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Welcome to the ‘Getting To Know Year 5’ Meeting 2016 Please take a copy of the Supporting Materials Booklet and tick your child’s name on the class list at the front. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
The Teaching Team 5 SB – Mrs Bates 5 PA – Mr Agnew Teaching Assistants – Mrs Ingleheart, Mrs Williams (Miss Pyman, Mrs Stone and Mrs Hawkins) SCITT – Mr Ticehurst PPA – Mr Norman (Clarinet), Mrs Richards (MFL) Mrs Sumner and Plymouth Argyle!
Expectations and Daily Organisation Mrs S Bates Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
• More emphasis on independence and responsibility (Personal organisation: pencil cases, homework, letters, behaviour etc). • Importance of water bottles (named and refilled regularly). • Break time snacks (healthy fruit/veg or similar). • PE kits: Everyday ‘just in case!’ but please make sure they are in school on Monday, Wednesday and Thursday. Towards the end of the year – Swimming kit also needs to be in everyday. • Handwriting: Assessments have now taken place and Pen Licences have been awarded. However there will be further opportunities for children to achieve these. • Mixed ability groupings for different subjects –these groupings are reviewed regularly, in order to ensure children are making progress and to enable them to work with different children. Children self select tasks, with support from the teacher, to ensure that they challenge themselves academically. • Talking partners – changed every two weeks to ensure children experience a wide range of partners throughout the year. • Personalised learning through target setting and marking, which they respond to regularly. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
HOMEWORK • Homework will be given out on a Friday and needs to be handed in by the following Thursday or before. Please ensure all homework is kept in homework folders. ENGLISH Reading • 10 -15 minutes of reading five times a week • Reading Journals need to be kept up-to-date • Please comment on their reading regularly • Questioning and comprehension is really important Writing • Approximately 30 - 40 minutes work • Homework will be based on work covered throughout the week and could take the form of comprehension activities, spelling, grammar and punctuation tasks or creative writing Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
MATHS • Approximately 30 - 40 minutes work • Linked to objectives throughout the week • Homework to be completed in Numeracy Homework Books or on sheets. • Times-Tables Tests will be sent home on occasions. • Mathletics: Children can earn a Chance Card if they score over 1000 points and the top scorer will receive a certificate.
Topics Throughout the Year • Autumn Term – Vikings, Properties and changes of materials, Faith and The Arts, Winter Landscapes, ICT: Microsoft Publisher, Powerpoint and Excel. • Spring Term – Earth and space, Persuasive writing, Modern and Ancient Greece, Greek myths, Greek pottery and Flatbread making. • Summer Term – Journey to Jo’Burg, Florida, Animals including humans, Living things and their habitats and Money containers.
Trips and Theme Days Autumn Term Viking Day – Minimal charge Christmas Party – Minimal charge Spring Term Ancient Greek Day – Minimal charge Summer Term Year 5 Residential – Payments ongoing
Punctuality Automatic system is still in place. Register opens at 8. 45 am and closes at 8. 55 am. Please ensure punctuality or your child will be marked in as late. This will be followed up by the School office.
E-Safety This is an ongoing issue for children and adults. There are some documents in your pack to support E-Safety. Awareness of texting and X-Box conduct as well as exposure to inappropriate games. Mobile phones are allowed in Year 5 but children must follow the class protocol. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Assessment Mr P Agnew Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Embedding the New Curriculum Over the past year there has been a big change in the way the government expect schools to develop children’s learning. There has now been a complete move away from the old levels. Since September 2015 all pupils in years 1 to 6 will be taught and assessed against Age Related Expectations. There is a shift towards developing the ability to reason and explain as well as learn and understand the content of a subject. All pupils in each year group will be expected to achieve the AREs in each subject. (SEND pupils may have specific learning programmes and expectations based on the AREs). Pupils will not be moved on to the next years’ programme of study but their learning will be extended and challenged by reasoning and deeper thinking tasks. These will support the development of deeper thinking skills and application of knowledge.
Examples of Deeper Thinking Tasks for Year 5 • How do you know that 72, 120 is bigger than 71, 106? • 692, 5968, 32, 034, 631, 592 – How do you know these numbers have been ordered correctly? • How do you know that -6 is greater than -13? Explain you answer. • Look at the following example: The children’s books - Why has the apostrophe been used? • Why has the writer used short sentences rather than compound and complex sentences?
Assessment will take place during lessons and from marking books as before. This information will then be used to support children who do not know or understand something. It will help us to target that support where it is needed. his will build up to an end of year teacher assessment based on whether children have achieved the Age Related Expectations or not. It will also take account of how well children are able to reason and explain – the deeper thinking we looked at earlier. National Tests Year 6 pupils will sit tests for Reading, Grammar Spelling and Punctuation and Maths. These will give a scaled score where 100 represents achieving the ARE. These will be reported to parents along side Teacher Assessments.
Mathematics Mr P Agnew Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Introduction • Objectives based on ARE’s (Age Related Expectations). • Mantra of ‘Confident to be wrong’ and learning from mistakes. • Weekly morning Maths (mainly arithmetic). • Weekly Beat That Tests and Learn Its. • Deeper thinking activities through investigations and problem solving. • The four written methods will be introduced in Term 1 and 2 and will be revisited and extended in the Spring and Summer terms (see pack for methods and examples). Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Mathletics is still ongoing and will once again be encouraged within Year 5. We have a termly ‘Head to Head’ competition as a year group. Please encourage your child to take part. Rewards: Chance Card every Monday if they achieve 1000 points.
• Learn Its are facts that we want the children to learn. • It provides an instructional message to the children that they need to Learn it!
The 36 Addition ‘Learn Its’ + 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 4 3 5 6 4 6 7 8 5 7 8 9 10 6 8 9 10 11 12 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 9 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 9 18
Multiplication ‘Learn Its’ – by Year Group x 2 3 2 4 3 6 9 4 8 12 16 5 10 15 20 25 6 12 18 24 30 36 7 14 21 28 35 42 49 8 16 24 32 40 48 56 64 9 18 27 36 45 54 63 72 Foundation 4 5 6 7 8 9 Year 1 Counting in 10 s, 5 s, 2 s Year 2 Counting in 10 s, 5 s, 2 s Year 1 X 10, X 5, X 2 Year 3 X 3, X 4, X 9 Year 4 81 Foundation X 6, X 7, X 8 Year 5 & 6 ‘must hit’ all of them Year 3 Year 4
NUMICON We will continue to develop and use Numicon this year. It is used to equip children with a real sense and image of number as well as finding relationships and patterns within Mathematics. It will be developed to support and challenge ALL children in Mathematics.
English Mrs S Bates Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Introduction • Through the year we will cover a range of genres based on the suggested genres for Year 5, e. g. Mystery stories, Greek myths, Persuasive writing etc. • Focus on pride in all written work throughout all subjects. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Reading • Reading at home: 10 -15 minutes five times a week. • Reading Bands reviewed regularly. • Guided Reading – Two groups each week work with the Teacher on Reciprocal reading techniques. Other groups will work with TAs using Project X books. • TRUGS – A reading programme of games designed to support phonics strategies – not only for weaker readers but also fluent readers. • Independent reading times given each day. • E-books (see support materials). Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
RECIPROCOL READING • To improve reading comprehension using the four strategies of: - Predicting - Clarifying - Questioning - Summarising
E-BOOKS elburton 5 sb bookworm
Phonics and Spelling • Children’s spelling ability has been assessed and the children will work on this within class during the Literacy hour with some children receiving extra, additional support. Please support your child at home in learning the expected Year 5 spellings. . • For some homework tasks, spelling investigations and rules may be set. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Handwriting – continuous cursive script
Letter-join Website access will be available through the Year 5 homepage.
GHa. SP Grammar - I will always make sure my sentences make tense sense e. g. I look at a book yesterday. X I looked at my book yesterday. I will make my simple and compound sentences make sense e. g. Simple – I went to the shop. Compound – I went to the shop and bought a newspaper. I am building cohesion between paragraphs using words such as then, after that and firstly. I can write relative clauses using who, which, where, why or who. Handwriting – I must make all my handwriting is joined and consistent in size. I can am developing a personal style of handwriting and am able to write with increasing speed. Spelling – I spell all 300 high frequency words correctly at all times. I can use the suffixes –ate, -ise and –ify. I can use the prefixes de-, mis-, over- and re-. I can use a dictionary to help spell new words. Punctuation – I will accurately use full stops, capital letters, ? and ! in all my sentences. I will try to use a comma (, ) to separate clauses and in lists e. g. The year 5 child, who loved using commas, separated their clauses accurately. I love using capital letters, full stops, questions marks and exclamation marks. I can use commas correctly. I can use brackets, dashes and commas.
Speaking and Listening • Speaking to different audiences (drama, role play, performance poetry, debate). • Using appropriate vocabulary for different audiences. • Talking partners (change every two weeks). • Expressing ideas and reasoning to further develop ideas and address own misconceptions. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
HOW TO HELP - Continue to listen to your child read regularly - Be involved in homework (but don’t do it for them!!!) - Help your child learn their addition and multiplication facts - Promote a positive attitude to learning - Insist on the basics in writing and in speech at all times (GHa. SP) - Support our ideas of Deeper Thinking and Greater Depth Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world
Thank you for attending tonight; we hope it has been useful! If there any general questions, please feel free to ask us after the session. However, if it relates specifically to your child, please feel free to organise a set time with your Class Teacher at another time. We look forward to seeing you at the forthcoming Parent’s Evenings in October. Inspiring today’s children for tomorrow’s world