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WG 4 Anastasia Bundel COSMO SMC, January 24, DWD, Offenbach-am-Main
New WG 4 • • Marcus Paulat (Germany) Daniel Cattani (Switzerland) Alessio Canessa (Italy) Andrzej Mazur (Poland) Dimitra Boucouvala (Greece) Amalia Iriza (Romania) Anastasia Bundel (Russia) Amit Savir and Evgeny Brainin (Israel)
Final report on PP CORSO-A to be delivered in April 2018 Guidelines forecasters on the use of products of small scale LAM NWP based on Sochi experience ~ 8 -10 pages 2018 CONTENTS DRAFT 1 INTRODUCTION The small scale (SS) NWP – why is feasible? 2 2. 1. 1 Access to LAM products Features of access to LAM NWP products Concepts for visualization of LAM NWP products for the local forecast centers with reduced technical opportunities 3 3. 1. 3. 2. 3. 3 3. 4 Recommended basic products, sequence and features of their analysis Forecasting maps Meteograms: features for mountain regions Main correction Postprocessing 4. 5. Challenges of verification of HR NWP results Forecaster Training aspects (based preparing of Sochi 2014)
Possible PT: • To generalize the experience gained for Sochi and winter conditions to other regions and seasons and to develop: Guidelines forecasters on the use of products of small scale LAM NWP
WG 4 Users Survey • https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/1 ivs. An. Vu. UCa. Dyf. L u-Yu 1 b-k_n. NXb. Kdx. Lsb 8 pa. Cr. Iyw 6 M/edit • With responses (trial by Pierre): • https: //docs. google. com/forms/d/1 ivs. An. Vu. UCa. Dyf. L u-Yu 1 b-k_n. NXb. Kdx. Lsb 8 pa. Cr. Iyw 6 M/edit#responses to be distributed among the wide range of NWP users How often? Once a year?
WG 4 participation in C 2 I PP: 5. 6 Forecasters’ feedback The main goal of the task Forecasters’ feedback is the evaluation of ICON-LAM forecasts by forecasting departments and the translation of this feedback to the COSMO -ICON community, in particular: • An assessment of the added value of ICON-LAM compared to COSMO in general. • Identification of decreased model skills for certain regions or certain weather regimes. • An assessment of the added value of ICON-LAM compared to COSMO in case of severe weather situations. • Additional requirements of ICON-LAM users with respect to data format and output meteorological variables. This goal is achieved by providing forecasting departments and, if available, other COSMO-ICON-LAM users with regular surveys. These surveys are collected and processed by a WG 4 representative from each of the participating institution at the end of phase 2 and phase 3. Using the outcome of these surveys, an assessment will be created that includes the subjective evaluation by forecasters and the objective verifications obtained by task 5. 5 (see subsection 5. 5). A comparison of the subjective and objective verification results is then made. Deliverables: A report containing the outcome of the surveys as well as a comparison with the objective results from task 5. 5 at the end of phase 2 and phase 3, i. e. by the end of 2019 and 2020. Resources: 0. 2 FTE per participant, i. e. 2 FTE in total. (depends on sharing the efforts with WG 5!)
New terms of reference, WG 4 work plan, new PPs/PTs • To be discussed during the WG 4 meeting joint with WG 5 in Offenbach with participation of Pierre Eckert • Ideas for PPs: - Blending of observations and model output in very short range forecasting. Such a project would require active WG 5 and WG 7 participation - Application of COSMO-ART - Shareable products for transportation (in particular, aviation), energy production (mainly, renewable energy), crisis management (severe weather) …
Thank you for your attention!