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Welcome to St Simon’s FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY ( Greek for “showing off”) www. Welcome to St Simon’s FEAST OF THE EPIPHANY ( Greek for “showing off”) www. stsimonspartick. org. uk

ENTRY CAROL We three kings of orient are Bearing gifts we travel afar Field ENTRY CAROL We three kings of orient are Bearing gifts we travel afar Field and fountain, moor and mountain Following yonder star O star of wonder, star of night Star with royal beauty bright Westward leading still proceeding Guide us to thy perfect light

Born a king on Bethlehem plain Gold I bring to crown him again king Born a king on Bethlehem plain Gold I bring to crown him again king forever ceasing never over us all to reign O star of wonder, star of night star with royal beauty bright westward leading still proceeding guide us to thy perfect light Frankincense to offer have I incense owns a deity nigh prayer and praising all folk raising worship him God most high. Myrrh is mine, its better perfume breathes a life of gathering gloom sorrowing, sighing, bleeding, dying sealed in the stone cold tomb


Song of the Angels: Response Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo (x 2) Song of the Angels: Response Gloria, gloria in excelsis Deo (x 2)

THE WORD for the Feast of the Epiphany THE WORD for the Feast of the Epiphany

OLD TESTAMENT Isaiah 60. 1 - 6 …all shall come…bearing gifts of gold and OLD TESTAMENT Isaiah 60. 1 - 6 …all shall come…bearing gifts of gold and frankincense and myrhh…

Psalm 71: Response All nations shall fall prostrate before you, O Lord Psalm 71: Response All nations shall fall prostrate before you, O Lord

EPISTLE St Paul to the Ephesians 3. 2 – 6 Gentiles (us) are partners EPISTLE St Paul to the Ephesians 3. 2 – 6 Gentiles (us) are partners with the Jews

GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia (x 3) Verse Alleluia (x 3) GOSPEL ACCLAMATION Alleluia (x 3) Verse Alleluia (x 3)

GOSPEL Matthew 2. 1 – 12 Astrologers from the East (Persia / Iran ? GOSPEL Matthew 2. 1 – 12 Astrologers from the East (Persia / Iran ? )

THE APOSTLES’ CREED 1. I believe in God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven THE APOSTLES’ CREED 1. I believe in God the Father Almighty, creator of heaven and earth. 2. And in Jesus Christ, his only Son our Lord, 3. who was conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, 4. suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. 5. He descended into hell; on the third day he rose again from the dead. 6. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of God the Father Almighty. 7. From there He will come to judge the living and the dead. 8. I believe in the Holy Spirit, 9. the holy catholic church, the communion of saints, 10. the forgiveness of sins 11. the resurrection of the body 12. and life everlasting. Amen

Normally there is no plate collection here. If you wish to support your place Normally there is no plate collection here. If you wish to support your place of worship you should do this through your bank or by envelopes. Box in porch for visitors’ donations. TODAY: The Scottish Bishops require a plate collection for Justice & Peace work. SUNDAY MASS 10 am & 6 pm in English 6 Vigil and 12 noon in Polish DAILY MASS 12 30 SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Sat 12 30

EUCHARISTIC PRAYER The Lord be with you And with your spirit Lift up your EUCHARISTIC PRAYER The Lord be with you And with your spirit Lift up your hearts We lift them up to the Lord Let us give thanks to the Lord our God It is right and just CHRISTMAS PREFACE

SANCTUS (Schubert) Holy holy, Lord God of hosts (x 2) Heaven and earth are SANCTUS (Schubert) Holy holy, Lord God of hosts (x 2) Heaven and earth are full, full of your glory Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest Blessed is He who comes, in the name of the Lord Hosanna in the highest, hosanna in the highest

PROCLAMATION OF FAITH (Schubert) We proclaim your death O Lord and profess your resurrection PROCLAMATION OF FAITH (Schubert) We proclaim your death O Lord and profess your resurrection until you come again, until you come again.

GREAT AMEN Tune: The First Nowell GREAT AMEN Tune: The First Nowell

COMMUNION THE LORD’S PRAYER You are invited to say this in the language in COMMUNION THE LORD’S PRAYER You are invited to say this in the language in which you first learned it Sign of Peace

Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis (x 2) Lamb of God, you Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis (x 2) Lamb of God, you take away the sin of the world, have mercy on us Agnus Dei qui tollis peccata mundi, dona nobis pacem ……grant us peace. Please kneel

Behold the Lamb of God…. . Lord I am not worthy that you should Behold the Lamb of God…. . Lord I am not worthy that you should enter under my roof, but only say the word and my soul shall be healed.

See amid the winter’s snow born for us on earth below see the tender See amid the winter’s snow born for us on earth below see the tender Lamb appear promised from eternal years Hail thou ever blessed morn, hail redemption’s happy dawn sing though all Jerusalem Christ is born in Bethlehem. Lo within a manger lies he who built the starry skies he who throned on heights sublime sits amid the cherubim. Say you holy shepherds say, what your joyful news today? Wherefore have you left your sheep on the lonely mountain steep? As we watched at dead of night, lo we saw a wondrous light angels singing peace on earth told us of the Saviour’s birth. Sacred infant all divine, what a tender love was thine thus to come from highest bliss, down to such a world as this. Virgin mother Mary blest by the joys that fill thy breast pray for us that we may prove worthy of the Saviour’s love.

Rubens: Kings College, Cambridge Rubens: Kings College, Cambridge

The first Noel the angels did sing Was to certain poor shepherds in fields The first Noel the angels did sing Was to certain poor shepherds in fields where they lay In fields where they lay keeping their sheep On a cold winter’s night that was so deep Noel, noel, born is the King of Israel

They looked up and saw a star Shining in the east beyond them far They looked up and saw a star Shining in the east beyond them far And to the earth it gave great light And so it continued both day and night Noel…born is the King of Israel

And by the light of that same star Three wise men came from country And by the light of that same star Three wise men came from country far To seek for a king was their intent And to follow the star wherever it went Noel…born is the King of Israel

The let us all with one accord Sing praises to our heavenly Lord Who The let us all with one accord Sing praises to our heavenly Lord Who has made heaven and earth of nought And with his blood us all has bought Noel…born is the King of Israel

NEXT SUNDAY 13 JAN = FEAST OF ST MUNGO (KENTIGERN), PATRON OF GLASGOW. Sat NEXT SUNDAY 13 JAN = FEAST OF ST MUNGO (KENTIGERN), PATRON OF GLASGOW. Sat 12 Jan Life of Kentigern 12 noon Mitchell Library Sun 13 Jan Mungo Festival Service 6 30 pm Glasgow Cathedral WEEK OF PRAYER FOR CHRISTIAN UNITY 18 – 25 Jan IGNATIAN CENTRE Vat 2 Ecumenical Perspective Sat 19 Jan 2 pm PROF G CARRUTHERS ON BURNS Tue 22 Jan St Peter’s Hall ST SIMON’S BURNS SUPPER Fri 25 Jan 7 pm CRIB erected by Polish Chaplaincy. Donations to St Mgt’s Adoption If you got new things for Christmas please give what you no longer need to Emmaus. We cannot keep up with the demand for second hand goods!!! Church open daily 8 am – 5 pm Recycling? Solidarity with Emmaus shop 540 Dum Rd. 342 4089 Licence to copy music: Calamus 1324 &CCL 1400354