Российское образование.ppt
- Количество слайдов: 29
Welcome to school#207 It was founded in 1936 It was one of the few schools working all through WWII and the siege of our city which lasted for 900 days It became the first school specializing in English in the centre of the city
There are outstanding physicists, biologists and poets among the school leavers. Now you can see it after complete reconstruction. There about 800 pupils. The school has two buildings: primary and secondary schools.
Education in Russia Russian educational system is devided into 4 levels: 1) Pre-school education (optional) 2) Primary education (compulsory) 3) Secondary education (the first five years out of 7 are compulsory) 4) Higher Education
Pre-school education (age 2 -6) Pre-school education is represented mainly by nursery schools (or kindergartens) They work all day Children eat, sleep, play and do a lot of activities there
Nursery schools are funded partly by the state and partly by parents Some nursery schools also provide preschool teaching
There a lot of private courses for children of 5 -6 preparing them for school.
At School As soon as a child becomes 7, he/she must go to school (they may also start school at 6) The school year starts on September 1, which is celebrated throughout the country as the Day of Knoweledge
The school year ends at the end of May except for grade 9 and 11 who take their state exams in June The school year is divided into 4 (quaters) or 3 (terms) parts There are holidays (vacations) in autumn (fall), winter and spring (about 10 days each) and, of course, in summer
Primary education (age 7 -10) Children study reading, writing, arithmetics, some basics of science, music, PE From year (grade) 2 they study a foreign language
They have 4 -5 lessons a day (35 minutes each) They have one main teacher and one classroom There is a wide range of extra-curricular activities like dancing, singing, drawing, chess, sport etc.
Secondary Education (age 11 -17) There are several types of secondary schools Most secondary schools are comprehensive There are 'gymnaseums' which focus on humanities
'Lyceums' which focus on Science Schools specialising in a certain subject (i. e. a foreign language) Private schools (very small number)
Secondary school (age 11 -17) Secondary school is divided into middle school (grades 5 -9) and high school (grades 10 -11) Pupils have 5 -7 lessons a day which last 45 minutes They study 6 days a week
Middle school (age 11 -15) Pupils have different teachers who specialise in a certain subject Each subject is usually taught in a separate specially-equipped room
Starting from grade 7 pupils study algebra, geometry, biology, physics and chemistry as separate subjects
Among other subjects they study are Russian Literature History Geography Computer Studies PE Art Foreign Language Citizenship Life Safety
At the end of middle school (grade 9) pupils have to take 4 State Exams. 2 of them are compulsory (Russian and Maths), the other two depend on a pupil's choice
After passing the exams pupils have 2 choices They may stay at school for two more years (high school) and prepare for University Or they may go to technical colleges and colleges of vocational training After graduating from colleges a student may start working or enter an institution of higher education.
High school (age 16 -17) At high school students usually have a more specialised course of study They may focus on humanities, science or maths But they still have to study all the subjects from the National Curriculum
At the end of high school they have to take at least 2 state exams (Unified State Exam) in Russian and Maths to get GCSE Usually they take 4 -5 depending on the requirements of the University they apply for
Higher education (age 17 -20/22) It is very common in Russia to go to institutions of higher education Few teenagers start working after school or technical college Most popular degree courses are Law, Economics, Management and IT
To enter a University you need to have high score in at least 3 Unified State Exams If you get enough points, you study free of charge If you lose the competition, you can study paying regular fees
Today almost all Universities in Russia provide Bachelor's (4 years) and Master's (2 years) Degrees Only medical students still have to study 7 years to become doctors or 9 years if they want to work at a hospital.
The most prestigious universities of Russia Moscow State University St Petersburg State University