- Количество слайдов: 24
Welcome to Vancouver Island University Orientation 2010 Payroll Health and Safety Services Human Resources People Helping People
Who’s Who VIU Policies and Procedures Services for Employees
Megan Bailey, HR Advisor 250 740 -6239 Areas of Responsibility: üEmployee Development üEmployee Orientation üEmployee Recruitment üEmployee Training üJob Evaluation
Ardith Conlin, HR Advisor 250 740 -6432 Areas of Responsibility: üCommunications and Public Relations üCowichan Campus üDevelopment and Foundation üFaculty of Arts and Humanities üFaculty of Education üFaculty of Management üFaculty of Social Sciences üInformation Systems / Information Technology üLibrary üResearch and Scholarly Activity üVice-President, Academic and Provost
Lynn Meyers, HR Advisor 250 740 -6219 Areas of Responsibility: üBusiness Operations üFaculty of Adult and Continuing Education üFaculty of Trades and Applied Technology üHuman Resources üInternational Education and ESL üMilner Gardens üOffice of the President üParksville Centre üPowell River Campus
Diane Rembold, HR Advisor 250 740 -6493 Areas of Responsibility: üHuman Resources Information Systems üHR Projects üHR Research Our Human Resources Information System is called Star. Garden
Mairi Speed, HR Advisor 250 740 -6244 Areas of Responsibility: üFacilities Services üFaculty of Health and Human Services üFaculty of Science and Technology üFinancial Services üInnovation and Excellence in Learning @ VIU üStudent Services üVice-President, Administration and Finance
Susan Farrant, HR Assistant 250 740 -6497 Susan is responsible for appointments and appointment-related issues for: üBusiness Operations üCowichan Campus üFaculty of Adult and Continuing Education üFaculty of Management üFaculty of Trades and Applied Technology üFinancial Services üInformation Systems / Information Technology üInnovation and Excellence in Learning @ VIU üParksville Centre üPowell River Campus üFaculty of Science and Technology üVice-President Administration and Finance
Kelli Yamasaki, HR Assistant 250 740 -6586 Kelli is responsible for appointments and appointment-related issues for: üCommunications and Public Relations üDevelopment and Foundation üFacilities Services üFaculty of Arts and Humanities üFaculty of Education üFaculty of Health and Human Services üFaculty of Social Sciences üHuman Resources üInternational Education and ESL üLibrary üMilner Gardens üOffice of the President üRegistration / Admissions üResearch and Scholarly Activity üStudent Services üVice-President Academic and Provost
Brenda Mc. Kay Manager, Human Resources 250 740 -6521
Preben Skovgaard Manager, Labour Relations 250 740 -6435
Irma Stevens, Secretary, Human Resources 250 740 -6284
Our First Chancellor, Chief Shawn A-in-chut Atleo Chief Atleo is a Hereditary Chief of the Ahousaht First Nation and is also the Grand Chief of the Assembly of First Nations
VIU Executive ü President and Vice-Chancellor, Dr. Ralph Nilson ü Vice-President, Academic and Provost, Dr. David Witty ü Vice-President, Administration and Finance, Pat Eagar
Faculties and Deans üAdult & Continuing Education: Dennis Silvestrone üArts and Humanities: Dr. Steve Lane üEducation: Dr. Harry Janzen üHealth and Human Services: Dr. Harry Janzen (Interim Dean) üInternational Education / ESL: Dr. Graham Pike üManagement: Dr. Dave Twynam üScience and Technology: Dr. Greg Crawford üSocial Sciences: Dr. Anne Leavitt üTrades and Applied Technology: Fred Mac. Donald
Campus Principals Maria Lauridsen Cowichan Campus
Campus Principals Arlette Raaen Powell River Campus
Health and Safety Services Carl Butterworth ü Academic departments, ergonomics, first aid Erin Bascom ü Violence in the workplace, WCB claims, return to work, emergency preparedness Mark Egan ü Facilities related safety issues, indoor air quality, trades safety, risk management Carl Erin Mark
Payroll Department Carol Tisdale, Manager, Payroll and Benefits Payroll Clerks ü Cherie Mc. Lennan for surnames A – F ü Debbie Plantz for surnames G – L ü Ria Edmonds for surnames M – Q ü Glen Hasslinger for surnames R - Z
VIU Policies and Procedures VIU Policies VIU Procedures ü ü ü 1000 Series - University and Board 2000 Series - President 3000 Series - Instruction 4000 Series - Administration 5000 Series - Ancillary 9000 Series - Senate
Services for Employees VIU Realty Program http: //www. viu. ca/employees/services/ 296 Seat Theatre Apple Store at VIU Bookstore Interest Free Computer Loan Dining $ Dollars VIU Salon 250 248 -6419 Policy 33. 01 Waiver of Tuition for University Employees in Courses
Good Things to Know ü CHLY Radio 101. 7 FM ü Campus Safe Walk Phone 6600 or 250 740 -6600 ü Accommodation Listings (Hotels, etc. ) ü Costco Membership (eligibility, no discount) ü General Paint Discount
New to VIU ü The International Centre for Sturgeon Studies ü Shq'apthut: A Gathering Place ü Deep Bay Field Station
Star. Garden Our Human Resources Information System is called “Star. Garden” Welcome to our Garden of Stars!