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Welcome to Orientation! Bachelor’s in Applied Science —Cardiopulmonary Sciences Second Cohort— 40 students in progress
Goals for This Presentation The Participant will: l Meet the Faculty l l Be familiar with recent nation-wide changes affecting the CVT & Respiratory Care Professions and the Educational Preparation Be informed about impact of educational preparation and its implications for the current Degree Program Identify your career and educational goals Be informed about how this program will be managed from instructional and organizational perspectives
Collaborators for this Program’s Design n Steve Shideler, MSHS, RRT, Program Director Cardiopulmonary Sciences University of Central Florida n Linda Goodfellow, Ed. D. , RRT Program Director Cardiopulmonary Sciences Georgia State University n Jon Nilsestuen , Ph. D, RRT Program Director Cardiopulmonary Sciences University of Texas—Medical Branch n Kandy Woods, MPH, RRT Assistant Professor Florida A & M University n Jeff Elsberry, RRT, Ph. D Program Director Cardiopulmonary Sciences Edison State College
Meet the BAS Administration & Faculty n n n n Prof. Jeff Davis Prof. Ray Lenius Prof. William O’Neill Prof. Sindee Karpel Dr. J. B. Elsberry Dr. R. Innocent Guest Lecturing Pulmonologists and Cardiologists TBA Associate Deans: Mary Myers Interim Health Sciences Kristen Zimmerman Baccalaureate Programs
Why are we doing this at this time?
Conference 3 Recommendations l l 10 Recommendations from the Conference have completed Public Input Phase Next they will be published in Respiratory Care
What is the relevant AARC Recommendation? l Proposed concept: AARC request Co. ARC to change by 7/1/12 accreditation standard 1. 01 to read as follows: 1. 01 The sponsoring institution must be a postsecondary academic institution accredited by a regional or national accrediting agency that is recognized by the U. S. Department of Education (USDE) and must be authorized under applicable law or other acceptable authority to award graduates of the program a baccalaureate or graduate degree at the completion of the program. Programs accredited prior to 2013 that do not currently offer a baccalaureate or graduate degree must transition to conferring a baccalaureate or graduate degree, which should be awarded by the sponsoring institution, upon all RT students who matriculate into the program after 2020.
What does this mean in Plain English? All Respiratory Care Programs (accredited after 2013) must transition to offering either a Graduate Degree or a minimum of a Baccalaureate Degree. l CVT Profession will likely follow, , , l l l Deadline for all programs to comply – 2020? Co. ARC is not supportive @ this time
Higher Education Standards in the U. S. 387 Associate Degree RC Programs l 36 Associate Degree CVT Programs l 53 Baccalaureate Programs l 21 Certificate Programs [100 level] l l (soon to be phased out)
2010: Of The 53 Programs that award a Bachelor’s Degree 3 are in FL
Comparisons with Nursing AS degree is the most common Entry Level Credential l Profession set BSN as minimum credential goal over 20 years ago l Well established Career Ladder l l AS, BSN, MSN, ARNP, Ph. D & DN
The argument for a Baccalaureate Degree Well recognized minimum Professional Standard l Medicare will now reimburse RRTs with Baccalaureate Degrees for Pt. Care l A much more substantial scientific and communication foundation can be established for these graduates l Admission to Medical School or graduate Study l
What are your Current Career Goals l l l l Clinical Care Specialty Exams (RPFT, NP-S, AE-C, RPSG etc. ) Management* Consulting* Educator* Clinical Specialist with Industry* Advanced Cardiopulmonary Diagnostics* PA and Graduate Programs* *A Baccalaureate Degree is often required as a minimum credential for most Graduate Programs
Florida’s 2011 Model l UCF’s BS Degree in Cardiopulmonary Sciences established in 1967 (2 nd oldest in country) l FAMU’s BS degree in Cardiopulmonary Sciences established in 1983 l Edison State College’s AS degree in Respiratory Care established in 1984 l l BAS Degree approved in 2010 AS to BAS articulation (3 +1)
Baccalaureate and University Programs This is a new B. A. S. degree approved by the FL DOE Chancellor only Spring 2010 l The Program began accepting students last Fall Semester to a 3 + 1 format. l l AS Degree (CVT or RC) and RCIS or RRT l l AS Degree + General Ed. + 36 hrs @ (3000 & 4000 level) Blended Format Course design. Online + 1 -2 class meetings/month
Edison’s Carousel Design l l l Designed for Working Professionals 10 core courses 2 upper division electives Take the courses in any order that meets your needs… Keep up with your Grad Requirements on line…
Access to your own Degree Audit
Other Options l l Blended design courses giving way to On-line when learners and faculty are ready… St. Pete College’s Plan l l l Existing Health. Care Degree with Respiratory Concentration Valencia State College’s and Seminole State College Joint Plan Palm Beach State College’s Plan Fully On-Line Programs Boise State, Concordia, Independence University etc. $$$$ …
A National Perspective… l l l A Bachelor’s degree is likely to be the entry level educational standard for an increasing number of students entering the RC Profession between 2013 -2020. CVT may follow… Many Community Colleges will have to modify their mission or seek consortium partners. Seventeen states prevent CC’s from offering Bachelor’s degrees. l Florida is ahead on this issue with the State Colleges
Our Current Blended Schedule Mondays every 3 weeks and on-line: l RET 4715 Advanced Neonatal Medicine l Tuesdays every 3 weeks and on-line: l HSA 3430 Health Care Economics l RET 4285 Cardiopulm Diagnostics & Inter. l Wednesday every 3 weeks and on-line: l RET 4536 Cardiopulmonary Rehab. l RET 4034 Problems in Pt. Management l
Instructional Delivery in the Future Blended vs. On-line ? ? ? l We are evaluating the (Google) Canvas Platform now l Future for Totally On-line classes rests with that and you… l
Your Questions ?