- Количество слайдов: 22
Welcome to our reading evening AW
Outline of evening • How children learn to read – tuning into sounds to reading fluently • What we do in school • Activities to support your child at home VB
Tuning in…. • • • Environmental sounds Instrumental sounds Listening games Initial letter sounds Rhyme and rhythm Alliteration GR
Phonics and learning to read • Children have daily phonic sessions following the Read Write Inc scheme. • They are taught individual sounds at their level. • They use these to ‘sound’ out and ‘blend’ for reading words and simple sentences • There also sight (or red) words that need t o be learned VB
Word Jargon buster Definition Phoneme Small unit of sound Grapheme A letter or number of letters that represent a sound. Digraphs Two letters that makes 1 sound, e. g - ow / ea Trigraphs Three letters that makes 1 sound, e. g - igh Split digraph Another letter comes in between the phoneme, e. g - cake Vowel digraph Spelling pattern using vowels: E. g Blend Hearing the phonemes and blending together. Segment Hearing a word and splitting it into the different phonemes. Red words Can not be sounded out easily. Chunking Group words into syllables to support sounding out Speed sounds Order that we teach all 44 speech sounds e. g m a s d t i n p ea slice
Letter sounds • Children are introduced to letter sounds in order • Single letter sounds to begin, moving on to digraphs, trigraphs and split digraphs • Correct pronunciation is key! • Video/handout GR
Set 2 and set 3 sounds PS
Green words - these can be sounded out and the children can practice and apply the sounds they know to read these words shop hang with grow sleep them own PS will bunk sheet can cool pool and big right
Alien Words These are nonsense words – examples These words are part of the RWI assessments and the Y 1 phonic screening test. PS
What is the phonics Screen? It is a national assessment for all pupils at the end of year 1 It will assess your child’s decoding skills VB They are required to read a total of 40 real and non words
Red Words Red words -These are words that must be read on sight – they can not be sounded out. I of VB no are my was you some there said so all
How will I know what my child has been working on? • Slip inside reading record on a weekly basis. • Important that reading folders are returned to school each day. PCB
Supporting phonics at home • Early Reading Packs • Handout of activities • Flash cards that parents can buy GR
Early Reading behaviours GR/VB • • Book a week Rhyme and rhythm Alliteration Settings, events and characters Re-tell stories Picture cues Environmental print Handling the book
Early phonics in reading • Looking at initial sounds • Reading decodable texts – simple cvc words to begin • Building up to words with known sounds • Comprehension still important at this stage GR/VB
Developing readers • Phonics is secure • More emphasis on a range of comprehension skills – inference and deduction • Fluency and expression is developed • Focus on vocabulary and word meaning • Awareness of punctuation PCB
Reading Strategies • Before you open the book. • Wide range of books are sent home. • What to do when your child gets stuck on a word PS – – – Phonics as first approach Picture prompts Split longer words (chunking) Read on and go back – what would make sense? (context) Look for words inside words Word family
Supporting reading at home • • Daily reading Longer books – few pages Comprehension Expression Punctuation Sharing books Websites – oxford owl PCB
Guided reading in school • Children read as a small group • Specific focus – word level or text level • Some form of response – verbal/written • Slip in reading record to share focus VB
New Curriculum PCB • New curriculum there is a shift towards consolidating skills before moving on. • Children need a breadth of understanding and experience within a range of different texts, in particular poetry
Finally… • Reading for pleasure • Sharing books with your child • Be positive and give lots of praise and encouragement.
Thank you for your time. Any questions?