanctuary • Terminology, literary structure, and themes of Gen 1– 3 and parallel creation accounts • Gen 1, creation week, and the sanctuary – 19 related points • Gen 2 -4, Eden garden and the sanctuary – 21 related points • A total of 40 intertextual linkages!
Gen 1 and the Sanctuary 1. • • 2. • 3. • Literary structure. “raw materials” + 6 + Sabbath Gen 1: 1— 2: 4; Exod 25 -31 Light of the menorah: ma’or Gen 1: 14, 16; Exod 25: 6 = sanctuary lamp Sacred times: mo‘edim Gen 1: 14; Lev. 23
Gen 1 and the Sanctuary 4. Summary formulae: • “saw”, “made”, “behold”, “finished”, “work” “blessed” “sanctified” (Gen 1: 31— 2: 1 -3; Exod 39 -40) Conclusion: Parallels are too striking for coincidence!
Gen 2 -3: The Garden of Eden and its Surroundings 1. Eden: “garden of God” • Eden on earth before the Fall: Gen 2: 8 • Eden in heaven before sin: Ezek 28: 13 • Sanctuary connections • Earthly Eden a copy of the heavenly original Eden sanctuary
The Garden of Eden and its Surroundings 2. Eastward orientation for Eden (Gen 2: 8) • Eastward for later sanctuaries (Exod 27: 1316) 3. Divine “planting” (only these places): • Garden of Eden (Gen 2: 8) • Sanctuary (Exod 15: 17)
The Garden of Eden and its Surroundings 4. A “garden/park/paradise” with plants and animals from the natural world. • Eden (Gen 2: 8 -9, 19 -20) • Later sanctuaries: almond tree lampstand, lily work, palm trees, flowers oxen, lions 5. Wafting mist and incense. Heb. ‘alah “go up, ascend” (Gen 2: 6; Exod 30: 1 -10); Heb. ‘anan, creation “mist/clouds” (Ps 104: 3) and “cloud of incense” (Lev 16: 13)
The Garden of Eden and its Surroundings 6. • • 7. “in the midst” (betok) Tree “in the midst” (Gen 2: 9) God dwells “in the midst” (Exod 25: 8) Flowing river (Gen 2: 10; Ezek 47; Rev 22: 1)
The Garden of Eden and its Surroundings 8. Precious metals • Gold, bdellium, onyx (2: 12; Num 11: 7; Exod 25: 7; Rev 21 -22) 9. Building from a “side” (tsela‘) • Gen 2: 21 -22; Exod 25: 12 + 18 times more all dealing with the sanctuary 10. God “walking around” (only 2 times): • Gen 3: 8; Lev 26: 12
The Garden of Eden and its Surroundings 11. Kingly/Priestly ministry. • Gen 1: 28 “have dominion” = royal rule • Gen 2: 15: ‘abad and shamar • Work of priests/Levites: Num 3: 7 -8; 18: 3 -7 • Even before sin, humans were kings and priests, just as they will be after the windup of the Great Controversy (Rev 5: 10; 20: 6)
The Garden of Eden and its Surroundings 12. Three Spheres of ascending holiness • World, garden, “midst” of garden • Court, holy place, most holy place Conclusion: Eden=Earth’s first sanctuary! • See R. M. Davidson, “Earth’s First Sanctuary: Genesis 1 -3 and Parallel Creation Accounts, ” AUSS 53/1 (Spring 2015): 65 -89.
5. Typology of the Sanctuary: One or Two Phase Atonement? Roy Gane’s research: • 1992 dissertation (“Ritual Dynamic Structure”) at University of Berkeley, challenging the one-stage atonement theory of his major professor, Jacob Milgrom • Cult and Character: Purification Offerings, Day of Atonement, and Theodicy (Eisenbrauns, 2005)
6. Basic Contours of Sanctuary Typology in Hebrews • Davidson, Richard M. “Christ’s Entry ‘Within the Veil’ in Hebrews 6: 19– 20: The Old Testament Background. ” Andrews University Seminary Studies 39, no. 2 (Autumn 2001): 175– 190. • Cortez, Felix H. “‘The Anchor of the Soul that Enters within the Veil’: The Ascension of the ‘Son’ in the Letter to the Hebrews. ” Ph. D dissertation, Andrews University, 2008.
Basic Contours of Sanctuary Typology in Hebrews Christ’s Ascension to Heaven and Entry into the Sanctuary – Traditional SDA Position: Christ Began His High Priestly Intercessory Ministry (in the Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary) at His ascension (31 AD)
Basic Contours of Sanctuary Typology in Hebrews – Albion Ballenger (1861 -1921), evangelist in Great Britain, president of Welsh and Irish Missions – Ballenger taught that Christ entered the Most Holy Place of the Heavenly Sanctuary in 31 AD and began the Day of Atonement ministry – Ballenger’s key text was Heb 6: 1920
Basic Contours of Sanctuary Typology in Hebrews When Christ Ascended to Heaven in 31 A. D. : --Was it to start the Day of Atonement, as Albion Ballenger claimed (based upon Heb 6: 19 -20) or as the 991 - page Glacier View document and later detractors claim (based upon Heb 9: 12)? --Or is there evidence within the text for a different typological background?
Basic Contours of Sanctuary Typology in Hebrews Christ’s Entry into the Sanctuary: --Three main passages in Hebrews speaking of Jesus’ “entering” the sanctuary: Heb 6: 19 -20; 9: 12; and 10: 19 -20
Basic Contours of Sanctuary Typology in Hebrews The literary structure of the central section of Hebrews shows the relationship of these passages to each other: