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Welcome To The Presentation Our Topic on “Training & Developing in “ROBI”Company LTD.
Introduction Robi (formerly known as Aktel) launched its operations on the 15 November, 1997 in Dhaka and on 26 March, 1998 in Chittagong. Its founding chairman is Late Mr. Zahiruddin Khan, an ex-commerce minister. Robi was formed as a joint-venture between Telekom Malaysia and A. K. Khan Company. Axiata (Bangladesh) Limited (formerly known as TM International (BD) Limited) is a joint venture between Telekom Malaysia Sdn. Bhd. (70%) and NTT Do. Co. Mo (30%). Robi formerly known as Aktel is the third largest mobile phone operator in Bangladesh in terms of revenue and subscribers (8. 59 million as of February 2009). In early 2008 Robi slipped from the second position to the third after facing fierce competition from banglalink.
OBJECTIVES In this report I have tried to look into the two major activities of HR e. g. Recruitment & Selection & Training & Development of the Sales Department under the Marketing & Sales Division of “ROBI”. I will also show these activities support the organization’s overall strategy, and how it is linked to other sales activities within the organization. To study the training and development program in ROBI COMPANY Ltd are : · To know the type of training provided by the Company. · To know the training techniques used by the Company. ·To know the need of training. · To know who should provide training. · Important skills required for performing job. · Ability required for better performing · Purpose of training. · Satisfaction level of the employees.
METHODOLOGY The study is basically a combination of primary & secondary data. I have interviewed associated personnel of the Sales department & it was not very difficult for me. As the secondary source, information was also taken from books and other vouchers and as well as from World Wide Web.
SOURCE OF DATA Robi Customer Care & Website in (http: //www. robi. com. bd/)
Limitations The major limitation factor for this report was primarily the reluctance and strict adherence to confidentiality maintenance attitude shown by the officials of Robi Phone. Though I knew & had access to much information, but there are still some important things which I couldn’t get hold of & they don’t even prefer to disclose those in front of general people.
Background of the company Axiata (Bangladesh) Ltd has rebranded itself with a new look by introducing Robi, the new brand name for the company, to take its products to the mostly untapped rural market. 'Robi' replaces the earlier brand name of 'AKTEL'. The company launched branding campaigns Bangladesh's total mobile subscriber base was 54. 15 million as of February 2010. Grameenphone is the market leader with 23. 75 million customers, followed by Banglalink with 14. 13 million and Robi with 10. 31 million.
Products and Services of the company Products Prepaid Postpaid International roaming Current Promotions International calling charges Services Market survey and collecting the feedback. Participation in exhibition Participation in opening of dealer’s outlet Instant delivery Introducing & selling new packages Follow up with existing subscribers
Customer care Robi has 20 Customer Care Centers and 430 Robi Care Points in 64 districts all over the country. Robi has over 25, 000 retail selling points along with 100, 000 voucher sales point all over Bangladesh.
Employee analysis is one of the major issues faced by every organization. It is a great place to start learning about inspiration is to start understanding your own motivations. To Motivate - as a definition means "give an incentive for action. " For the small business owner, motivation is a huge factor for either the success or demise of your company. You need to devise an "employee motivation program".
Employees training process It is process for providing employees with basic idea or basic background information about the firm that is called Training. The Training processes are: ◦ Needs analysis: Firstly find out the need analysis what they want. Actually find out weakness on the employees. ◦ Instruction design: Instruction design means the formula & guide line on the work. ◦ Implementation step: Implementation means group-wise work. To follow-up the instruction design and maintain the group wise train up on “Robi”. ◦ On the job training: On the job training means having a person learn a job by actually doing it. . They train up their employees inside their job. ◦ Off the job training: Sometimes “Robi” train up their employees outside the job
The Benefits of Employee Training The benefits of employee training are: • Improves the morale of the workforce • Helps people identify with organizational goals • Helps create a better corporate image • Fosters authenticity, openness and trust • Improves relationship between boss and subordinate • Aids in organizational development • learns from the trainee • Helps prepare guidelines for work
Clarification of the concept of training & development In simple terms, training and development refers to the imparting of specific skills, abilities and knowledge to an employee. Training & Development need = Standard performance – Actual performance. Human intellect and an overall personality of the employees: Productivity – Training and Development helps in increasing the productivity of the employees that helps the organization further to achieve its long-term goal Quality – Training and Development helps in improving upon the quality of work and work-life. Morale – Training and Development helps in improving the morale of the work force. Team spirit – Training and Development helps in inculcating the sense of team work, team spirit, and inter-team collaborations. It helps in inculcating the zeal to learn within the employees.
How to Train the employees of the company Skill Education Development Ethics
Develop their weak position (1) New and better interconnection agreement (2) Need for huge telecom services (3) Future privatization of the fixed network (4) New international gateway (5) Demand for inter-city communication (6) Growth in other operator will give more connection. (7) Offer customer motivational package. (8) Diverse the product line with prepaid. (9) Network strong (10) Improve the customer retention.
Tackle threat of the company Capital Pricing flexibility Faithful customer support Higher technology Little cost
Overall analysis After overall analysis we can say that, the companies of “Robi” continue their employees training and development program in regular ways. And all of the activities which are come from employees all of this things are occurred reached the company extended sprint.
Findings There is actually no organization in this world which is free from problems. Robi is not also free from problems. we have found the following problem. They are : (a)Their working environment is not good. There is not enough free space to walk smoothly. (b)There is no slot for Part Time job in “Robi” (c)There is no regular meeting in “Robi” with senior management. (d) The numbers of direct & indirect rewards are very few. (e)The number of female employee is very low & no female official is there in the top management. It’s a sort of discrimination
Suggestion and Recommendations Now at this stage we would like to give some suggestions to “Robi” for a better future: They should make some improvement in the work environment. From our point of view, flexible benefits plan is something very motivated to the employees “Robi” should look after their employees & health care program can be one of them. Till now they have not introduced it. Give more and more recognition to the employees, both inside and outside the organization Develop a management communications plan to parallel the employee communication plan.
Conclusion In this report I have talked about “Robi”s recruiting & training process, what is required for recruitment & training and so forth and also we have discussed about the training technique of the sales force at the same time I have discussed about the drawbacks of both recruiting and training process. I have also recommended for overcoming these drawbacks. So the bottom line of the project paper is “Robi” is a well-known and most popular mobile phone company in this country. And to do so, they will have to make the training technique more effective, more motivational and more efficient.
Reference & http: //www. robi. com. bd/ Robi customer care