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Welcome to St. -Petersburg Schoolgirls 10 "And" a class Lukjanets Anna, Shubina Evgenie and Lebedeva Anastasiya
St. -Petersburg is located in Northern Europe, in the northwest of the Russian Federation, on the bank of gulf of Finland of Baltic sea, in a mouth of the river of Neva. The city is based in 1703 Peter I. With 1712 for 1918 — capital of the Russian empire. Carries a rank the Hero town (since 1965). The population — 4 869 600 persons (2011), is the most northern in the world a city with the population more than one million person. Among the cities completely located in Europe, St. -Petersburg is the third on the population, and also the first on number of inhabitants a city which is not capital. The center of the St. -Petersburg city agglomeration. St. -Petersburg — the important economic, scientific and cultural center of Russia, large transport knot.
Features of St. -Petersburg is most northern of cities of the world with the population over one million person. Feature of St. -Petersburg are the white nights In St. -Petersburg the period of the white nights lasts from June, 11 th till July, 2 nd. The white nights — an original symbol of St. Petersburg: at this time year in a city pass various festivals, concert programs and festivals.
Vegetation The total area of green plantings exceeds 31 thousand in hectare, among them 68 parks, 166 gardens, 730 squares, 232 parkways, 750 planted trees and shrubs streets. Parks of a city are located in various landscape conditions: on the bottom and top terraces of coast of gulf of Finland, thin plain, камовых hills. On suburbs of a city the large forests which have remained from a subband of a southern taiga have remained: the Juntolovsky wood summer residence, wood islets along the rivers of the Big Okhta, Rzhevka, Zhernovki, the Tallinn highway, between the river Neva and the railway to Moscow Many parks created in post-war years, are broken into territories where the wood vegetation actually was absent.
Culture St. -Petersburg is the cultural center of world value, often it name «Cultural capital» . In a city 8464 objects of a cultural heritage (history and culture monuments) including 4213 objects of a cultural heritage of federal value that makes almost 10 % of all monuments protected by the state in territory of the Russian Federation settle down. In St. -Petersburg work over 200 museums, more than 70 theaters, 1100 libraries, more than 50 cultural - leisure of establishments; more than 50 cinemas. In a city operate about 10 film studios
Hermitage The Hermitage in St. -Petersburg is one of the most known museums not only in Northern capital, but also all over the world. Together with such museums of the world as Louvre, Underground and the British museum it possesses a rich collection and is one of the most visited museums of the world. Now the museum collection totals more than 3 000 exhibits. It first of all pictures and sculptures, applied art subjects, and also other works of art. If to consider each exhibit on one minute, 8 years is required to examine all collection. For survey of all expositions it is necessary to pass 20 kilometers.
The Kazan cathedral in St. -Petersburg – the orthodox cathedral temple located in the city center. Temple facades leave on the Neva prospectus and Griboedov channel. This one of the greatest constructions in Northern capital. Its height reaches 71, 5 meters. On his name are named island in delta of Neva, the bridge on crossing of the Neva prospectus and Griboedov channel and street which departs a temple.
The palace bridge — the pig-iron bridge through the Big Neva in St. -Petersburg. Connects the central part of a city and Vasilevsky island. It is named in honor of the Winter Palace of Russian emperors. Is on an axis of Palace journey and the Exchange area. The length of the bridge — 260, 1 m, width — 27, 8 m. Consists of five flights. The dissolved dipterous central flight of the Palace bridge — one of city symbols
The bottom park of Peterhof in St. -Petersburg is considered the most well-known part of a dvortsovo-park complex of Peterhof. It world famous the architectural monuments, fountains and a sculptural ornament. From a line of the Sea channel it is divided on two parts: east (territorially big) and western (a triangular configuration); from which a fan, it is symmetric in both parts, four avenues depart. The western avenues conduct to pavilion the Hermitage, east - to a palace of Monplezir. The main architectural constructions of east part: the palace of Monplezir (northern border of park) and the cascade of Dragons or Chess mountain (southern border of park) are connected by Monplezirsky avenue. Here Monplezirsky and Chinese gardens, Menazherejnyj a garden are broken. Hothouse and Piramidnyj gardens are connected by radial avenues at the cascade of Dragons.
In the western part there is a Marlinsky ensemble: a palace of the Gauze with extensive ponds, a garden of Venus with a stone wall and a garden of Bahusa with the Marlinsky cascade and six fountains. On the bank of a gulf the pavilion the Hermitage which is connected by avenue to the Lion's cascade is located. More close to the Sea channel, Symmetrically big greenhouse, the Sand pond with a fountain is located. In a point of crossing of eight avenues the fountain "Eve" symmetric to a fountain "Adam" is placed. And the central ensemble makes the Big palace with the cascade, the channel and flower beds, «the Big greenhouse» with an orchard and hotbeds.
Winter palace The winter palace in St. -Petersburg — the former imperial palace, is a part now of the Main museum complex of the State Hermitage. The present building of a palace is constructed in 1754 -1762 by the Italian architect B. F. Rastrelli in style of magnificent Elizabethan baroque with elements of the French rococo in interiors. Is object of a cultural heritage of federal value and object of the world heritage of UNESCO as a part of the historical center of St. -Petersburg. From the moment of the building termination in 1762 for 1904 it was used as official winter residence of the Russian emperors. In 1904 Nikolay II has transferred constant residence to the Aleksandrovsky palace in Tsarskoje Selo. Since October, 1915 till November, 1917 in a palace the hospital of a name of cesarevitch Alexey Nikolaevicha worked. From July till November, 1917 in a palace the Provisional government took place. In January, 1920 in a palace the State museum of revolution dividing a building with the State Hermitage up to 1941 is opened. The winter palace and Palace Square form the most beautiful architectural ensemble of a modern city and are one of the main objects inside - the Russian and international tourism.
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