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WELCOME TO THE 2009 AHIA ANNUAL BUSINESS MEETING San Diego, California—September 1, 2009
2009 Board of Directors ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ Mark Eddy, CPA, Chair Debbie Radke, CPA, Vice Chair Michael Fabrizius, CPA, CIA, Secretary/Treasurer Barbara Winburn, CIA, RHIA, Past Chair Heidi Crosby, CPA, CIA, CHFP, Director Steve Gasparich, CIA, Director Kelly Nueske, RN, CPA, CMA, CIA, Director Debra A Muscio, CFE, CHC, CCE, Director Daniel Pantera, CPA, CIA, CHC , Director
2009 Strategic Initiatives ▲ Increase Cumulative Attendance at all AHIASponsored Events ▲ Leverage the Use of Technology to Improve the Delivery of Member Services ▲ Increase Volunteerism throughout AHIA ▲ Increase Membership by 300 Net Members in Five (5) Years ▲ Investigate Strategic Alliances with appropriate organizations
Committee Reports ▲ ▲ ▲ Budget & Finance Committee Editorial Committee Education Committee Membership & Awards Committee Nominating Committee Technology Committee
Budget & Finance Committee Mike Fabrizius, CPA, CIA Secretary/Treasurer Debbie Radke, CPA Vice Chair Mark Eddy, CPA Chair Barbara Winburn, CIA, RHIA Immediate Past Chair
Summary of FY 2008 Audited Financial Statements AHIA External Auditors: Heider, Tanner & Dirks, Inc. ▲ ▲ Expressed an unqualified opinion No deficiencies in internal control reported Strong Balance Sheet: ▲ ▲ Cash $454, 771 Members’ Equity $395, 861 Strong Financial Performance: ▲ Increase in Members’ Equity $54, 557
Summary of FY 2008 Audited Financial Statements Revenue Comprised of: ▲ ▲ Membership Dues Annual Conference & Other Continuing Education Programs Advertising, Interest & Other Income Losses on Investments Program (Member Benefit) Expenses ▲ ▲ ▲ Annual Conference & Other Continuing Education Programs AHIA Internet/Web site New Perspectives, the Association’s Journal Management and General Expenses ▲ ▲ ▲ Management Services, provided by Resource Center General administrative expenses & Board related expenses Professional/legal fees 2008 AHIA AUDITED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ARE POSTED ON THE AHIA WEBSITE (www. ahia. org) IN THE MEMBERS ONLY SECTION
2008 Audited Financials Balance Sheet Assets $473, 422 Liabilities $77, 561 Members’ Equity $395, 861 Liabilities & Member’s Equity $473, 422 Income Statement Revenue $578, 924 Program Expenses $338, 413 Management & General Expenses $185. 954 Increase in Members’ Equity $54, 557
Program Expenses Components
Management & General Expenses
AHIA 2009 Editorial Committee Phyllis Hall Chair St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital Debbie Radke Board Liaison Johns Hopkins University Alton Knight Medstar Health Rebecca Busch Justine Dover Renee Jaenicke Sri Ramamoorti Mark Ruppert Glenn Sumners Medical Business Associates, Inc. Consultant Vacant Central Du. Page Health Cedars-Sinai Health System Kenneth Spence Editor New Perspectives Renown Health Network LSU, Center for Internal Auditing
AHIA EDITORIAL COMMITTEE 2009 Goals ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ Form a New Perspectives (NP) Advisory Group Expand Subscription Base Develop Author Contest for Members Explore “Green” Opportunities with Publisher Submit NP for Award Competition Consideration Promote Article Exchange Develop and Publish a Special Focus Magazine Hold NP Reception at Annual Conference Promote AHIA Conferences/Seminars in NP Plan 2010 AHIA Healthcare Internal Auditing Survey
AHIA EDITORIAL COMMITTEE 2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ▲ Recipient of the 2009 Award for Publication Excellence (APEX): § ‘Most Improved Magazines & Journals’ § ‘Regular Departments & Columns’ - “Letters to the Auditor Column” John Landreth, Columnist ▲ Published quarterly issues, each containing 8 feature articles and 12 nationally recognized contributing columnists, addressing current issues in audit, compliance and the healthcare industry, including rollout of redesigned masthead ▲ Enhanced New Perspectives online archive (1999 to-date) located on AHIA website: § Displayed covers and tables of content § Developed key word search function ▲ Established New Perspectives Advisory Group, a resource forum to provide consultative services to the Editor and Committee (e. g. advise on emerging subject matter relevant to readership, recommend and facilitate author and columnist contacts)
AHIA EDITORIAL COMMITTEE 2009 ACCOMPLISHMENTS ▲ Held New Perspectives Reception to promote journal and authoring of articles ▲ Endorsement from Forest Stewardship Council for use of “Green” publishing practices ▲ Developed plan to transition to a more cost effective postal class for mailing New Perspectives, which will also speed-up delivery ▲ Provided complimentary copies of New Perspectives to Department Chairs of 28 colleges/universities with Internal Audit education programs ▲ Awarded 2009 Member and Non-member Authors of the Year ▲ Published 2008 Healthcare Internal Auditing Survey in collaboration with Center for Internal Auditing at Louisiana State University
Education Committee Debra Muscio, Chair Annual Conference Committee Chair Amy Greenhoe Spring Seminar Chair Kelly Nueske Regional Seminars Chair Dan Pantera AAMAS Relationship Mike Fabrizius
Annual Conference Committee Amy Greenhoe, Chair Trinity Health Bob Michalski Baylor Health Care System Dagmar Herrmann-Estes Johns Hopkins University Kristin Irwin Steve Chadwick Scripps Health Lester Lukin Sharp Health. Care Southcentral Foundation Debra Muscio Board Liaison Central CT Health Alliance
Spring Seminar Committee Kelly Nueske, Chair Larson Allen Mark Eddy HCA Debra Muscio Central CT Health Alliance
Regional Seminars Dan Pantera, Chair Methodist Hospital System Mike Peppers, CIA, CPA Charles Bumpass University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center Memorial Hermann Health System Cecelia Bishop Lois Pierson, CPA, CIA St. Luke’s Episcopal Health System University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston Glen C. Mueller, CPA, CISA, CISM Scripps Health Note—Regional Seminar Task Force Committee structure will vary as the geography for the seminar venue changes.
2009 Accomplishments ▲ ▲ ▲ Annual Conference—August 30 –September 2, 2009 (San Diego, California) Spring Seminar—May 4– 8, 2009 (Atlanta, Georgia) Organized and held Chief Audit Executive & Compliance Officer Roundtable Sessions § § ▲ October 23– 24, 2008 (Philadelphia, Pennsylvania) March 1– 3, 2009 (Atlanta, GA) March 2– 3, 2009 (Phoenix, Arizona) July 20 -21, 2009 (Seattle, Washington) Webinar—February 11, 2009 Regional Conferences ▲ ▲ Regional Seminar, October 13, 2008 (Houston Texas) Scheduled 2 nd Annual, November 2009 (Houston, Texas) Partnered with HCCA to deliver Auditing and Monitoring training at HCCA and HIA annual conferences Partnered with AAMAS through exhibit exchange
2009 Goals ▲ Review membership survey to determine needs ▲ Expand membership of Education Committee and Sub-committees ▲ Continue to provide quality Annual Conference ▲ Continue to improve Spring Seminar format to support larger attendance ▲ Continue to provide quality Regional and CAE Roundtables ▲ Continue to develop Webinar training opportunities to meet CPE certification requirements
Membership & Awards Committee Debi Weatherford Chair Piedmont Healthcare Steve Gasparich Board Liaison Providence Health System Joyce Lang Legacy Health System Cheryl Donegan St. John's Health System Vickie Patterson Protiviti Marta Gonzales Mike Fabrizius Sharp Health. Care Mount Sinai Medical Center & Miami Heart Institute Debbie Radke Karen Young Johns Hopkins University Postlethwaite & Netterville
2009 Accomplishments ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ Established framework for a Volunteer Recognition Program to be implemented in 2010 Launched a specialized AHIA technology list-server named by membership popular vote “Tech Tools” Developed a computer-based AHIA Member Survey for delivery in Fall 2009 Formed sub-committee to support and promote local and regional activities and seminars Moved the AHIA list server in-house from an out-sourced product Completed benchmarking comparison of AHIA to similar associations and highlighted opportunities for the Board of Directors’ consideration around educational offerings, networking opportunities and use of technology Exhibited at HCCA and AAMAS association conferences Refined Lifetime Membership Guidelines
Nominating Committee Barbara Winburn, Chair University of Texas Medical Branch Ken Spence Consultant Gary Flaming Providence Health & Services Debi Weatherford Piedmont Healthcare
2009 Accomplishments ▲ ▲ ▲ Formal appointment of members of the Nominating Committee by the AHIA Board Chair Solicitation and screening of candidates for the 2010 Board of Directors AHIA Board approved recommended candidates for Officer Track election: § § Joyce Lang, Legacy Health System Vickie Patterson, Protiviti
Technology Committee Gail Hormats Baystate Health Chair Heidi Crosby Robert Breighner Roger Brown Select Medical Corporation Board Liaison Trinity Health Joe Cannella University of Florida David Richstone Daiichi Sankyo, Inc. Bill Daniels Atlantic Health System
2009 Accomplishments ▲ Maintenance and expansion of the AHIA Audit Library Launched a campaign to expand the Audit Library with a monthly member contest Reviewed and cataloged all new submissions for ease of use ▲ Established Social Networking sites ▲ Provided quality Information Technology assistance to AHIA membership ▲ Established an Ask the IT Auditor Roundtable as a forum for sharing/enhancing IT audit knowledge among AHIA members ▲ Maintained the AHIA website
THANK YOU We would like to thank all of the members for their contribution to AHIA’s 2009 success. And a special “Thank You” to all of the volunteers who have donated their time to assure the continued success of AHIA.
SAVE THE DATE! 2010 Annual Conference September 12– 15, 2010 Hyatt Regency Baltimore on the Inner Harbor Baltimore, Maryland