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Welcome to the Westside Church of Christ “How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven” (Genesis 28: 17) Join us every Sunday at 9: 30 AM for Bible class, 10: 30 AM for worship, and 6: 00 PM for worship. We also meet every Wednesday at 7: 00 PM for Bible class. www. warnerrobinschurch. org Please silence cell phones
The Birth of Jesus Fact and Fiction Examined
The birth of Jesus: fact and fiction Christmas: slogans and traditions Jesus “the reason for the season” “keep Christ in Christmas” Singing carols Stories about Jesus’ birth But there a lot of false ideas about it! Nativity scenes School plays Let’s see what the Bible says. . . Two-part series: Luke’s account and Matthew’s account
Issues surrounding Jesus’ birth The year The time of year The inn The animals The shepherds The wise men & their gifts
Luke 2: 1 -16 – First read the text! Let’s consider the year of Jesus’ birth Modern Gregorian Calendar begins 1 week after date that Dionysius Exiguus believed Jesus was born: January 1, 1 AD But Dionysius (525 AD) was mistaken in his calculation of both the day and the year! Here’s why: Augustus Caesar’s census (Lk. 2: 1) ended 3 BC Herod the Great was still king (Mt. 2: 1), and he died in 4 BC Quirinius (Cyrenius) was ruler of Syria (included Judea) 6 BC to 3 BC – special appointee by Caesar as census official Conclusion: the modern calendar is wrong Jesus was probably born 4 to 6 BC
What about the month? Conducting a census… Even the Roman Army did not march to war in winter months…so why would Rome have a census in winter? Joseph & Mary traveled from Nazareth ~90 miles to Bethlehem (near Jerusalem) One day’s journey is about 24 miles on an animal Mary was pregnant…would Joseph have made her travel in winter when she was close to giving birth? Much more likely that census travel began in Spring and concluded in Autumn while weather was fair
Quotes on the birth month “December 25 does not therefore come any where near being the date of His birth” (R. L. Whiteside). “It is probable from this that our Savior was born before the 25 th of December, or before what we call ‘Christmas’” (Albert Barnes). “This rules out the birth of Christ as a winter event” (Bro. David Padfield) More evidence to come…but first, the “inn”
Location: No room in the inn? But no room in the “inn” (Greek word “kataluma”) Thayer’s Lexicon: “an eating room, dining room, guest chamber” Not necessarily an ancient hotel Same word in Mark 14: 13 -15 and Luke 22: 11 -13 Different Greek word for hotel: “pandocheion” (Luke 10: 34) Thayer’s Lexicon: “a public house for the reception of strangers” Joseph probably sought shelter with close relative, but the guest chamber was already taken Staying in a hotel expensive, and an insult to family members “Mary and Joseph weren't trying to check into a hotel— they were staying with relatives…. Jesus was born in his relative's home” (Bill Witherington, in Christianity Today)
A stable or a cave? “Archaeology shows that houses in Bethlehem and its vicinity often had caves as the back of the house where they kept their prized ox or beast of burden, lest it be stolen. The guest room was in the front of the house, the animal shelter in the back, and Joseph and Mary had come too late to get the guest room, so the relatives did the best they could by putting them in the back of the house” (Witherington, in Christianity Today) The “sheepfold” Enclosed stable area attached to the house to secure animals at night Illustrations on next slide…
1 st century Jewish houses
Is the manger part right? There was no space in the guest room which would have had a bed Used a wooden feeding trough called a manger No animals mentioned in the scene Animals probably were outside since it was not winter Nativity scenes are right about the manger, probably wrong about the animals being present Would you permit animals near a newborn?
What about shepherds? The climate was mild, and, to keep their flocks from straying, they spent the night with them. It is also a fact that the Jews sent out their flocks into the mountainous and desert regions during the summer months, and took them up in the latter part of October or the first of November, when the cold weather commenced. While away in these deserts and mountainous regions, it was proper that there should be someone to attend them to keep them from straying, and from the ravages of wolves and other wild beasts. It is probable from this that our Savior was born before the 25 th of December, or before what we call "Christmas. " At that time it is cold, and especially in the high and mountainous regions about Bethlehem. But the exact time of his birth is unknown. -Albert Barnes Comments on Luke 2: 8
What about shepherds? Shepherds were outside watching sheep Would they have been outside with sheep in winter? Bethlehem is in the mountains…snow probably present if winter Flocks brought in to shelter in November, out to pasture in March (Meyer) Angels appeared & told shepherds about Jesus’ birth Shepherds entered Bethlehem to see No star to follow No mention of taking animals around manger Wise men not present, no gifts
What happened next? Jesus named & circumcised on the 8 th day (Luke 2: 21) They stayed in Bethlehem for her purification (Lev. 12) Presented Jesus in the temple after 40 days (Luke 2: 22) Redeemed the Child (Luke 2: 23; Numbers 18: 15 -16) Sacrificed 2 birds for Mary’s purification (Luke 2: 24) Some time later: Wise men arrived (Matt. 2: 11)
Conclusion Joseph & Mary went to register well before 3 BC Probably not in winter time They probably stayed with relatives, not a hotel barn Laid newborn baby Jesus in an animal trough Angels sang, shepherds came What’s missing in the real Bible nativity scene? Animals Winter weather Wise men (they came later) So when you tell it, tell it by the Bible!
The rest of the story… Come back this evening to hear part 2 from Matthew 2 Wise men Their gifts The star The massacre & flight to Egypt Ancient pagan significance of December 25 Real meaning of Jesus’ birth