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Welcome to Year 3 Wednesday 14 th September Mr Precious Miss Mc. Cullagh & Mrs Evans
The Year 3 Team Mr Precious Miss Mc. Cullagh & Mrs Evans Mrs Hemsley Mrs Taylor Miss Walker Mrs Hopkins
Big School! We appreciate that from Year 2 to Year 3 is a big jump, for both the children and their families. Expectations are higher and this can be daunting for the children. We would like you to feel totally comfortable coming to see us about anything that concerns you throughout the year. You have recently received our emails and can contact us through these.
Key differences between Y 2 and Y 3 Year 2 Year 3 Adults change the children’s reading books. Children change their own reading books. Children have fruit and milk time in class. No fruit and milk! There is a healthy tuck shop at break time, which children can buy from, or they can bring in their own healthy snack. We encourage children to bring in a healthy snack (fruit, vegetables or salad) that they can have in the afternoon. Wednesday is treat day! P. E. in the morning, children came in P. E clothes. P. E. on Thursday afternoon, children arrive in uniform and change after lunch. Home time: children stay in school until teachers see their parents/carers. Home time: children find their parents/carers in playground independently. Children regularly read individually with an adult. Children will be listened to individually to an adult over the course of two weeks. Children stay with class teacher for maths. Children are put into two different maths groups. They may be with a different Year 3 teacher for these lessons.
How you can help us! Home Time Routines We encourage much greater independence in Year 3 and the children come in and out of school by themselves under our supervision. Homework Supporting your child at home with homework tasks. Homework will be set weekly and will alternate between English and maths. Once a half term the children will be given a Learning Log homework which they will have a longer period of time to complete. Reading Read regularly with your child to develop an understanding of the text. Multiplication Tables and Number Facts Practise, practise! There are some great apps available now to support this, too.
Pupil Voice • Investors In Pupils • • • Class Target Individual Target School Council Class Budget Circle Times Teacher For a Day
English Each child will be given an individual writing target to work on when they write. Phonics/SPa. G – The children continue to secure their phonic knowledge before moving on to the curriculum spelling guidance. Children practise handwriting several times a week in preparation for their Handwriting Licence test with Mr Elstub! Joined handwriting is an expectation by the end of Year 3.
Maths The children are set for Maths, so they could be taught by either Year 3 teacher. Children will also have mental arithmetic groups twice weekly, focusing on mental maths objectives. These will start in the first half term and continue through the year. Children will be given maths homework once a fortnight (alternated with English homework). This will be fluency based.
Year 3 Topics Science: Our body; Forces; Rocks, fossils and volcanoes; Plants and Animals. The Romans Mountain ranges around the world Soundtrack composition The Anglo-Saxons mini-topic The Vikings mini-topic Christianity and Islam Geography skills: Continents; Oceans; Europe Ukulele!
Visits/Visitors Leeds City Museum - £ 6. 25 Music Workshop - £ 8. 60 High Adventure Outdoor Education Centre - £ 34 Salvation Army – Free
Come visit us at school! Christmas Concert Class Assembly Ukulele Concert Sports Day And other individual events. Keep following the Twitter feed to see what your child has been getting up to.