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What British Council created for? The British Council creates international opportunities for the people of the UK and other countries and builds trust between them worldwide.
British Council history of formation The British Council is a British organisation specialising in international educational and cultural opportunities. It is registered as a charity both in England Wales and Scotland. Founded in 1934 as the British Committee for Relations with Other Countries, and granted a royal charter by King George VI in 1940, the British Council was inspired by Sir Reginald ("Rex") Leeper's recognition of the importance of "cultural propaganda" in promoting British interests. Its "sponsoring department" within the United Kingdom Government is the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, although it has day-to-day operational independence. Sir Ciarán Devane is its chief executive; he was appointed in July 2014 from Macmillan Cancer and replaced Sir Martin Davidson in January 2015.
Initiatives 1. Teaching There are 70 British Council Teaching Centres in 53 countries (included Republic of Kazakhstan) It taught 1, 189, 000 class hours to 300, 000 learners in 2006/07 . The British Council claims to be "the world's largest English-language teaching organisation. 2. Working abroad Within the UK the British Council administers the International Association of the Exchange of Students for Technical Experience (IAESTE). This programme operates in over 80 countries worldwide and offers students, studying in the UK, the opportunity to take an internship as part of an international placement working abroad. 3. Sports programmes On playing fields in 40 countries the British Council hopes that young people have learned new leadership and team-building skills by being involved in "Dreams+Teams" sports festivals. This programme has trained 5, 500 "young leaders" and has reached 280, 000 people in their schools and communities. The British Council is expanding its activities to help more young people prepare for "global citizenship".
English for peace "Peacekeeping English" is an important and growing element of British Council English-language work in Africa and other parts of the world. It works with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and the Ministry of Defence to improve the English-language skills of military personnel through the Peacekeeping English Project (PEP). PEP is helping train approximately 50, 000 military and police service personnel in 28 countries worldwide, amongst them Libya, Ethiopia and Georgia. The Peacekeeping English Project is managed by the British Council and funded by the UK government global conflict prevention fund.
Online initiatives In 2007, the British Council China Region launched a new community website for English learners and teachers across mainland China and Hong Kong. The site already has over 30, 000 members. English Online has social networking functionality as well as a range of podcasts for English learners.
See into the Future initiative As part of initiative See into Future: Skills, Entrepreneurship and Employment in the 21 st Century British Council and Kazakh – British Technical University represented opportunity for members of universities and business in Kazakhstan and Great Britain to discuss questions of training of student.
See into the future conference (Almaty) Experts discussed next problems: 1. Development of entrepreneurial skills as a method for training of young people for successful employment 2. How can educational institution improve mutual cooperation? 3. Great Britain experience in development of parthership universities with businesssector
Exhibition of Education UK in Kazakhstan Astana – October 31. Saturday 2015 (13. 00 – 18. 00) Almaty – November 1. Sunday 2015 (13. 00 - 18. 00)
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