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Welcome to SMSS International Sydney, NSW, Australia (www. smssau. com) Wellington, New Zealand (www. Welcome to SMSS International Sydney, NSW, Australia (www. smssau. com) Wellington, New Zealand (www. smss. co. nz)

 • SMSS offers the LOWEST bulk SMS & MMS costs in South Africa • SMSS offers the LOWEST bulk SMS & MMS costs in South Africa • Any business have 3 options to make use of SMSS: Option. 1 Send bulk sms’s from only 16 c per sms to cell phones in 210 countries (Depending on volume, please see pricelist on last slide) (No set-up or monthly fee – Sms credits never expire) Option. 2 Send bulk MMS’s from only R 1. 25 - R 1. 95 (messages up to 100 KB) (Minimal set-up fee for professional creative ad developments) Examples of a MMS message: MMS’s have sound, animation, pictures and videos & could be up to 25 pages! • • • Bulk mms marketing is an excellent way to get a business’s website and products promoted for the following reasons: Cost effective way to send pictures and videos Clients want to receive the messages because they don’t pay for the images Builds client contact Clients often forward the messages to other people and in doing so perform viral marketing without your company paying a cent extra It is more effective than television with the same visual attractiveness and the client can download and view the videos or pictures when he or she is ready Fast delivery of the messages Measurable marketing effort as notification of delivery and opening is received 35 % and more respond within the first day of receiving the message Allows for spontaneous and interactive communication with clients anywhere in the world

Option. 3 Get an unique keyword on any of the following sms short codes; Option. 3 Get an unique keyword on any of the following sms short codes; 34050(R 2) 35002(R 3) 36100(R 5) 37002(R 7. 50) (R 795 + Vat per year and NO Monthly fee) Each sms received on the short code, earns the business anything between 30 c to R 3 per sms. Normally used for competitions, info services, surveys, database building, etc. INCLUDED: 1) Full campaign manager 2) Competitions history 3) Future campaigns 4) View SMS entries, time, date 5) Download SMS Entries 6) Bulk SMS Console Included, send SMS' from R 0. 16 c per SMS. 7) Automated database building of cell phone numbers 8) Automated auto response to each sms received(Free) 9) Sms scheduler for future sms campaigns, birthdays etc 10) Personalized sms marketing, done with the SMSS console 11) Automated E-MAIL response system to your customers

SUMMARY OF SMSS OPTIONS: OPTION. 1 ü ü ü Use for promotions, marketing, staff SUMMARY OF SMSS OPTIONS: OPTION. 1 ü ü ü Use for promotions, marketing, staff communication, campaigns, etc. Our bulk sms prices range from 16 c to 24 c per sms NO Set up or Registration fees to send sms messages from the SMSS platform (Simply buy & send instantly!) Features Included: • Upgrading of software is free and ongoing • Requires no software installation (web interface) • Purchased SMS's never expire • Recipient able to reply directly to the senders SMS Active interface • Replies are sent free of charge to up to 5 emails • Single and bulk SMS's can be scheduled to be sent at any given future date • Access to logs showing records of sent and received SMS‘s • Purchase of the SMS bundles whether single or bulk can be obtained easily as per the following methods: Direct bank deposits Electronic transfers Secure online purchase gateway • OPTION. 2 • R 1. 25 – R 1. 95 per MMS. The LOWEST in South Africa! MMS’s have sound, animation, pictures and videos & could be up to 25 pages!

OPTION. 3 Should your business want to make use of the short code system, OPTION. 3 Should your business want to make use of the short code system, the following is included annual Registration Fee: R 795 +VAT. NO monthly fee ü ü ü ü ü Free automated sms response to each customer that sends a sms message to the short code number Unlimited keywords on the short code, each with it’s own unique auto response message Earn between 30 c and R 3 per sms sent to your unique keyword on a 5 -digit short code Free email to your inbox of each message received from a customer Free sms message notification of each message received to selected cell phone number(s) Free automated email to your customer requested via a text message using the short code. A secure legal database is created and populated for you Sms message scheduler to do automated sms message-marketing. (Scheduling includes days, weeks, months, years) 24 -hour access to SMSS website that means you would be in control of your business from anywhere in the world Personalized sms message feature for bulk , scheduled and group sms messages. (Automatically taken from database) Personalized bulk e-mail feature, taking names automatically from database for personalized email marketing Bulk email facility, with automated email database building in groups through the short code An EXTRA sms-credit for each message received, to be used for marketing purposes (Can be accumulated & NEVER expires, which translates to FREE sms-marketing) Creating of your business on the SMSS platform Your own UNIQUE keyword Unlimited use of the 5 -digit short code number Email set up and registration Grouping of different keywords (unlimited) for different departments of your business Set up of website complaints, compliments, suggestions or subscriptions Set up of promotional platform for your business on SMSS website

MORE USES FOR SHORT CODES • • • It’s impossible to keep all customers MORE USES FOR SHORT CODES • • • It’s impossible to keep all customers happy all the time. Some will be unhappy about something Only 1 in 10 customers actually complain at the business. The rest simply leave and never return. Unhappy customers DO complain, but to family and friends, resulting in even MORE people avoiding a business 75% of customers will return if they receive ONLY a response 99% will return if the complaint is resolved • SMSS provides an INSTANT customer care system & complete control over every issue in a business • SMSS will improve customer care by more than 100% By providing your customers with an easy-to-use system to: • complain, • compliment, • suggest, • book, • get information, • partake in a competition, • join a vip club • or any other service, you build an automated database, earn sms credits and do FREE sms marketing

SUMMARY OF BENEFITS TO ANY COMPANY(BUSINESS) USING SMSS offer bulk sms prices at the SUMMARY OF BENEFITS TO ANY COMPANY(BUSINESS) USING SMSS offer bulk sms prices at the lowest possible rates, but also provide a UNIQUE and instant service for a business to manage and market his business cost effectively and effortlessly. • • • • • SMSS offers a business bulk text messages at the lowest price: from 16 c per sms and R 1. 25 per MMS With our short code number and UNIQUE sms-credit system, sending sms messages will cost a business NOTHING! Our system automatically personalize each text message from a business’s database, meaning the same message is sent to all, but each is personalized with the customer’s name, FOR the business The business will know instantly what his clients complain about or want Customers use a short code (5 -digit number – 34050) to book, complain, suggest , competitions, surveys or to send any message to the business’s email inbox and cell phone , instantly. Each sms message sent to the 5 -digit number could instantly be sent to up to 5 designated emails and 5 cell numbers at the same time. Each sms message received, will credit the business’s account with a sms-credit, meaning if used effectively, bulk sms messages should never cost the business anything. Sms credits are carried over and NEVER expires. Earn money on each sms sent to your unique keyword on a 5 -digit short code Each cell number received is automatically added to the business’s database & populated Each text message sent to the 5 -digit short code, gets a free automated response The automated sms response can be changed at anytime and there are no limits to different keywords and auto responses. Each email address received via a text message to the 5 -digit short code is automatically added to your e-mail database and populated The automated email response can be changed at any time and can contain pictures as well as attachments. The sms scheduler can be used for special events, birthdays, anniversaries, automated marketing, preloaded messages, etc. Simply load the scheduled messages & forget about it. The SMSS system will do the rest! People can reply to any message sent to them via our server, and it is displayed for the business’s viewing instantly on his SMSS login The reply message from a customer will also be sent to the business’s email instantly Messages can be viewed and sent from anywhere, anytime by simply logging onto www. SMSS. co. za No need to download any software or programs. Once registered the business is ready to go