Welder Made by: Mular. M, group 12
Professional knowledge and skills: Welder performs manual electric arc, plasma and gas welding (cutting) parts, structures and pipes of steel, cast iron, non-ferrous metals and alloys, welding on the machine, including television equipped, photoelectron and other devices, semi-automatic welding with automatic manipulators (robots). It has electric arc air planning parts of high-alloy and special steels and cast iron construction with welded metals and alloys limited weld ability, including titanium and titanium alloys, brewed defective machine parts and mechanisms to prepare joints for welding and cleans them.
When working on automatic and semi-automatic welding welder function is to prepare the surface, the choice of technological regimes, control of welding process and weld quality, as well as maintain appropriate equipment. However, despite the use of different types of welding machines, is important and will always have a manual welding. It is used in construction, laying of pipelines, creating hydro various repair techniques. Unable to master the basics of the profession, without having manual welding techniques.
Requirements profession to the worker: Welder should know the rules of service of electric welding equipment, mechanical and technological properties of the welded metal, brands and types of electrodes, types of welded joints, types of joints, welding, methods of testing welds, types of defects and how to prevent and eliminate the rules of labor protection. Welder must be able to perform work on manual and automated arc, and gas welding details, read blueprints, to determine the underlying causes of marriage and remove them to apply rational methods of work, economical use of materials and energy costs, comply with safety rules.
Job of welder mostly male, working women in welding due to the increased severity and harmfulness limited. Prohibits the employment of women in welding in enclosed containers (tanks, boilers, etc. ), and when performing welding on top. To perform welding work allowed a person at least 18 years of age who have a qualification certificate and have been instructed on safety. They must also undergo a preliminary medical examination. Electric and gas running 8 -hour day, he was given the legally established vacation attached to a certain number of days in heavy and hazardous conditions. Provides benefits in the pension system: the men have the right to retire in 55 years at the experience of not less than 20 years, women with seniority '15 retire in 50 years.
Medical contraindications Job of welder is suitable for those who are interested in technology, loves physical work has skillful hands. The success of professional work welder is largely dependent on its physiological characteristics. Thus, individuals with strong and balanced nervous system is easier to adapt to the need for rapid decision-making and their immediate execution, which is characteristic of the welding process. However, such people are difficult to tolerate repetitive operations, of which the vast majority of work consists of the welder. Therefore, the optimal adjustment of the worker to the profession is achieved by the individual style of activity.
Work of the welder creative It aims to find new ways and solutions to enhance the knowledge of education initiatives. Working in difficult conditions, perform repetitive operations requiring welder emotional stability, developed volitional regulation. The feeling of calm and confidence to help cope with industrial welder job done faster, more accurately and with high quality. Welders must be inherent autonomy, commitment, punctuality in work, discipline, perseverance in overcoming difficulties liability. These qualities provide him achieving high productivity.
The list of medical contraindications to study and work in a welder profession: - Organic disease and marked functional impairment of the central nervous system. - Mental illness, such as epilepsy. - Peripheral nervous system diseases. - Diseases of the cardiovascular system (heart disease, hypertension, severe dystonia, coronary heart disease). - Diseases of the endocrine system. - Diseases of broncho-pulmonary system (chronic bronchitis, emphysema, chronic pneumonia, fibrosis). - Severe disease of the upper respiratory tract (rinofaringity, laryngitis and frequently recurrent disease of the paranasal cavities of the nose).
Vocational training, training structure Increased requirements in modern conditions put forward by employers to training and quality of labor, encourage welder to comprehend more complex professional knowledge, professional skills heights. That is why they constantly improve their own skills through further training. Its forms are: learning directly in manufacturing, production and technical courses, purpose, course of study other (adjacent) profession. Highly qualified and thorough knowledge of the organization and technology of welding performance is achieved through the special education Higher Polytechnic profile.
Performance and quality welding and, in the end, earning welder depend not only on equipment, materials, techniques and skills used, but also on his qualifications. That is why the welder must constantly acquire cutting-edge technology. Within the core of the profession, he can run in electric pipes on condition welder for cathode-ray, laser devices, gas welders, electric welder manual welding, welder reinforcing mesh and constructions, welder vacuum devices, thermite welding and welders for welding machines.
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