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Welcome to the Club Leadership Plan Presentation PAG Isaac Gitoho, RC Muthaiga
What is it? ü A process ü Respects the Five Avenues of Service, and ü Value of strong Club administration ü Suggests different focus
What it offers… A process to: ü Develop a long-range plan ü Simplify your Committee structure ü Involve all of your Club members
What the Plan suggests… Focus in four broad areas ü Sustain and increase membership ü Implement successful service projects ü Support The Rotary Foundation ü Develop leaders beyond Club level
What the Plan suggests… A healthy Rotary Club is a successful one ü Retains existing members ü Great shop window for new members ü Members engaged in projects of choice ü Implement successful service projects
What the Plan suggests… A successful Rotary Club is one that: ü Develops long-range goals ü Sets annual goals ü Involves all Members in planning process ü Ensures that every member is active in a Club project or function
Membership An Action Plan for membership growth “Membership – must be a part of all that we do”
Make Rotary Enjoyable ü Weekly Meeting ü Fellowship Activities ü Community Service Projects
Share what we do with non. Rotarians: ü Weekly Meeting ü Fellowship Activities ü Community Service Projects ü In 3 minutes! ü Facts or feelings ü Statistics or stories
Implementing successful projects ü Vocational ü Youth ü International ü Community
Successful Service projects How can one committee complete all these projects? ü Planning ü Structure – sub committees ü Commitment ü Involvement
What are the Benefits to the club? ü Choose what you will do ü Spread the load ü Use the expertise within the club ü Mix the projects to have fun
The CLP Philosophy ü Set annual goals ü Develop a long term plan (2 – 3 years) ü Get membership buy-in
Remember – the CLP philosophy! ü Annual Goals ü Development of longer term plans ü Membership buy-in ü Promote and Manage ü Use your Club Foundation Champion
Developing effective leaders is vital for Rotary’s survival ! ü For the health of your club ü To enable your club’s service to its community ü For the health of District 9940 ü For the long-term survival of Rotary!
Effective Rotary Leaders will … ü Plan ahead ü Communicate ü Motivate members ü Ensure all members are involved ü Have fun !! ü Value every member
Why we develop club leaders ü Leadership of club changes each year ü Need pool of potential directors, project leaders ü Utilise existing skills ü Develop new skills & potential ü Identify future presidents ü Responsibility brings satisfaction
Club’s role ü Provide opportunities ü Involve all members ü Support and encourage ü Educate and train ü Foster continuity of leadership ü Nurture
Focus on training in developing leadership skills…… ü Expose to all four pillars of an effective club ü Ensure clear internal/external communications ü ü Provide for continuity in club plan Keep club bylaws relevant & up to date Use fellowship as a motivating factor Provision of educational opportunities
Training Opportunities … ü Project and committee leadership ü COTS. & PETS ü Materials on district website ü District conferences ü Specialised workshops (like this, plus upcoming membership & Rotary Foundation) ü Rotary Annual Conventions
“Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it” ~ Dwight D. Eisenhower
Recommended Committees and the Five Avenues of Service Club Board Club Administration Club Public Relations Membership Service Projects Five Avenues of Service The Rotary Foundation Club, Vocational, Community, International Service and New Generation
And, a final thought on planning … “A good plan today is better than a perfect plan tomorrow” ~ George S Patton
Are there any issues that have not been addressed?
Thank you ! For your attendance and participation