Скачать презентацию Welcome to Session 4 Making Math Language and Скачать презентацию Welcome to Session 4 Making Math Language and


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Welcome to Session 4: Making Math Language and Assessments More Accessible n Please sign Welcome to Session 4: Making Math Language and Assessments More Accessible n Please sign in. n Fill out 3. 1: Warm-Up in Section 3 of your binder. n Coffee – in our room © 2010, EDC 1

Topic #1: Introduction & Assignment Discussions In this section, we will: n Follow-up on Topic #1: Introduction & Assignment Discussions In this section, we will: n Follow-up on Session 3 n Go over today’s agenda n Share experiences using accessibility strategies n Discuss articles © 2010, EDC 2

Goal Reminder: To make mathematics instruction more accessible to a Range of Learners 504 Goal Reminder: To make mathematics instruction more accessible to a Range of Learners 504 IEP IEP to Improve Student Learning © 2010, EDC 3

Ground Rules Reminder n n n n Contribute your ideas Respect others’ opinions Assume Ground Rules Reminder n n n n Contribute your ideas Respect others’ opinions Assume positive intentions Watch your own air time No side conversations Start and end on time Turn off cell phone ringers No texting or emailing “Parking Lot” © 2010, EDC 4

Looking Back: Topics n Collaborative Teaching Models n Collaborative Planning n Complexities of Collaboration Looking Back: Topics n Collaborative Teaching Models n Collaborative Planning n Complexities of Collaboration n Strengthening Communication © 2010, EDC Your Feedback Positives Suggestions Your Assignments 5

Session 3: Agenda & Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction Session 3: Agenda & Goals 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Introduction & Assignment Discussions Language in Mathematics Word Problems Math Vocabulary Sample Lesson Accessible Classroom Assessments Adapting Tests and Quizzes Planning Accessible Assessments Goals § Learn ways to make math language and assessments more accessible § Leave with ideas to try with students © 2010, EDC 6

Partner Discussions: Strategies Tried Please take out: n Reflection Form, copy of strategy, & Partner Discussions: Strategies Tried Please take out: n Reflection Form, copy of strategy, & work sample from focal student Talk with a partner who you do not work with. On your turn: n Describe the strategy and your reasons for using it n How did you use the strategy? n How helpful was the strategy for your focal student? n What might you do differently if you used it again in the future? Time: 5 minutes each Strategy Reflection Form © 2010, EDC 7

Whole Group Share Out n n What’s one thing that you learned from your Whole Group Share Out n n What’s one thing that you learned from your experience using the strategies? What’s one idea from your partner that you would like to try with your students? Why? © 2010, EDC 8

Discuss Article Take out the article, Building Students’ Understanding: The Equal Sign. Discuss: n Discuss Article Take out the article, Building Students’ Understanding: The Equal Sign. Discuss: n What are two points that stood out for you? Why? Choose a reporter who will share a few ideas with the whole group. Time: 10 minutes © 2010, EDC 9

Whole Group Share-Out n What’s one idea from your article discussion that you want Whole Group Share-Out n What’s one idea from your article discussion that you want to share with the whole group? © 2010, EDC 10

Topic #2: Language in Mathematics In this section, we will: n n Learn about Topic #2: Language in Mathematics In this section, we will: n n Learn about language demands and challenges for students Discuss focal students’ strengths and difficulties with math language © 2010, EDC 11

Math Communication Goals for Students n n Organize and consolidate their math thinking through Math Communication Goals for Students n n Organize and consolidate their math thinking through communication Communicate their math thinking coherently and clearly Use the language of math to express math ideas precisely Analyze and evaluate the math thinking and strategies of others © 2010, EDC 12

Types of Language Demands Receptive n Reading n Listening Expressive n Writing n Speaking Types of Language Demands Receptive n Reading n Listening Expressive n Writing n Speaking Common Areas of Difficulty n Reading: Decoding; Comprehension n Listening: Auditory Processing n Writing: Organizing ideas in writing n Speaking: Expressing ideas orally © 2010, EDC 13

Focal Students & Math Language Take out Warm-Up 3. 1 Discuss with a Partner Focal Students & Math Language Take out Warm-Up 3. 1 Discuss with a Partner n What strengths and difficulties does your focal student have with math language? n Reading n Listening n Writing n Speaking 3. 1 Time: 5 min © 2010, EDC 14

Reading Math Texts vs. Fiction FICTION Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Reading Math Texts vs. Fiction FICTION Dorothy lived in the midst of the great Kansas prairies, with Uncle Henry, who was a farmer, and Aunt Em, who was the farmer's wife. Their house was small, for the lumber to build it had to be carried by wagon many miles. Baum, L. F. p. 1 MATH TEXT Based on the pattern, how could you figure out the number of small squares in any figure number? Write an equation to find the number of squares in Figure n. What differences do you notice? © 2010, EDC 15

Conceptual Density of Mathematics Text “One reason students struggle with reading mathematics is the Conceptual Density of Mathematics Text “One reason students struggle with reading mathematics is the sheer number of concepts packed into the text. According to Schell, math text presents more concepts per word, sentence, and paragraph than any other content-area text. ” Source: Barton, M. and Heidema, C. (2002) p. 14 © 2010, EDC 16

What’s different about reading math texts? n n Not just left to right -- What’s different about reading math texts? n n Not just left to right -- need to read in different directions Not just words – also tables, graphs diagrams, and symbols The process of decoding symbols is different from decoding words. Symbols are like “sight words. ” One challenge is that different symbols are used to describe the same process. n Multiplication *, x, (), ● © 2010, EDC 17

Topic #3: Word Problems In this section, we will: n Solve and analyze a Topic #3: Word Problems In this section, we will: n Solve and analyze a math problem n Examine and discuss student work n Learn about research on difficulties and strategies © 2010, EDC 18

Get to Know the Math Problem 1. 2. Work on the problem. Write down Get to Know the Math Problem 1. 2. Work on the problem. Write down the questions that you ask yourself to get started. Discuss with a partner: § What questions did you ask yourself to get started? § How did you set up the table? § How did you come up with the algebraic expression? 3. 2 Popcorn Problem 3. 2 A Answers © 2010, EDC 19

Share Approaches Two volunteers present different approaches to the whole group: n n n Share Approaches Two volunteers present different approaches to the whole group: n n n What questions did you ask yourself to get started? How did you set up the table? How did you come up with the algebraic expression? © 2010, EDC 20

Apply the Framework: Consider the Math Key Math Goals n Represent a situation with Apply the Framework: Consider the Math Key Math Goals n Represent a situation with a table and symbolic expression n What would you add to the goals? © 2010, EDC 21

Analyze the Problem n What are the task demands on students? Language Conceptual Organization Analyze the Problem n What are the task demands on students? Language Conceptual Organization n What potential difficulties would you anticipate for your focal students? Next, we will look at actual work samples from two 7 th graders. 3. 2 Popcorn Problem Ref. A on Yellow © 2010, EDC 22

Consider the Student: Examine Work Sample X 1. Work individually to: n n Look Consider the Student: Examine Work Sample X 1. Work individually to: n n Look at the work sample for Student X Write notes on your LASW form in the first 2 columns. 2. In small groups, discuss Student X’s work: n Strengths and Difficulties n Diagnostic Questions 3. 3 LASW Tool 3. 4 Time: ~7 minutes Student X © 2010, EDC 23

Discuss Student X n n n Evidence of strengths & difficulties? Questions to ask Discuss Student X n n n Evidence of strengths & difficulties? Questions to ask to find out more about the student’s math understanding? Strategies? A. B. C. © 2010, EDC 24

Examine Work Sample from Student Y 1. Work individually to: n n Look at Examine Work Sample from Student Y 1. Work individually to: n n Look at the work sample for Student Y Write notes on your LASW form in the first 2 columns. 2. In small groups, discuss Student Y’s work: n Strengths and Difficulties n Diagnostic Questions 3. 5 Student Y © 2010, EDC 3. 3 LASW Tool 25

Discuss Student Y & Compare n n n Evidence of strengths & difficulties? Diagnostic Discuss Student Y & Compare n n n Evidence of strengths & difficulties? Diagnostic Questions & Strategies Similarities & Differences for X & Y? A. B. C. © 2010, EDC 26

Sample Strategies for the Popcorn Problem Examine strategies individually n Take a look at Sample Strategies for the Popcorn Problem Examine strategies individually n Take a look at the sample strategies. Talk with a partner n What’s one strategy that you would like to try with your students? Why? n What is your experience using similar strategies? What works well? 3. 6 Sample Strategies © 2010, EDC 27

Research on Word Problems Barriers for Students n Irrelevant Information n Extra Steps n Research on Word Problems Barriers for Students n Irrelevant Information n Extra Steps n Length Research Findings n Students with math learning disabilities do much worse than peers when the first two features are present. n n Similar findings for student with attention difficulties. Students who have both math and reading disabilities have the lowest performance on word problems Source: Berch & Mazzocco, 2007; Fuchs & Fuchs, 2002 © 2010, EDC 28

Metacognitive Strategies n n n What? A “plan of action” for problem solving that Metacognitive Strategies n n n What? A “plan of action” for problem solving that uses selfquestioning and self-checking techniques. How? Use after students have understanding of the math concept or skill Teach strategies explicitly through teacher modeling, and guided & independent practice Why? Build student independence Help students solve problems Overcome memory difficulties © 2010, EDC 29

Sample Metacognitive Strategies A. RAFT for getting started on solving word problems Read the Sample Metacognitive Strategies A. RAFT for getting started on solving word problems Read the problem Ask yourself: What is the problem asking? Find the key information Think ahead: What will the answers look like? B. Problem Solving Checklists 3. 7: RAFT 3. 8: Problem Solving © 2010, EDC 30

Think Aloud Strategy What is a Think Aloud? As you solve a problem, talk Think Aloud Strategy What is a Think Aloud? As you solve a problem, talk about your thought processes and the questions you are asking yourself. Sample Prompts 1. What does the problem say? 2. What question(s) am I trying to answer? 3. What information do I have? Which information is important? 4. How will I solve the problem? 3. 9 © 2010, EDC 31

How is a Think-Aloud Different from Questions Teachers Ask Every Day? n n The How is a Think-Aloud Different from Questions Teachers Ask Every Day? n n The think-aloud strategy places explicit focus on: n the process of self-questioning n modeling helpful questions for students to ask themselves In everyday routines students may notice the kinds of questions their teachers are asking Process for Using Think Aloud: n Teacher models “thinking aloud. ” n Students practice strategy and learn to use it independently. © 2010, EDC 32

Discuss Meta-cognitive Strategies 1. Look at strategies 3. 7 -3. 9. 2. Discuss: Share Discuss Meta-cognitive Strategies 1. Look at strategies 3. 7 -3. 9. 2. Discuss: Share your experiences: n How have you used the Think Aloud strategy or other meta-cognitive strategies with students? What works well? If you want to try a strategy: n What strategy do you want to try? How might you use it with your students? © 2010, EDC 33

Topic #4: Math Vocabulary In this section, we will: n Learn about math vocabulary Topic #4: Math Vocabulary In this section, we will: n Learn about math vocabulary challenges n Try sample strategies © 2010, EDC 34

Complexities of Math Vocabulary. Some terms: n are shared with everyday English but have Complexities of Math Vocabulary. Some terms: n are shared with everyday English but have distinct math meanings n n sound like everyday English words n n Right, volume, expression, figure, is, Sum and Some have more than one math meaning n Square, round Directions: 1. Read Handout 3. 10 2. What’s one math word that your students find confusing? 3. 10 Vocabulary © 2010, EDC 35

Small Words are also Important! Examples: n n n A Any Of Off And Small Words are also Important! Examples: n n n A Any Of Off And Or All Each It Is Strategies: n When reading aloud, clearly enunciate small words n Build students’ awareness of the importance of paying attention to small words © 2010, EDC 36

Sample Strategy: Vocabulary 4 -Block Definition in my own words Visual Representation Term Hints Sample Strategy: Vocabulary 4 -Block Definition in my own words Visual Representation Term Hints to Help Me Remember Examples This strategy helps students build understanding by organizing information about a term. © 2010, EDC 37

Sample 4 -block for Median The middle value in a set of ranked data Sample 4 -block for Median The middle value in a set of ranked data Median Don’t forget to put the numbers from smallest to largest! 1, 1, 4, 6, 7, 10, 21 Median sounds like medium --the middle 3. 11 © 2010, EDC 38

Vocabulary Activity: “I have, Who has? ” Goals: n Experience an activity that you Vocabulary Activity: “I have, Who has? ” Goals: n Experience an activity that you can use with students to review math vocabulary and build fluency n Consider ways to make the activity more accessible to students with disabilities © 2010, EDC 39

Lunch © 2010, EDC 40 Lunch © 2010, EDC 40

“I Have, Who Has” Activity: Demo 1. Everyone gets a card. 2. First player “I Have, Who Has” Activity: Demo 1. Everyone gets a card. 2. First player reads question on card: Who has a five-sided polygon? 3. Player with matching word responds and then asks next question. I have a pentagon. Who has a 90◦ angle? © 2010, EDC 41

“I have, Who has”Directions Before Playing 1. Divide into groups. Stand in a circle. “I have, Who has”Directions Before Playing 1. Divide into groups. Stand in a circle. 2. Each person gets one or two cards. 3. Talk with a partner about the meanings of the vocabulary words on your cards. Play the Game 4. One person begins by reading his/her question only. 5. The person who has the statement that matches, reads the statement. 6. That same person then reads the question on his/her card. 7. Play continues until all the cards have been completed. © 2010, EDC 42

Discuss n n How do you or would you use the “I have, who Discuss n n How do you or would you use the “I have, who has” vocabulary activity with your students? How do you or would you make it more accessible to your students with learning disabilities? © 2010, EDC 43

Closing Thoughts on Math Vocabulary Suggestions n Identify critical terms n Introduce vocabulary in Closing Thoughts on Math Vocabulary Suggestions n Identify critical terms n Introduce vocabulary in the context of doing mathematics, not in isolation n Provide multiple opportunities for students to hear, read & use terms Common Pitfall n Vocab. strategies are created but then not actively used n Word Wall turns into wall-paper n Students don’t use the dictionaries that they worked hard to make What are your suggestions for avoiding this © 2010, EDC 44

Topic #5: Sample Lesson In this section, we will: n Watch and discuss a Topic #5: Sample Lesson In this section, we will: n Watch and discuss a video of a lesson that involves reading, discussing, and writing about abstract equations n Discuss the ways the teacher informally assesses the students’ understanding © 2010, EDC 45

Math Lesson in Video n n n Reviews vocabulary from their math curriculum n Math Lesson in Video n n n Reviews vocabulary from their math curriculum n Factored Form: (x+1)(x+2) 2 + 3 x + 2 n Expanded Form: x Uses an area model for equations Uses Algebra Tiles (manipulatives) 1 Algebra Tiles x 2 x 3. 12 Video Background, Top © 2010, EDC 46

Algebra Tiles Demo Use Algebra Tiles to multiply (x+1)(x+2) © 2010, EDC 47 Algebra Tiles Demo Use Algebra Tiles to multiply (x+1)(x+2) © 2010, EDC 47

Algebra Tiles Demo x+1 1. First, use the tiles to build x + 1 Algebra Tiles Demo x+1 1. First, use the tiles to build x + 1 © 2010, EDC 48

Algebra Tiles Demo 2. Then, build x + 2 2 x+1 x + © Algebra Tiles Demo 2. Then, build x + 2 2 x+1 x + © 2010, EDC 49

Algebra Tiles Demo x+1 3. Show the multiplication by filling in the rectangle. x Algebra Tiles Demo x+1 3. Show the multiplication by filling in the rectangle. x timesxx = x 2 2 + x 2 © 2010, EDC 50

Algebra Tiles Demo x+1 4. Multiply: 1 times x = 1 x 2 times Algebra Tiles Demo x+1 4. Multiply: 1 times x = 1 x 2 times x = 2 x x + 2 x 2 © 2010, EDC 51

Algebra Tiles Demo 5. Multiply the yellow tiles: 1 times 2 = 2 x+1 Algebra Tiles Demo 5. Multiply the yellow tiles: 1 times 2 = 2 x+1 x + 2 x 2 The rectangle is completed. © 2010, EDC 52

Algebra Tiles Demo n Dimensions: (x + 1) and (x + 2) n Area: Algebra Tiles Demo n Dimensions: (x + 1) and (x + 2) n Area: x 2 + 3 x + 2 x+1 x 2 (x + 1)(x + 2) = x 2 + 3 x + 2 © 2010, EDC 53

Get to Know the Math Problem in the Video n n Read the problem Get to Know the Math Problem in the Video n n Read the problem on the bottom of 3. 12. Write what the problem is asking in your own words. Talk with a partner: n What did you write? n What is your approach to solving the problem? 3. 12 Bottom of Page © 2010, EDC 54

Video: Background n n n Title I Math Coach who co-teaches 8 th grade Video: Background n n n Title I Math Coach who co-teaches 8 th grade math class and provides math support Uses alternative teaching model with six 8 th grade students, including students with disabilities and ELLs, who were having difficulties in the regular math class As a group, these students tend to be very quiet, and teachers could not tell what the students understood What do these students understand? © 2010, EDC 55

As You Watch, Keep in Mind… Video Reminder n An example to spark discussion, As You Watch, Keep in Mind… Video Reminder n An example to spark discussion, not meant to be ideal n Observe the teacher’s practices without judging Focus Questions n What strategies does the teacher use to make the language of the mathematics accessible? n How does the teacher find out about the students’ math understanding? 3. 13 Video Notes © 2010, EDC 56

Sequence for Viewing “Math Support Class” n n Vocabulary Warm-Up Introduction to Main Problem Sequence for Viewing “Math Support Class” n n Vocabulary Warm-Up Introduction to Main Problem n n Student Explanations n n Discussion Teacher’s Interview 3. 13 Video Notes © 2010, EDC 57

After the Video: Discuss n n What strategies do you use to encourage quiet After the Video: Discuss n n What strategies do you use to encourage quiet students, including ones with disabilities and English Learners, to talk about their math ideas? What questioning strategies do you use with your students? © 2010, EDC 58

Ideas to Take Away n Write down 1 -2 ideas from the morning that Ideas to Take Away n Write down 1 -2 ideas from the morning that you would like to try with your students. n Write down your ideas on Reference Sheet E. n Share with a partner from another table. Time: 5 -7 minutes Ref. E on green © 2010, EDC 59

Topic #6: Accessible Classroom Assessments In this section, we will: n n Discuss the Topic #6: Accessible Classroom Assessments In this section, we will: n n Discuss the need for making accommodations to math assessments Identify strategies to help students before, during, and after assessments Note: The focus is on classroom assessments and not on state tests. © 2010, EDC 60

Accessible Assessment Activity Goal n Discuss different reasons for assessing students and for making Accessible Assessment Activity Goal n Discuss different reasons for assessing students and for making accommodations to tests and quizzes Directions 1. Read the handout. 2. 3. Highlight 2 quotes that stand out for you. Discuss in small groups. n Which quotes did you pick? Why? 3. 14: Assessment Quotes © 2010, EDC 61

Before & During Assessments Activity Goal n Discuss ways to support students before and Before & During Assessments Activity Goal n Discuss ways to support students before and during assessments Directions 1. Divide into groups of 3 or 4. 2. Choose one sample student for the group. 3. Discuss the questions and fill out Handout. 4. Be prepared to share two ideas with the whole group. 3. 15: Sample Students 3. 16: Chart © 2010, EDC 62

Whole Group Share-Out A reporter from each group shares: n n What are two Whole Group Share-Out A reporter from each group shares: n n What are two ideas for providing support to your sample student before and during assessments? Why do you think that these suggestions would be helpful to this student? © 2010, EDC 63

Ways to support students after assessments Suggestions n Have students analyze errors n Conceptual, Ways to support students after assessments Suggestions n Have students analyze errors n Conceptual, careless, computational n n n What would you add to this list? 3. 17 Suggestions © 2010, EDC 64

Topic #7: Adapting Tests and Quizzes In this section, we will: n Consider a Topic #7: Adapting Tests and Quizzes In this section, we will: n Consider a variety of ways to make tests more accessible n Examine sample adaptations to assessments © 2010, EDC 65

Examine Sample Adaptations Directions n Work in pairs. n Compare the original quiz to Examine Sample Adaptations Directions n Work in pairs. n Compare the original quiz to the adapted version. n n Tear out the original quiz to make it easier to compare. Discuss: What kinds of adaptations were made? Note: Adaptations were made for a few problems not the whole quiz 3. 18 Original Quiz - 3. 19 Adapted Quiz 3. 20 Sample Adaptations © 2010, EDC 66

Discuss n n What adaptations were made to the quiz? How might these changes Discuss n n What adaptations were made to the quiz? How might these changes help students with learning disabilities? What kinds of adaptations do you make to classroom math tests? Note: Handout 3. 20 has a list of suggestions. 3. 19 & 3. 20 © 2010, EDC 67

Topic #8: Planning Accessible Assessments In this section, we will: n collaborate with colleagues Topic #8: Planning Accessible Assessments In this section, we will: n collaborate with colleagues to plan accommodations for a test or quiz from our curriculum © 2010, EDC 68

Goals and Cautions for Adapting Assessments Goals n Enable students to show their abilities Goals and Cautions for Adapting Assessments Goals n Enable students to show their abilities and not be impeded by their disabilities n Align accommodations with students’ strengths and difficulties and with the math assessment goals Cautions n Lose integrity of math – Refer to the Standards (Handout) n Set expectations too low © 2010, EDC 69

Planning Reminder: Alignment is Key! © 2010, EDC 70 Planning Reminder: Alignment is Key! © 2010, EDC 70

Planning Time: Checklist 1. Get Organized n n Work with your teaching partner or Planning Time: Checklist 1. Get Organized n n Work with your teaching partner or in grade-level groups. Take out math test that you brought 2. Discuss and fill out the Planner. 3. Make adaptations to at least 2 test questions to make them more accessible to your focal students. 4. Action Plan Form: determine who, when, where, how you will gather examples of student work, lesson or assessment accommodations for your focal student. share ideas with colleagues from other groups. 3. 21 Accessible Assessment Planner © 2010, EDC 71

Share Ideas n Get organized into groups of 3 to talk with people from Share Ideas n Get organized into groups of 3 to talk with people from other planning groups. Discuss n What are 2 strategies that you used to make the test/quiz more accessible to your students? n Why did you choose these strategies? Time: 7 minutes © 2010, EDC 72

Topic #9: Day 4 Wrap-Up In this section, we will: n Do a wrap-up Topic #9: Day 4 Wrap-Up In this section, we will: n Do a wrap-up activity n Assignment for next time (Wednesday, March 11 th, 2015) © 2010, EDC 73

Day 4 Wrap-Up: Math Standards Expressions & Equations n Apply and extend previous understandings Day 4 Wrap-Up: Math Standards Expressions & Equations n Apply and extend previous understandings of arithmetic to algebraic expressions. n Solve real-life and mathematical problems using numerical and algebraic expressions and equations. n Analyze and solve linear equations Practice Standards 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. 6. Attend to precision. 7. Look for and make use of structure. 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. Source: Common Core State Standards 74

Last Step n Complete Feedback Form Thanks very much for participating in the course!! Last Step n Complete Feedback Form Thanks very much for participating in the course!! © 2010, EDC 75