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Welcome to the …. . 2006 Florida GSR Assembly Orlando, Florida
Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change things I can and the wisdom to know the
Respect the Process … Please turn off or place your electronic devices on silent or vibrate Atm osph ere of R ecov ery
Everything that occurs in the course of NA service must be motivated by the desire to more successfully carry the message of recovery to
Conference Agenda Workshops • St. Petersburg • West Palm Beach • Orlando • Gainesville
Today’s Agenda • Overview of Area, Group, Regional & World Services • Regional Motions • Ballots Submitted • AM Roundtable Issue Discussion Topics • Lunch • PM Roundtable Issue Discussion Topics • What’s Happening at the WSC?
Your Voice is heard ! n Members …………. n Group Business Meetings ………. GSR • Monthly n Area Service Committee ………. GSR - RCM • Monthly n Regional Service Committee …… RCM - RD • Every other month (some regions meet quarterly) n World Service Conference ………… RD • Every two years
The N. A. Group n n An NA group is the core of the program. It delivers the message of recovery through NA meetings. • Providing meeting space • Setting up and cleaning up • Supplying refreshments • Procuring literature • Running meetings • Maintaining an atmosphere of recovery
Area Service Committees form when groups unite to do together what cannot be done alone.
Area Service Committees While groups carry the message in recovery meetings, areas carry the message more publicly through: Ø Ø Ø Ø Ø Public Information Hospitals & Institutions Help Line Web Page Activities Convention Newsletter Outreach Meeting Lists
n n n n n Bahamas – An archipelago of 700 islands. Nassau & Freeport Bay – Pinellas County Big Bend – Tallahassee & many surrounding counties Chain O’Lakes – Lake & Sumter counties Daytona – Daytona Beach & surrounding counties First Coast – Jacksonville & surrounding counties Forest – Marion County Greater Orlando – Orange, Seminole & Osceola counties Heartland – Lakeland, Polk, Okeechobee, Hardee, Highlands counties Palm Coast – Palm Beach County north of Boynton Beach Blvd. Recovery Coast – Pasco County River Coast – Hernando, Citrus & other nearby counties Space Coast – Melbourne, Cocoa Beach and Brevard County Sun Coast – Sarasota & Manatee counties Tampa Fun Coast – City of Tampa & Hillsborough County Treasure Coast – Martin, St. Lucie & Indian River counties Un Coast – Gainesville & surrounding counties
Florida Region Ø Provide subcommittee support to Areas Ø Coordinate Public Relations efforts in the region Ø Manage the Florida Regional Service Office Ø Manage the Florida Regional Convention Ø Website & Internet Management Ø Outreach support services to Groups and Areas Ø Ø Hold Workshops and Learning Days, as well as a GSR Assembly and Symposium every other year Participate in World Service and Zonal activities
Recent Achievements n n n n The RSO eliminated $100 K of bad debt & is now operating in the black. Vastly improved website. 5 th largest WSO customer! Published Florida History Book in July 2004 Established Outreach Committee and efforts to support areas throughout the region in September 2004. 1 st Service Symposium held in March 2005 Revised and updated policy package completed 2005 RSC to be held in the Bahamas in September 2006 Holding 25 th Anniversary Convention – the three main speakers were the main speakers from FRCNA 1, 2 & 3 For the first time we now have 7 Areas with 50+ meetings and exceeded 700 meetings in the region !
Reaching Out Traveling Regional Weekends n n n n n Fun Coast – 1/04 Heartland (GSR) – 3/04 South Atlantic – 5/04 Space Coast – 7/04 Orlando – 9/04 Sun Coast – 11/04 Forest – 1/05 Orlando (Symposium) – 3/05 First Coast – 5/05 Daytona – 7/05 River Coast – 9/05 Big Bend – 11/05 Chain O’ Lakes – 1/06 Orlando (GSR) – 3/06 Palm Coast – 5/06 Treasure Coast – 7/06 Bahamas – 9/06 Uncoast – 11/06 Recovery Coast – 1/07 Bay (Symposium) – 3/07
706 North Ingraham Avenue Lakeland, Fl. 33801 (863) 683 -8224 (863) 683 -8184 fax
Southeast Zonal Forum MEMBER REGIONS n n n South Florida Alabama/NW Florida Georgia The Carolinas North Carolina Florida is hosting the January 2007 SEZF
Twelve Zonal Forums n n Asia-Pacific Forum Canadian Assembly European Delegates Meeting Latin American Zonal Forum n Autonomy Zonal Forum Midwest Zonal Forum North East Zonal Forum Plains States Zonal Forum Rocky Mountain Forum n Southeast Zonal Forum n n n Southern Zonal Forum Western States Forum
WSC – 4 1980 L. A. Valley College 1980 WSC Minutes: “Florida has 23 meetings, 8 are institutional meetings and 1 Nar-Anon meeting ………”
WSC 1984 Left to right: George H. , Jimmy K. , Bob Stone, Bob R. (standing), Susan C. Retail Workers Union Hall – Santa Monica
Air-Tel Hotel – Van Nuys Dallas, Texas ……. and ……. Vienna, Virginia
World Service Conference 2006 Marriott Warner Center Woodland Hills, California
World Service Conference 2006 Marriott Warner Center Woodland Hills, California
Not far from where it all began in 1953 October 5, 1953 1 st Recovery Me Church at Canta eting ra & Clybourne Jimmy K.
World Service Conference The World Service Conference is the place where delegates from the worldwide fellowship gather to consider the wishes, needs, desires of their local and global NA communities, unified by the vision that guides our decisions.
The World Board Ø Oversees the World Service Office Ø Facilitates development of NA worldwide Ø Ø Ø Interfaces with governments and professional bodies to ensure our developing ability to serve addicts everywhere Travels to World Wide Workshops and service events to keep us informed Supervises the planning and hosting of conventions Facilitates the production of new literature Oversees workgroups Provides the overview and insight that makes strategic planning possible
Narcotics Anonymous World Services, Inc. (NAWS) is a non-profit corporation whose business is to serve addicts. It is a part of the service structure that has been formalized for legal and business reasons. Most importantly, NAWS exists as a unifying element that allows us to work toward achieving our community vision of reaching every addict worldwide with our lifesaving message.
NAWS has four physical offices, called World Service Offices in: ◊ California Chatsworth ◊ Canada Mississauga ◊ Belgium Brussels ◊ Iran Tehran Special workers are employed by the offices to better serve our needs. The offices also answer questions & provide assistance to individuals, N. A. groups, areas, regions & zones throughout the world.
Chatsworth – San Fernando Valley
NAWS Finances n n n When we think of how we want to finance these important services in NA, some of us view NAWS as the business that finances services and growth for the whole fellowship. In recent years, NAWS revenue has been: • 89% literature, etc • 9% contributions • 2% miscellaneous Lately, some of us are beginning to wonder if we as a fellowship understand the value of self-support, or are we relying on the success of NAWS as a business?
…more NAWS n n n NAWS is supervised by an executive director and by the World Board. In some sense our World Board is a Board of Directors much like that of any other non-profit corporation. In a more important sense, our Board members are recovering addicts who serve like any of us who serve our home groups, areas or regions.
Regional Motions
Motion # 1 To direct the World Board to develop a project plan, timeline, and budget for WSC 2008, to create & develop a glossary of recovery terms typically used in Narcotics Anonymous
n n n Intent: To provide a resource of common meanings for frequently used NA recovery terms. Financial Impact: Depends on the extent of the project Maker: Northern New York Region
n n n Policy Affected: None Rationale: Eliminate confusion about terms, especially those not found in dictionaries. Northern New York believes this will eliminate different meanings of the same term, thus eliminating separation. World Board: Recommendation is not to adopt.
Motion # 1 To direct the World Board to Develop a project plan, timeline, and budget for WSC 2008, to create & develop a glossary of recovery terms typically used in Narcotics Anonymous DEFEATED SOUNDLY
Motion #2 To direct the World Board to create a project plan for the development of a fellowship-approved Identity Statement to be presented at WSC 2008. DEFEATED SOUNDLY
n Intent: To obtain literature that will recognize the distinguishing characteristics of the Narcotics Anonymous fellowship from other 12 -step fellowships. n Policy Affected: None n Maker: Ohio Region
Financial Impact: The cost of any potential project would depend on the details of the project plan. Rationale by Region: There are several versions in existence of an Identity Statement that circulate throughout the fellowship. Many home groups have chosen to make them part of their group readings. Additionally, they are read at Area & Regional Conventions. World Board: Our recommendation is not to adopt.
Motion #2 To direct the World Board to create a project plan for the development of a fellowship-approved Identity Statement to be presented at WSC 2008.
Motion #3 To change the timeframe for approval form recovery literature from the current minimum of 150 days to a minimum of one year. Intent: To extend the time frame for approval form literature to allow sufficient time to communities who choose to make a rough translation.
Intent: To extend the time frame for approval form literature to allow sufficient time to communities who choose to make a rough translation. Maker: German Speaking Region
Policy Affected: This action would directly amend the following WSC policies: A Guide to World Services in NA Page 32, Approval Process for Recovery Literature B. Approval-form Literature 1. Approval-form literature is prepared by the World Board and is distributed for a period of time, considering translations, determined by the World Board of not less than one hundred fifty (150) days [one year]. The length of this approval period is determined by the World Board based on the needs of the fellowship and the piece being considered for approval.
Rationale by Region: New literature is presented in English. Thus it is not accessible to large parts of our fellowship. To reach an informed group conscience, literature has to be available in our language as a rough draft translation. To do this, we need at least 6 month time ADDITIONAL to the usual approval period.
Motion #3 To change the timeframe for approval form recovery literature from the current minimum of 150 days to a minimum of one year. Intent: To extend the time frame for approval form literature to allow sufficient time to communities who choose to make a rough translation.
Time for Ballots #1 #2 #3 • For ______ • Against ______ • Abstain ______
It’s Break Time Keep coming back - - on time !!!
Roundtable Discussions
Issue Discussion Topics ‘Atmosphere of Recovery’ ip’
‘Atmosphere of Recovery’ 1. What is working within your group? that is, in what ways is your group carrying the message, rather than the disease? 2. Who, from your local community, is missing from your group, and why do you think they might be missing?
Atmosphere of Recovery 3. What are some things that you can do as an individual to create and maintain the atmosphere of recovery in your home group? What can you do when you see things happening that take away from that atmosphere? 4. What are some of the things the group can do?
‘Leadership’ 5. How do we, as a fellowship, better match people with positions—identify talent and match it to task? 6. What steps can we take to help trusted servants be more successful through mentoring, training, and orientation? How else can we help?
‘Leadership’ 7. How can we instill a sense of personal responsibility, ownership, and stewardship for the roles we take on? 8. What do we mean when we refer to “leadership” in NA? What is the difference between “leaders” and “leadership”?
It’s Break Time Keep coming back - - on time !!!
Respect the Process … Please turn off or place your electronic devices on silent or vibrate
Serenity Prayer God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change things I can and the wisdom to know the difference.
Results #1 • • • For Against Abstain #2 • For • Against • Abstain #3 • • • For Against Abstain
Issue Discussion Topics ‘Infrastructure’ ‘Our Public Image’
‘Our Public Image’ 9. How do I take responsibility for NA’s image/reputation? How do service bodies? How can a sense of personal responsibility and ownership develop in me, and how can I help others develop this? 10. How does a negative image / reputation affect our ability to carry the message?
‘Our Public Image’ 11. What about our image / reputation makes some people feel NA is not appropriate for them? What about our image makes some people feel NA is not where they would refer a client? 12. How can better cooperation among services improve our public image?
‘Infrastructure’ 13. Is the current structure in your local community best suited to carrying the message? What about the current structure could be better suited to carrying the message? 14. What are we trying to accomplish (what is most needed in your community) and how can we best meet.
‘Infrastructure’ 15. What are we doing for those we serve? If we are an area, what are we doing for our groups? A region, for our areas? A zone, for our regions? 16. What can I do to make service more effective? Why should I be of service?
It’s Break Time Keep coming back - - on time !!!
What’s Happening at World?
Current WSC Structure n n n Administrative & Sub-Committee System Multiple Boards (WSO, WCNA, Board of Trustees) Specific Tasks – Ad-hoc / Sub-Committees No Administrative or Sub-Committees Single Board (Board of Directors) Specific Tasks – Projects (Appointed by the BOD) Participants come from a “pool” of candidates and they are selected to best suit the particular project based upon qualifications
You’re Wanted – Huge Rewards! Sam E. says …. . “your fellowship needs you!” Complete your …. . World Pool Information Form 740 are in the pool now TODAY We do not endorse nor are we affiliated with Uncle Sam
Spanish Speaking Workshops n n n Peruvian Regional Convention - Lima, Peru Latin American Zonal Forum - Panama City Chilean Regional Convention – Quisco, Chile Venezuelan Regional Convention - Caracas Additional workshops were held in El Salvador & Guatemala.
Español Talleres Parlantes n n n La Convención Regional Peruana - Lima, Perú Foro Zonal Latinoamericano - Ciudad de Panamá La Convención Regional Chilena - Quisco La Convención Regional Venezolana - Caracas Talleres Adicionales Se Contuvieron El Salvador & Guatemala.
World Convention of Narcotics Anonymous 2007 – San Antonio, Texas - 32
World Convention of Narcotics Anonymous Spain - 2009 – Barcelona - 33
World Convention of Narcotics Anonymous 2011 - San Diego - 34
World Convention of Narcotics Anonymous 2013 – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – Oldest fellowship outside California 35
2006 Conference Seating n n Western Russia n South Africa Iran Middle East Branch of the W S O opened in Tehran 30, 000 members responded to fellowship survey n North Carolina Part of the Southeast Zonal Forum [Northern part of N. Carolina] n Appalachian-Bluegrass Part of Kentucky and a few border meetings in surrounding states NOT RECOMMENDED – Mexico Occidente
Western Russia St. Petersburg
South Africa
The Emerging Middle East
Tehran, Iran
The Emerging Middle East ◊ Egypt ◊ Lebanon ◊ Bahrain ◊ U. A. E. ◊ Iraq ◊ Pakistan ◊ Israel ◊ Turkey ◊ Kuwait ◊ Iran ◊ Afghanistan ◊ Saudi Arabia ◊ Qatar ◊ Oman ◊ Jordan
Little Bits of Information n www. na. org: 29, 914, 421 hits in 2005 • Area and Regional links – ¼ million • Event calendar – almost 300, 000 • A Local Guide To Service – 20 k downloads • E-subscriptions – n n n The NA Way Magazine Bulletin: USA Banking, EIN, & Tax Liability Insurance: Liability Insurance for meetings facilities PR: SECAD to attend next year despite dwindling attendance figures
Project Updates n Basic Text Stories Project • • n 700 stories from across the fellowship Some historical stories to be kept in the revised stories Review and Input draft to be sent out September 2006 Approval Copy to be sent out September 2007 Public Relations Handbook • • Will be complete this weekend Complete fellowship participation Approval Copy will be available by early April Likely voted on at the conference
On The Horizon n n Targeted Literature Basic Tools for Groups, Areas and Regions
Literature Prioritized n Youth & Recovery n Medication & Recovery ------------------------------------------------------------------- n n Benefit of Service to Personal Recovery Spiritual Development of members with longer clean time, how to continue to engage them in the fellowship of Narcotics Anonymous ------------------------------------------------------------------- n Older members and Recovery n Issues regarding Gender
Basic Tools for Groups, Areas & Regions. trusted servants oup materials for gr • Updateable gs. types of meetin rtain ls for running ce • Discussion Too ns. emovable sectio • Binders with r
Here’s your chance – Suggestions: n _________________________________ n _________________
Straw Poll Results n n n n n Youth & Recovery Benefits of Service Spiritual Development Old-timers ◊ Medication & Recovery ◊ Spiritual Development Old- Benefits of Service timers Spiritual Development Old-timers ◊ Benefits of Service Medication & Recovery Spiritual Development Old-timers Benefits of Service
FRCNA-25 Facilities Palm Beach County Convention Center Op en SO LD Marriott West Palm ing OU T Me eti ng
Meeting Rooms Upstairs Lobby Exhibit Hall Can seat 4, 500 Palm Beach County Convention Center
FRCNA-25 Facilities Palm Beach Airport Hilton This hotel is 100% nonsmoking 50% of rooms SOLD OUT West Palm Airport Holiday Inn
Keep coming back………. See you at FRCNA-25!