- Количество слайдов: 12
Welcome to Open House 2017 Mr. Consorte Mr. Shinnick (Periods ) 9 th & 10 th Grade Global Studies Consorted@esmonline. org
Mr. Consorte’s Web Page. This is where all Homework, Notes, Project Sheets, and any other pertinent information can be found. Access this web site from the school web page.
How Do I Access the Site? Repeated use of this site will lead to success. 1 - Go to the school’s main page – esmonline. org 2 - Look for the Quick links title on the left side 3 - Click Teacher Web Pages (2 nd to last) 4 - In the “Searching for Specific Teacher” text box type Consorte 5 - Click on my Name in Blue (Use the first one) 6 - On the left side click on the appropriate class (Either 9 th or 10 th) 7 - Under that class new headings appear. Click on the heading you were looking for. 8 - Most popular – Notes (Student and Teacher), Homework, Review Sheets for Tests and Project Sheets. I have a link to Castle Learning under Regents Links. 9 9 - They can use this throughout the year to study for tests and definitely to study for the Regents in June. 10 - Information could show on the left side or on the main page in the middle. Please look in both places.
Global 9 and Global 10 – These courses go together and at the end of 10 th grade all students must pass the regents in June. 50 Multiple Choice Questions, 10 -13 scaffolding, 1 DBQ essay, and 1 Thematic Essay.
Extra Help – Every Tuesday after school in room 2934. Students must let me know they are coming and tell me what they want help with so I can plan. Our testing days are Monday and Thursday. Some Wednesdays may also be used. We may test on any day during Regents review.
Materials and Textbooks – Notebook of any kind, at least 2 black and blue ink pens, 2 pencils, a folder and the textbook. Textbook can stay at home because we have enough for a class set. All books need to be turned in when they are given the Regents review book or before they take the final exam.
Classroom Rules: 1 - Be on time 2 - Respect 3 -Be prepared 4 – No Cell Phone, IPod, IPad or any other electronic device may be used in class without permission of the teacher. I need help with this one. Students are using many social media apps frequently and they are copying work from friends. They are also taking pictures and video of staff and/or fellow classmates. This is not allowed to be done without the permission of that person.
Projects – Will be given quarters 1 -3 and will have a set due date. If the student fails to turn the project in electronically by midnight, a 20 point deduction will occur. For each additional midnight that passes without the project being turned in will result in another 20 point deduction until 5 days have passed. Weekends count too!
Homework/Classwork – Will be given often. All work will be posted on the board and on parent portal in advance. Students are encouraged to take a picture and e-mail it to themselves so it will never be lost. It will also be posted to my web site.
Extra Credit – A maximum of three projects can be done per quarter. (Quarters 1 -3) Each will be worth up to 10 points on tests. They must get prior approval before they are attempted. A partial list of what may be done is listed on my web site under extra credit assignments. I will also allow Castle Learning practice tests to be set up and completed by the student to be counted as extra credit. 100 correct questions answered will equal 10 points on any test. Only 3 per quarter may be done (Quarters 1 -3) ** All extra credit is due two weeks before the end of Quarters 1 -3. ** During the 4 th Quarter, students will be allowed to complete as many extra credit practice tests from Castle Learning as they choose. They will be allowed to continue this extra credit until the morning of the Regents.
Common Core – This is the buzz word we have heard for a number of years in the educational field. I have included some links to web sites so you can familiarize yourself with the expectations. The main focus is on writing and the ability to problem solve. Evidence based text is also an important part of the Common Core curriculum. Students will be asked to work in groups to find answers to the challenging questions posed. We will be using the O’Dell Model to accomplish these goals.
Helpful Websites To understand Common Core http: //pta. org/parents/content. cfm? Item. Number=2583 https: //www. engageny. org/parent-and-family-resources http: //www. engageny. org/resource/new-york-state-common-coresample-questions http: //www. engageny. org/sites/default/files/resource/attachments/parent_ workshop_faq. pdf