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Welcome to the Rolling Ads The ads will run every Friday (unless I am Welcome to the Rolling Ads The ads will run every Friday (unless I am away) In that case they will either run on the Thursday before or the Monday following Please e-mail me your information on a power point tile or a word document recprogrammer@watsonlake. ca You can now see the Rolling ads on the Town of Watson Lake Website! If there are no new ads they will NOT be sent that week If you have any questions please call Alyssa @ 536 -8020

The Town of Watson Lake and The Liard First Nation are proud to offer The Town of Watson Lake and The Liard First Nation are proud to offer the following programs at the Rec Centre. The After School Program for children age 6 to 12 3: 30 pm to 5 pm 1 hour of “Free Play” or a structured activity and/or craft As well as 30 minutes of Homework. This portion of our program is very important. Many Parents/guardians have very busy schedules. Having the time to sit and do home reading or math practice for example sometimes is just not possible. Let us do it for you or at least get it started. An education is one of the most important things we can give our children. Senior Day (60+)- Every Wednesday Drop in anytime between 10 am to 4 pm Board games, cards, bowling, curling, tea and coffee Girls Night Out- every 1 st and 3 rd Tuesday of the month ages 13 -18 7 -9 pm Snacks will be provided crafts, cooking, traditions activities etc… Teen Night- every 2 nd and 4 th Tuesday of the month ages 13 -18 7 -9 pm Open to Boys and Girls Snacks will be provided games, traditional activities, UFC etc… bring your ideas For more information call 867 -536 -8022

Easter Weekend Holiday Hours Recreation Centre Greyhound Friday, March 29 CLOSED Friday, March 29 Easter Weekend Holiday Hours Recreation Centre Greyhound Friday, March 29 CLOSED Friday, March 29 6 pm - 8 pm Saturday, March 30 10 am to 6 pm Sunday, March 31 CLOSED Monday, April 1 6 pm - 8 pm

Easter Eggs Hunt!! Saturday 11 am to noon @ the Rec Centre All chocolate Easter Eggs Hunt!! Saturday 11 am to noon @ the Rec Centre All chocolate will be hidden by 11 am When the chocolate is gone Its gone Please have the children here on time Age 0 to 10

 2013 Yukon College Graduation and Community Dinner We would like to invite our 2013 Yukon College Graduation and Community Dinner We would like to invite our community members to our 2013 Yukon College Graduation to celebrate our Office Administration/Accounting Clerk as well as our Skills for Employment in the Mining students whom have successfully completed their programs. Yukon College would like to hear from you!!! Members of the School of Community Education and Development will be coming to Watson Lake to conduct a needs analysis on March 20, 2013 during the evening. Needs analysis? What the heck is that? It’s easy. All we want to do is hear your ideas for courses and programs, skills that are needed in the community, and concerns that you may have in how programs are delivered. Simply, what kind of training would you like to see delivered in the community? We are hoping to use your input to develop a 2 -3 year program and course plan for the community. So, if that’s not enough, there will be door prizes and we will feed you— Supper is included March 20, 2013 at 4: 30 p. m. at the Community Hall

2013 Rules Clinic Information A squash rules clinic is scheduled as follows: Date: Wednesday 2013 Rules Clinic Information A squash rules clinic is scheduled as follows: Date: Wednesday 27 th March 2013 Time: 7: 00 pm-8: 30 pm Location: Watson Lake Recreation Centre Cost: $0 - FREE Clinic Goals An understanding of the basics of keeping score and controlling a match An introduction to lets and strokes An understanding of interference and the responsibilities of the striker and the nonstriker

 Occupational First Aid is be offered at Yukon College Watson Lake This course Occupational First Aid is be offered at Yukon College Watson Lake This course is designed to prepare first aid attendants to work in remote settings. Skills include; minor wound care, upper and lower limb immobilization techniques, spinal immobilization, CPR & obstructed airway management, as well as a wide variety of medical conditions. This is an 80 hour course. Upon successful completion of the practical and written examination, candidates will be certified for 3 years. You must be a minimum of 16 years of age to be certified and in good health and physical condition. Date: April 8 th to 26 th Time: Monday – Friday 8: 30 AM to 5: 30 PM Price: $1500. 00 Where: Yukon College Minimum 10 students. Maximum 18 students. MUST BE REGISTERED BY APRIL 4 th. TH, REGISTRATION IS NOT COMPLETE UNTIL PAYMENT HAS BEEN MADE. 536 -8800

Earth Hour COFFEE HOUSE Saturday, March 23 rd, 7: 30 pm Wye Lake Cabin Earth Hour COFFEE HOUSE Saturday, March 23 rd, 7: 30 pm Wye Lake Cabin $3 Bring your own candle! If you are interested in playing, please contact Lindsay Muller lindsay. c. muller@gmail. com The Earth Hour Message: Switch off your lights for an hour. It's a simple way to show you care, but it also sends a powerful message: that together, we can make a difference.

Watson Lake Daycare is accepting donations for a Spring Garage Sale Please drop off Watson Lake Daycare is accepting donations for a Spring Garage Sale Please drop off your garage saleable donations to the daycare or call us for pick-up 536 -2167 Tha $1 very E s help nks f or your supp ort!

MOUNT MAICHEN www. watsonlakeskiclub. com SPRING BREAK HOURS (MARCH 2 – 17, 2013) OPEN MOUNT MAICHEN www. watsonlakeskiclub. com SPRING BREAK HOURS (MARCH 2 – 17, 2013) OPEN DAILY 11: 00 AM – 4: 00 PM CLOSED MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS NO NIGHT SKIING Chalet phone 536 -8031

DID YOU KNOW…………. Watson Lake School Council meetings are open to the community? Please DID YOU KNOW…………. Watson Lake School Council meetings are open to the community? Please come out & join our meeting! Thursday, March 14, 2013 at 7 pm in WLSS Library COME JOIN THE CONVERSATION & LEARN MORE ABOUT WHAT YOUR SCHOOL COUNCIL IS FIGHTING FOR!

The Hours are changing!! February 28 th, 2013 The Rec Centre will be open The Hours are changing!! February 28 th, 2013 The Rec Centre will be open Monday to Friday 8 am to 11: 30 pm Saturday 10 am to 6 pm Sunday Closed Greyhound will be open Mon, Wed & Fri 8 am to Noon & 5 pm to Midnight Tuesday & Thursday 8 am to Noon & 5 pm to 11: 30 pm Saturday 10 am to 6 pm If you require a ticket for Saturday’s Bus you must come during our hours Of operation

BC Traffic Control Person Course May 9 -10, 2013 8: 00 am-5: 00 pm BC Traffic Control Person Course May 9 -10, 2013 8: 00 am-5: 00 pm Cost $ 350. 00 Manual Included In Price To register please come to the WL Community Campus located beside the WL High School or call 536 -8800 for more information. Student must have their own CSA Approved Steel Boots and a piece of valid photo I. D. •

Food Safe Level 1 Where: Yukon College Watson Lake When: May 8 th 2013 Food Safe Level 1 Where: Yukon College Watson Lake When: May 8 th 2013 May 9 th 2013 Time: 6: 00 -10: 00 p. m. Price: $80. 00. Please come into the campus to register. For more information please call 536 -8800.

Professional Minute Taking Great minute-takers are hard to come by. Establish yourself as the Professional Minute Taking Great minute-takers are hard to come by. Establish yourself as the go-to expert in your organization by learning how to master the art of taking minutes. From agenda writing, to suggested minute templates, to tips and tricks for listening and being concise, this course will improve your skills and confidence when tackling the challenging task of minute-taking. When: Thursday April 10, 2013 Time: 9: 00 am-4: 00 pm Where: Watson Lake Community Campus Cost: $195. 00 + GST Please call 536 -8800 for more information or come into the campus to register

Mastery of Meetings A well-run meeting saves time and money, and engages participants. Explore Mastery of Meetings A well-run meeting saves time and money, and engages participants. Explore facilitation practices that create an atmosphere of enthusiasm, clarity and action. Topics include: pre -planning, agendas, facilitation, managing differences and decisions, conflict and action planning. This course is a must for any manager or supervisor! When: April 12, 2013 and April 13, 2013 Time: 9: 00 am-4: 00 pm Where: Watson Lake Community Campus Cost: $395. 00 + $18. 95 GST

Watson Lake Health Center will have a booth at the LFN Government Fair March Watson Lake Health Center will have a booth at the LFN Government Fair March 25 th – 27 th Come and check out the services and programs we offer! We will be offering 3 presentations during the Fair – watch for more information on times and location Label Reading Eating well on a Budget Questions and Answers about Immunization for kids and adults We are pleased to provide the healthy snacks for Tuesday March 26 th

Travelling ? See us as early as possible • Immunization recommendations • Safe Travel Travelling ? See us as early as possible • Immunization recommendations • Safe Travel tips • Travellers Diarrhea information • Travel alerts • Water and Food Safety • Preventing Malaria and Dengue Fever • and much more For more info Call 536 7483 or stop by the Health Center and ask to speak to a nurse

Wanting to Move on to Smoke-Free? SUPPORT IS THE KEY It is tough to Wanting to Move on to Smoke-Free? SUPPORT IS THE KEY It is tough to break free on your own. Getting personalized support and counseling can double your chances of becoming smoke free! If you are concerned about your smoking or are ready to become smoke-free …… We can help! Check out http: //www. quitpath. ca/ or the Smokers Helpline at 1 877 513 5333 toll free Call the Watson Lake Health Centre at 536 7483 and ask to speak to the nurse We can offer tips and support on your journey to becoming smoke-free You may be eligible to receive 3 months of FREE nicotine replacement patches

Mt. Maichen Hours of Operation Weekends 11 am to 3: 30 Full Concession and Mt. Maichen Hours of Operation Weekends 11 am to 3: 30 Full Concession and Rentals Available Closed if the temperature is below -25 (as per Environment Canada) Chalet phone 536 -8031 Saturday & Sunday Have Breakfast at the Hill 6 types of Eggs Benny to choose from Wednesday Night is pasta night Available 5: 30 to 7 pm Friday Night is Steak Night Available 5: 30 to 7: 30

Recreation Centre hours of operation Monday to Friday 8 am to 11: 30 pm Recreation Centre hours of operation Monday to Friday 8 am to 11: 30 pm Saturday 10 am to 6 pm Sunday CLOSED

Every Monday & Wednesday @ 6 pm In the oval room at the Rec Every Monday & Wednesday @ 6 pm In the oval room at the Rec Centre Every Tuesday at 5: 30 pm In the Mezz Located in the Recreation Center Winter is coming, it’s time to stay fit and healthy

Recreation Centre policy on Children and Youth • As you may all be aware Recreation Centre policy on Children and Youth • As you may all be aware all children coming to the recreation centre unsupervised must be 12 years of age or older. All children under 12 must be supervised by someone 16+. • This does not include children registered with our after school program or any other children's program that may be going on. • All youth under 16 will not be allowed in the Rec Centre after 10 pm on school nights. You have homework and you need your sleep!!

Due to the current Physician shortage we are experiencing, Parhelion Medical Services would like Due to the current Physician shortage we are experiencing, Parhelion Medical Services would like to ask for the following assistance from all our patients: 1) Please be aware that it may take anywhere from 1 to 3 days to get an appointment with your doctor. Same day bookings may not be available due to the physician shortage. Public Information Brochure 2) Wait times to see your doctor in office may range from 20 minutes to 3 hours. Every effort is made to see patients in a timely manner but the medical condition of the patient determines the amount of time required by the doctor to provide proper medical care. This can and will cause delays. Please make sure you have the necessary time available to wait when booking your appointment. 3) Please let the booking clerk know if you need extra time with your doctor for such things as driver’s medicals, insurance papers, etc. It will help in decreasing waiting times for everyone if the booking clerk knows in advance that you need extra time for you appointment. 4) Walk-in appointments, (where available), will be restricted to urgent needs, infants, children and seniors only. As there is limited time in the day for patients to be seen and limited physicians this restriction will be enforced. 5) If you can’t make it to your appointment please call and let us know so we can give that time to someone else. If you do not show up on time for your appointment it may be cancelled. 6) Keep an eye on your medications to ensure you do not run out. DO NOT wait until you are completely out of medications to book an appointment as you MAY NOT be able to get in on the day you run out. Book appointments for prescription renewal a couple of days before you run out of your medications. 7) As always please expect to wait 1 hour for your medications to be processed. Staff must ensure that each medication is checked and double checked for your safety, so please be patient. 8) Finally, please remember that your doctor is a person too. He/She requires time to eat and sleep the same as you do. DO NOT ask for appointments during lunch hours or after posted clinic hours. Remember the doctors working at the clinic are the same doctors that are on call at the hospital, and may have been up most of the night dealing with emergencies. They require down time just like everyone else. Thank you for your patience, co-operation and understanding.

 • A snowmobile & ATV can only be driven on a roadway if • A snowmobile & ATV can only be driven on a roadway if it is registered and insured. The operator must have a valid drivers license. The rules of the road must be obeyed at all times, this means you must make a complete stop at a stop sign, yield at yield signs and follow any speed signs, etc. A helmet must be worn by law on snowmobiles at all times. • If a snowmobile or ATV is on the roadway without registration or insurance, and/or if the operator does not have a valid drivers license, it can be towed and the operator can be charged. This can effect your ability to obtain a valid drivers license later on. • There are bylaws in communities, and some of those bylaws do not allow a snowmobile or ATV on any roadway in that community. Please make sure you check your local bylaws before you operate on any roadway. • PLEASE NOTE. . A snowmobile and ATV are considered a motor vehicle. The same laws apply for "impaired operation of a motor vehicle" to snowmobile's and ATV's no matter where they are operated. PLEASE DO NOT DRINK AND DRIVE!!!! • ALWAYS REMEMBER to operate in a safe manner. . every year many people are killed on snowmobiles and ATV's. Please operate safely, obey the law and most of all. . HAVE FUN!!!! Cst. B. GOSSEN Watson Lake RCMP

Christian Radio CIAY New Life 100. 7 FM Stay tuned for…. “A sermon for Christian Radio CIAY New Life 100. 7 FM Stay tuned for…. “A sermon for a Sunday” with Pastor John Lasante every Sunday at 5 pm. For more information please call Gospel Chapel at 536 -2249 or email gospelchapel@hotmail. com

Greyhound Depot Hours Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 am to Noon & 5 pm Greyhound Depot Hours Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9 am to Noon & 5 pm to Midnight (Closed between noon and 5 pm) Tuesday & Thursday 9 am to Noon & 5 pm to 11: 30 pm (Closed between noon and 5 pm) Saturday 10 am to 6 pm Sunday CLOSED

Greyhound Bus Schedule NORTH BOUND BUS SOUTH BOUND BUS From the South (Ft. Nelson Greyhound Bus Schedule NORTH BOUND BUS SOUTH BOUND BUS From the South (Ft. Nelson to Watson Lake) From the North (Whitehorse to Watson Lake) Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday Monday, Wednesday & Friday Arrives @ 11: 05 pm Leaves to Whitehorse @ 11: 20 pm Arrives @ 11: 05 pm Leaves to Ft. Nelson @ 11: 40 pm