- Количество слайдов: 13
WELCOME to the ‘EUROBANQUA’ Dissemination Conference Christos Gortsos Secretary General HELLENIC BANK ASSOCIATION 1
THANK YOU for your Participation We count on your feedback and your contribution to the follow up. Christos Gortsos Secretary General H. B. A 2
‘European Banking Network for Quality Assurance’: Personal thanks Joao Delgado, from the European Commission, for his participation in the Conference the EBTN President, Prof. Mario Spatafora who led the project and our colleagues from the partner Institutes, for their effective group working 3
The rules of the game WHAT we have to do It is our responsibility to define WHO should do it The QA guidelines indicate n n Who is the right person for QA Management Who are the right people to undertake quality training and development activities rules of the game VET & HRD have to provide the good players They have to insure the success of a fair play The tool provides us with the 4
I. A new mindset QA increases responsiveness to the newly emerging demands: Achieve extraordinary results with ordinary people Quality in VET & HRD is the only way for such result Quality in VET & HRD means transforming manpower into efficient and effective professionals Today, VET & HRD should undertake an extra-ordinary activity But you cannot do anything extra-ordinary without a different Mindset: that focuses on outputs and outcomes 5
II. Effectiveness first Effectiveness is not at all the same thing with efficiency Efficiency is a balance between input and output Effectiveness means making sure that the resources are available to get the results that you want CQAF is about effectiveness: Indicators provide information on the degree to which objectives have been achieved Resources should be available in all levels in order to get ‘an agreement on quality objectives in all levels’ 6
III. Enlarge the sense of learning The professionals must be effective in all the fields: productivity, profitability, efficiency, innovation, growth… Learning must increase creativity, responsibility, good reasoning, initiative, vision… Learning should cover development and change Enlarging the sense of learning will facilitate HR transformation into a real resource of abilities, competitive advantages, values. 7
III. Enlarge the sense of learning While enlarging the sense of learning, we should restrict the scope of participation, to an individual point of view: taking into consideration n n the particular needs of the employees the perspective of the particular institution 8
IV. First Who… then What Extraordinary results, in all fields and levels, need motivation and commitment to quality and excellence We need motivated and committed trainers, designers, quality managers… Learning agents must be emotionally intelligent and self-motivated Culture helps in choosing the people who fit to the character of the institution People chose the ones who resemble them 9
V. Shortage of the main resource • Trainers with very high level of knowledge and long professional experience are non available • There are only few chances to find the right qualifications and experience combined with emotional intelligence • Emotional intelligence is not a matter of training. But it determines the possibilities to learn all those skills based on personal and social abilities. • • Even with the small number of experienced trainers who dispose some of the 25 emotional abilities, it is hard to establish a loyal relationship, with lasting commitment. 10
VI. QA and Ethics You cannot buy enthusiasm and loyalty You cannot attract the right trainers if you only offer good prices • • • You need a value proposition, with elements of a culture oriented to results, an environment of trust You need rewards and recognition You also need standards to end the agreement 11
VI. QA and Ethics Quality is never an accident Quality is always the result of intelligent and ethical effort And so is Quality Assurance 12
Thank you for your kind attention! 13