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Welcome to our Maths Morning Welcome to our Maths Morning

“I want to help with Maths homework, but they do things differently now!” ‘When “I want to help with Maths homework, but they do things differently now!” ‘When children reach the age of 5 many parents get a dreadful shock. They find their children bringing home vocabulary and methods that they just don’t recognise. ’ ‘Parents keen to help realise that…they don’t understand what their child is doing and… when they try to demonstrate how to do something differently, all they manage to do is confuse the child. ’ Some of you at some point have probably heard from your child ‘That’s not how my teacher said to do it!’

Why is Maths taught differently now? • When I was at school, maths lessons Why is Maths taught differently now? • When I was at school, maths lessons involved teaching rules of how to do things. We didn't question and often we didn't understand why we were "carrying ten" or “taking one". • This meant that I was fine as long as I remembered the rules and as long as the type of question didn’t change, but I had no clear understanding of what I was doing and why it worked. • Activities like this were probably okay for the children who ‘got’ maths, but not for those who struggled or were uninspired by the work on offer. • A new emphasis on understanding before writing.

This morning we will… • Inform you how we teach maths at Wood Ley This morning we will… • Inform you how we teach maths at Wood Ley in line with the new maths curriculum. • Focus in the classrooms on number. • A chance to go and work with your children in maths.

The New Primary Mathematics Curriculum 2015 The New Primary Mathematics Curriculum 2015

Key themes in mathematics in the new curriculum • Spoken communication and reasoning • Key themes in mathematics in the new curriculum • Spoken communication and reasoning • Reading and spelling mathematical vocabulary • Problem solving and application of knowledge • Calculators not being used as a substitute for good written and mental arithmetic • Focus on mental calculation and written calculation • Strands now: number measurement geometry (shape and space) statistics

Key Changes - Mathematics • Larger numbers introduced earlier • No data handling in Key Changes - Mathematics • Larger numbers introduced earlier • No data handling in Year 1 • Tables to 12 x 12 by end of Year 4 • Earlier introduction to formal written methods • Focus on fractions • • • No use of calculators until the end of KS 2 Focus on problem solving • Understanding of square numbers, cubed numbers, primes, factors, prime factors, common multiples etc. during Year 5 and Year 6 • No probability

Assessment • July 2015 was the last year national curriculum ‘Levels’ were used at Assessment • July 2015 was the last year national curriculum ‘Levels’ were used at the end of Key Stages • Children will be tested at the end of Year 2 and 6 2016 on maths that reflects the new curriculum. • Children will be given standardised scores, not levels. You will be told whether your child is ‘at expected standard’ , ‘above expected standard’ or ‘below expected standard’ for their age. • The focus will be on ‘arithmetic’ and ‘mathematical fluency, solving problems and reasoning’.

Calculations The aim is that children will always be able to recognise when calculations Calculations The aim is that children will always be able to recognise when calculations can be done ‘ in their heads’ and choose effective and efficient strategies to work out the answers.

Overview Up to Year 3 the emphasis is on: o working mentally, o calculations Overview Up to Year 3 the emphasis is on: o working mentally, o calculations recorded in horizontal number sentences o some jottings for more challenging numbers o Models and Images In Year 3 -6 children will be gradually taught more formal written methods of calculation but they will still use mental methods and jottings where appropriate.

Mental Maths The ability to calculate mentally forms the basis of all methods of Mental Maths The ability to calculate mentally forms the basis of all methods of calculation. This involves: • instant recall of number facts (+ - x ÷) • have a secure understanding of place value and the number system • know the best strategy to apply to a calculation • understand the language and rules of maths

Written Calculations • Throughout their primary years, children should progress from informal jottings to Written Calculations • Throughout their primary years, children should progress from informal jottings to efficient written methods for each of the four operations. • Standard written methods should only be introduced when a child has a secure knowledge and understanding of the process involved and can clearly explain the strategies they have used. • Children become secure with these methods when they have regular practice and persevere!

Our Written methods • All our calculation methods are based on developing an understanding Our Written methods • All our calculation methods are based on developing an understanding of the number system and building on existing mental strategies. • We want children to develop a mathematical understanding, a feel for the value of number, NOT just to learn a mechanical method that is prone to error. • Once they fully understand what they are doing, they can move to more compact methods.

How to help your child with mathematics! How to help your child with mathematics!

Supporting your child at home • As a parent/ carer it is essential that Supporting your child at home • As a parent/ carer it is essential that you help your child with their numeracy skills at home. • This does not always mean sitting down with your child. • Firstly try to make maths as much fun as possible - games, puzzles and jigsaws are a great way to start. It's also important to show we use maths skills in our everyday lives and to involve your child in this. Identifying problems and solving them can also help your child develop maths skills. If you see him or her puzzling over something, talk about the problem and try to work out the solution together. • Don't shy away from maths if you didn’t like it at school. Try to find new ways to enjoy the subject with your child.

Supporting your child at home • Find out which number facts your child is Supporting your child at home • Find out which number facts your child is learning at school (addition facts to 10, times tables, doubles etc). Try to practise for a few minutes each day using a range of vocabulary. • Go shopping with your child to buy two or three items. Ask them to work out the total amount spent and how much change you will get. • Buy some items with a percentage extra free. Help your child to calculate how much of the product is free. • Use a TV guide. Ask your child to work out the length of their favourite programmes. Can they calculate how long they spend watching TV each day / each week? • Use a bus or train timetable. Ask your child to work out how long a journey between two places should take? Go on the journey. Do you arrive earlier or later than expected? How much earlier/later? • Help your child to scale a recipe up or down to feed the right amount of people.

Key Messages To develop written calculation strategies, children need: o Secure mental strategies from Key Messages To develop written calculation strategies, children need: o Secure mental strategies from YR. o A solid understanding of the number system. o Practical, hands on experience including counters and base 10 apparatus. o Visual images including number lines and arrays. o Secure understanding of each stage before moving onto the next. o The questions at the forefront of their minds: ‘Can I do it in my head? If not which method will help me? ’ Thank You! Please feel free to go to your child’s maths lesson. I will Email out this powerpoint to everyone. Your child may not be in their registration classroom, please look on classroom doors for group lists.