- Количество слайдов: 42
Welcome to Swansea ITe. C Induction Day – 13 July 2009 Helen Necrews Training Director
Contents 09. 00 am – 10. 00 pm Morning Introduction to Swansea ITe. C – – – Tour of Building Training Agreement Health and Safety Basic Skills Assessment Brief overview of courses
About the ITe. C We were founded in 1984 for the primary purpose of training school leavers in the use of IT and Electronics In 1990 expanded the training programme to include unemployed adults Addition to Government funded programmes provide ICT training to the private and commercial sectors In 1996 Swansea ITe. C became a limited company, committed to excellence in all of our ventures.
ITe. C Organisational Chart
Training Agreement Overview Equal Opportunity Standard of dress Guidance and support Absence and Sickness Holidays Course duration and hours of attendance Allowances Breaks Lateness Travel Child care payments Canteen Disciplinary Transfer to another programme Qualifications Work placement
Training Agreement WBL for Adults
Good Housekeeping/ Safety Systems The Good Housekeeping/ Safety Systems document outlines rules for the ITe. C otherwise not covered by the Training Agreement or the Acceptable Use Policy. Please read this through and sign at the bottom if you agree to adhere to these regulations.
ICT and Internet Policy The ITe. C computer system provides PC and Internet access to its trainees. This can only work successfully with the trust and co-operation of all concerned. Therefore, this Acceptable Use statement is designed to protect both trainees and the ITe. C by clearly stating what is acceptable and what is not.
DCELL(WAG) Learning is part financed by ESF through the Welsh Assembly Government (WAG). Committed to providing a quality service Can be contacted if learners are not satisfied with their learning experience DCELL ‘s is the department within WAG (Department of Children, Education and Learning)
Health and Safety Section
What is Health + Safety all about? Preventing people from being harmed by work or becoming ill by taking the right precautions – and providing a satisfactory working environment. Because health and safety at work is so important, there are rules which require all of us not to put ourselves or others in danger. The law is also there to protect the public from workplace dangers.
Legislation Health and Safety of Work Act 1974 The Management of Health and Safety at Works Regulations 1999 RIDDOR 1995/99 Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) COSHH 2002 Display Screen Equipment 1992 Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992. Manual Handling Operations 1992/2002
Health and Safety At Work Act Health and Safety Law notices should be located in prominent areas throughout the building. Usually, there is at least one Health and Safety notice for each floor of the building. For more information, please consult the Health and Safety Law leaflet provided. Health and Safety prohibitions will be pointed out during the tour of the building
Rights and Responsibilities The training provider has a duty of care to their learners Making your workplace safe and without risks to health Ensuring plant and machinery are safe and that safe systems of work are set and followed Ensuring articles and substances are moved, stored and used safely Providing adequate welfare facilities Giving you the information, instruction, training and supervision necessary for your health and safety
Rights and Responsibilities The learner has a duty of care to themselves Taking reasonable care for your own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by what you do or do not do Co-operating with your employer on health and safety Correctly using work items provided by your employer, including personal protective equipment, in accordance with training or instructions Not interfering with or misusing anything provided for your health, safety or welfare
Safety Policy Swansea ITe. C Ltd. operates under it’s own written Safety Policy as well as adhering the rules under Health and Safety Act. A copy of the Safety Policy is available on ITe. C blog. Please read this policy carefully and raise any questions you may have with the trainer conducting the induction.
Fire Drill • If you discover a fire: Raise the alarm immediately On hearing the alarm, a member of staff should make a 999 call. Do not take undue personal risks. Evacuate the building immediately by the nearest exits and report to the main assembly points: – Top floor ITe. C car park – Bottom floor rear car park
Fire Drill Close all doors and windows behind you if possible, as you make your escape. Responsible staff members should take attendance sheets with them to enable a roll call to be taken. If your escape is cut off, DO NOT PANIC. Go to a window and await the arrival of the fire service. Ensure that the door to the room is closed.
Accident Reporting In the event of an accident occurring, resulting in an injury, the following steps should be taken. – Report the accident immediately to your supervisor. – Enter details of the accident into the accident book kept at reception. – If treatment is required, request assistance from a First Aider: - Tim Mc. Closkey – The First Aid box is kept at: - Reception – If work is lost for 3 days or more due to injury, Swansea Itec will inform Welsh Assembly Government within 5 days (RIDDOR)
Accident Reporting All trainees are reminded that they must take reasonable care to avoid injury to themselves and others during their training activities and co-operate with Swansea ITe. C Ltd and others to keep the law (section 7 of the Health and Safety at Work Act). Trainees are required to report any accident immediately to Swansea ITe. C Ltd
RIDDOR 95/99 Refers to the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrences Regulations 1995 What must be reported: – Death or major injury – Over 3 days absence due to injury (reported to WAG within 5 days) – Work related diseases – Dangerous occurrences
Road Traffic Accidents (RTAs) Contractually, all scheme-time RTAs, in which a trainee is involved as either a driver or passenger, must be investigated and reported to Df. EE in the same way as any other accident to a trainee WAG need to investigate RTAs to ensure themselves about the condition of the vehicle and the competence of the driver – If the accident happens as part of the trainee’s employment – If the trainee is travelling between work sites or training locations during scheme time – If the vehicle is owned, hired or leased by the training provider or employer.
COSHH (2002) Control of Substances Hazardous to Health – Hazardous substances eg adhesive, paints – Where hazardous substances can be found eg factories, offices – Risk from a substance is the likelihood that it will harm you in the actual circumstances of use.
Display Screen Equipment Regulation 1992 The Regulation require employers to minimise the risks in VDU work by ensuring that workplaces and jobs are well designed The main injuries associated with workstations: – Upper limb disorder – Back injuries – Eye strain
Personal Protective Equipment at Work Regulations 1992 (PPE) What is PPE? – Defined as ‘all equipment (including clothing affording protection against weather) which is intended to be worn or held by a person at work and which protects them aginst one or more risks to their health and safety eg saftey helments, gloves, eye protection, gloves Employers have a basic duties concerning the provision and use of PPE at work. PPE requirements: – – Is properly assessed before use to ensure suitability Is maintained and stored properly Is provided with instructions on how to use it safely Is used correctly by employees
Manual Handling 1992 Manual Handling Operations Regulations applies to a wide range of manual handling activities, including lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling or carrying.
Risk Assessment A risk assessment is a careful examination of anything in the workplace that could cause people to suffer injury or ill health while they are at work The aim is to make sure that no one gets hurt or becomes ill. Hazard – means something that can cause harm Risk – is the chance, high or low, that somebody will be harmed by the hazard
Facts On average, 245 people are killed at work every year On average, 30, 000 serious work-related injuries occur each year On average, 38. 5 million days are lost each year due to workplace injuries or ill health On average, 25, 000 people leave the workforce each year, never to return, because of harm suffered at work
5 Steps to Risk Assessment Identify the hazard Decide who might be harmed and how Evaluate the risk and decide on precautions Record findings and implement them Review your findings
Equal Opportunities Policy (Swansea ITe. C) Swansea ITe. C wholeheartedly support the principle of Equal Opportunity in employment and in its services to all clients. The policy will aim to give full consideration to the requirements and to the intent of the: – Equal Pay Act 1970, the Sex Discrimination Act 1975, the Race Relations Act 1976, the Disabilities Discrimination Act 1995, as well as the Welsh Language Act 1993 and Age Discrimination Act 2006.
Course Overview Section
Type of Programmes Skillbuild – Youth – Adults FMA (Foundation Modern Apprenticeship) MA (Modern Apprenticeship)
Skillbuild - Youth Age range 16 -18 Endorsed by Careers Training Allowance £ 50 p. w plus travel Length of programme 26 weeks Location – In-house for 13 weeks (approx) – Workplace for 13 weeks (approx)
Skillbuild - Adults All age programme 18+ Referred by Job. Centres Training allowance of between £ 10 -£ 15 per week (additional to jobseekers allowance etc), plus travel Length of programme – 12 weeks
FMA Age range 16+ Training allowance of £ 50 pw for those 16 -18 Employed or non-employed Placement – with employer Training – ITe. C (off-the-job) once a fortnight Work towards level 2 qualifications – – User Practitioner Progression to MA
MA All age programme Employed Status Length of programme – 4 years Placement – with employer Work towards level 3 qualifications – Users – Practitioner
Course Detail (Skillbuild) Start Date: 13 July 2009 – – – – – Qualifications we offer: ECDL Part I and II E-quals Certificate for IT Users Level 1 or 2 E-quals Diploma for ICT Practitioners Level 2 Diploma in Business and Administration Level 2 Keyskills IOL & ICT Additional qualifications can be achieved NVQ’s – IT Users and IT Practitioner Technical certificates
Basic Skills Assessment WAG has implemented a Strategy to improve Basic Literacy and Numeracy in Wales The purpose of the Strategy is to increase the number of people up to a Level 1 in Literacy and Numeracy by 2010. In order to reach this target the Welsh Assembly is in partnership with a number of bodies eg Basic Skills Agency, LEA’s and DECWL.
Basic Skills (cont) This requirement applies to all learners undertaking DCELL funded provision of 5 hours or more per week. Swansea ITe. C offers Basic Skills support throughout the learners training programme
Additional Support Basic Skills tutorials are offered to those who wish to improve their basic skills Job Search and CV writing Arrange a Career Advisor or Remploy appointment prior to completing programme to discuss future options
Additional Information Additional information regarding Health and Safety and ITe. C policies and procedures can be founded in a folder located in all training rooms and within Swansea ITe. C – Trainee News Blog – Alison on-line skills training
Thank you for your time