Скачать презентацию What are New Media The Internet Скачать презентацию What are New Media The Internet


  • Количество слайдов: 9

What are New Media? • • The Internet Mobile Phones Games Consoles Digital TV What are New Media? • • The Internet Mobile Phones Games Consoles Digital TV DVD DV Filmmaking MP 3

The Internet • Central hub for a number of digital media • The Internet The Internet • Central hub for a number of digital media • The Internet has been responsible for a change in the way different media are made and distributed • No other form of mass media has allowed such widespread participation before • Allows users to “become the media”, creating their own web site

MP 3 • Alters the way music is produced and distributed • Developed as MP 3 • Alters the way music is produced and distributed • Developed as a way of exchanging music files via the internet • Became popular due to the success of Napster • Popularity of format has led to hardware being produced to play files a way from computer • Becoming increasingly common and cheaper to buy than CDs • Offers new and unsigned artists the chance to reach a global audience • Format has the potential to empower an artist as record companies could become obsolete.

Digital TV • Benefits of choice? • Interactivity • Development of digital hardware to Digital TV • Benefits of choice? • Interactivity • Development of digital hardware to replace VCR e. g. TIVO, Sky+ • “Walled Garden” access to internet

Convergence • The coming together of two or more technologies into one device e. Convergence • The coming together of two or more technologies into one device e. g. Playstation 2.

Games Consoles • Huge growth area – generates more money than Hollywood • Crossover Games Consoles • Huge growth area – generates more money than Hollywood • Crossover between film and computer games – spin off games and spin off films. • Convergence is increasingly common. • Involvement of huge multi-nationals e. g. Sony & Microsoft

Audience Response • The effect the media have on an audience • The way Audience Response • The effect the media have on an audience • The way audiences use the media • The ways audiences read media texts

Audience (Debates) • • • Hypodermic syringe model Two step flow model Uses and Audience (Debates) • • • Hypodermic syringe model Two step flow model Uses and gratifications model Reception theory – encoding/decoding Audience research – quantitative/qualitative

Summary • Use correct terminology • Be aware of new developments • Aim to Summary • Use correct terminology • Be aware of new developments • Aim to use two examples of New Technology and try to link them together.