Скачать презентацию What do they normally do What are they Скачать презентацию What do they normally do What are they


  • Количество слайдов: 11

What do they normally do? What are they doing now? What do they normally do? What are they doing now?

What does Jack do every day? He works at a restaurant every day. What What does Jack do every day? He works at a restaurant every day. What is Frank doing today? He is going hiking today. JACK every day today work / go hiking

ASK AND ANSWER JILL TOM on Fridays usually at the moment now take the ASK AND ANSWER JILL TOM on Fridays usually at the moment now take the dogs for a walk/ do gardening / take photos/ wash the clothes

ASK AND ANSWER David Sandy in the evening on weekdays this evening at the ASK AND ANSWER David Sandy in the evening on weekdays this evening at the moment teach / interview / play billiards / play table tennis

ASK AND ANSWER Jason Susan from Monday to Friday always in this picture now ASK AND ANSWER Jason Susan from Monday to Friday always in this picture now write letters / repair computers / make the bed / cut the grass

ASK AND ANSWER Kelly Gary sometimes at the weekend in July today sunbathe / ASK AND ANSWER Kelly Gary sometimes at the weekend in July today sunbathe / clean the windows / ride a horse / play baseball

ASK AND ANSWER Paul Mickey never at the moment in December often read a ASK AND ANSWER Paul Mickey never at the moment in December often read a book / cry / water the flowers / go sledging

ASK AND ANSWER Ellie & Joe Mary & Bob in the morning regularly this ASK AND ANSWER Ellie & Joe Mary & Bob in the morning regularly this evening on Saturday feed the animals / go into town / have breakfast/ sing

ASK YOUR PAIR YOU in the evenings every day today now ? / ? ASK YOUR PAIR YOU in the evenings every day today now ? / ? / ?

DO YOU REMEMBER? WHO ARE THEY? 1. She teaches on weekdays. She is playing DO YOU REMEMBER? WHO ARE THEY? 1. She teaches on weekdays. She is playing table tennis at the moment. 2. He cleans the windows at the weekend. He is playing baseball today. 3. They regulalry feed the animals. They are going into town on Saturday. 4. He never cries. He is going sledging in December.