What are the human and physical attractions of different destinations? Write a list of the physical and human attractions that holiday destinations have on offer.
Why might you choose to go to Ibiza after A levels? • Physical factors: • Sun, clean sandy beaches, warm sea, blue sky, beautiful scenery. • Human factors: • Fully inclusive hotels, watersports, night life. • http: //www. bbc. co. uk/learningzone/clips/theeffect-of-clubbing-on-tourism-in-ibiza/1427. html • Write notes on the economic, social and environmental impacts of tourism on Ibiza.
Activity: • Use the photos of Italy and assess their tourist potential for members of your family and /friends. • Divide your page into Cities, Mountains and Coasts, • Who would be most attracted to what and why? • 1. Cities: Culture, entertainment, shopping. • London, New York, Paris, Rome. • 2. Mountains: scenery, walking, climbing, skiing. • Alps, Rockies, Dolomites. • 3. Beaches: swimming, water skiing etc • Spain, Caribbean and Thailand.
Study Figure 6 b (photograph) in the Resource Booklet. It shows a coastal area in Cuba. (i) Describe the physical attractions of the area. Use evidence from the photograph in your answer. (3) Sandy beach. (1) Shallow water. (1) Coral reef. (1) Safe sea. (1) Blue sky – warm sunny days. (1)
Outline the physical and human attractions of the area shown on Figure 6 b. (4) e. g. physical: lake (1) mountains (1) beautiful scenery (1) e. g. human: gingerbread shop (1) outdoor clothing shops (1) forest walk (1) cafes (1) hotels (1) near main road (1)
Study Figure 6 c in the Resource Booklet. Outline the physical and human attractions of the area shown in Figure 6 c. (4) Accept reference to transport of skiers up the hillside snow (1) good weather (1) steep slope (1) beautiful scenery (1) accommodation (1) church (1) ski – lift (1) snowy mountains (2) forest (1)
Study Photograph D in the Resource Booklet. Using both the photograph, and your own knowledge, explain why mountains such as these are described as fragile environments. Impact is direct and indirect both from tourist usage (photograph) and from servicing that tourist economy (1). Fragility is a function of steep slopes, what goes down tends to stay down (1). Of severe and unpredictable climate, heavy rain/snow/flash floods and avalanches (1). Of rarity of species of fauna and flora which are easily disturbed (1).
Describe the changes shown on Figure 6 a. Use tourist data in your answer (3) It rises - visitor numbers increased (1) but not consistently – it varies (1) any one period described e. g fallen since 1998 (1) data to support any one point (1)