- Количество слайдов: 36
Welcome to World History Review Syllabus Students will be expected to: 1. Come to class prepared, carrying a pen or pencil; 2. Participate in all academic tasks put together by teachers; 3. Try their best at every academic task; 4. Keep notes for their own benefit; 5. Complete all assignments in the time allotted; 6. Ask questions of other students or the teacher if unclear about a topic being discussed, assignment instructions, or anything pertaining to the class; and 7. Use technology in and out of the classroom to enhance their learning experience.
Day 1: Neolithic Revolution and River Valley CIVILIZATIONS
Agenda • • • Introduction and Student Expectations (15 min. ) History (A-Z) (10 min) SPRITE Notes (20 min) Window-Panes (15 min) River Valley Civilizations Map (15 min) Introduction of Project (15 min)
History A-Z • List all the letters in the alphabet (A-Z). • Write down as many specific words that start with each letter as possible. (5 Minutes). • Round Robin-Share Out. (5 Minutes).
SPRITE- River Valley Civilizations Social Political Religious International Technology Economics Teacher Choice: As you go through the powerpoint, have the students fill this chart. You may also take Cornell Notes.
Academic Vocabulary • • Neolithic Revolution Civilizations River Valley Civilizations Mesopotamia Polytheism Monotheism Judaism
MESOPOTAMIA • ***Mesopotamia is the valley between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. *** • The land “between the rivers. ” • Rich soil and abundance of crops. • ***Civilization emerges in the Fertile Crescent because the rivers provided favorable conditions for farming. ***
Mesopotamia • First Mesopotamian civilization. • ***Mesopotamian societies a theocracy (government based on religion) ruled by kings with divine power. *** • Early Civilizations were polytheistic (many gods) • ***Oldest writing system, cuneiform, is credited to the Sumerians. ***
Code of HAMMURABI • Kingdom of Babylon • ***First ever set of written laws*** – Collection of 282 laws*** • “If a son has struck his father, he shall cut off his hand. ” • “If a house collapsed and caused the death of the owner, the builder was put to death. ”
ISRAEL • The Israelites were Semitic-speaking people from Palestine. • ***Their religion, Judaism, was the first monotheistic (one god) religion and it influenced Christianity and Islam. ***
GEOGRAPHY • ***The Nile River is the world’s longest river. *** – Over 4, 000 miles • Yearly floods left rich soil to help farmers grow crops. • Farming helped Egypt become a powerful and prosperous civilization. • The Nile was also the easiest way to travel and communicate throughout the empire.
RELIGION and GOVERNMENT • ***Ancient Egyptians were polytheistic. – Believed in many gods*** – Egyptians were ruled by Pharaohs (Monarchs) who were the political and religious leaders of their nation.
GEOGRAPHY • ***India is made up of large mountain ranges, river valleys, and dry plateaus. – monsoons, a seasonal wind pattern, makes up India’s climate*** • The Himalayas are the highest mountains in the world. – Mount Everest • India’s two major river valleys are the Ganges and Indus. • ***Like Egypt India depended on the flooding of rivers to maintain their civilization. ***
SILK ROAD • ***Trade route between Roman Empire and China. *** • Stretched about 4, 000 miles from China to Mesopotamia. • Only luxury goods were carried on the Silk Road. • Goods Included: silk, spices, teas, porcelain, ivory, textiles, pepper, woolen and linen clothes, glass, and precious stones
GEOGRAPHY • The two major rivers in China are the Huang He (Yellow River) and the Chang Jiang (Yangtze River). • Most of China is made up of mountains and desert. • The mountains in China served as an important barrier against outside forces like the Mongols.
ZHOU DYNASTY 1045— 256 BCE • The Zhou dynasty is the longest-lasting dynasty in Chinese history. – almost 800 years • ***The Zhou dynasty believed it could rule China because it possessed the Mandate of Heaven. (Emperors could rule as long as they had Heaven’s permission)*****
CHINESE PHILOSOPHIES • Three Chinese philosophies emerged towards the end of the Zhou dynasty: – Confucianism – Daoism – Legalism • These philosophies focused on helping people with the world they lived in rather than concerning themselves with the afterlife.
CONFUCIANISM • Confucius is known as China’s First Teacher. • The Confucian view of the Dao focused on two things: – Duty – Family and community came before self goals – Humanity – “Do unto others as you would have others do unto you. ” • ***Chinese history was based on the Confucian belief that the government should be open to all men of superior talent. ***
DAOISM • While Confucianists relied on hard work to improve life, Daoists believed in letting nature take its course. • All people had to do was follow the Dao. – Not action but inaction.
LEGALISM • Legalism proposed that human beings were evil by nature. • The only way for humans to follow the correct path was through harsh laws and stiff punishments.
River Valley Civilizations Fill out the map. Make sure to locate the following rivers: Nile, Euphrates, Tigris, Indus, Yangtze, and Yellow. Make sure to locate the following civilizations: Egypt, Mesopotamia, India, China. Make sure to create a key. Answer the following questions 1. Why did early civilizations begin next to rivers? 2. Why did the ability to grow food change the world?
Window Panes • • Neolithic Revolution Civilizations River Valley Civilizations Mesopotamia Polytheism Monotheism Judaism Definition Sentence Draw Opposite