Welcome to Kazakhstan • Capital Astana • Largest city Almaty • Official languages Kazakh (national) Russian • Area - Total 2, 724, 900 km 2 (9 th) • Population - 16, 967, 000[3] (61 st) -
Baiterek in Astana is a new symbol of the young state
Charyn canyon It can compete with the World Famous Grand Canyon
Katon Karagay
Singing barchans
Sary – Arka - The main steppe
Kolsai lake
Khan Tengri Mountain (22, 949 ft)
Be careful! Camels on the road!
Caspian sea
Medeo - The most highest skating-rink in the World!
Baikonur cosmodrome
The Southern Kazakhstan is well-known for apples which are grown there
National Kazakh Dastarkhan is a tribute to the traditional hospitality
Beautiful kazakh girls
Kazakh national dress
Constructing a Yurt
Traditional Hunting
Traditional games
Kazakhstan is rich in various resources. Especially agricultural.
Dombyra – Kazakh traditional music instrument
Hazret Sultan Mosque
Christian Churches
Kozha Akhmet Yasayi Mausoleum
Nauryz – National Day
We invite you to Kazakhstan)