- Количество слайдов: 12
Welcome to Graspa 2016 Annecy July 2016
Physics @ LAPP 7 experiments and R&D programs Accelerator physics: @ CERN (LHC) : ATLAS and LHCb Neutrino physics: OPERA, Stereo, Super. Nemo Observation of the Universe: Virgo (Italy), HESS (Namibia), CTA (La Palma / Chili), AMS 2 (International Space Station) R&D Instrumentation and applications: WA 105 at CERN, ATF 2 in Japan 30 Physicists from CNRS/IN 2 P 3 9 Professors 64 Engineers, technicians and administrative staff ~ 20 Ph. D students + Post-docs
ATLAS @ LAPP Physics @ ATLAS: • Fundamental Tests of SM and indirect searchs (electroweak sector) • Higgs : Standard Model aspects, characteristics and portal on new physics • Direct search : Z’ new resonances Technical side: - Electromagnetic calorimeter - Pixel detector - Detector upgrades for phase II of LHC • Better knowledge of Standard Model : indirect search of new physics
LHCb @ LAPP CP violation and CKM tests with B 0 → J/Ψ π0 Indirect search for new physics in b s • Strong implication of the group in the electromagnetic calorimeter • Physics analysis related to calorimeter objects ( , 0, e )
Neutrino activities @ LAPP Long tradition since 1980: Bugey, Nomad, Chooz… I- Study of neutrino oscillations at accelerators Ø OPERA in Gran Sasso Laboratory In 2015 the discovery of transition νμ->ντ LAPP actively involved in analysis and in the automated manipulator systems Ø WA 105 experiment R&D at CERN on large Liquid Argon TPC detector future Long Baseline neutrino experiment
Neutrino physics @ LAPP II- Search for sterile neutrino at reactor Ø STEREO experiment at ILL reactor in Grenoble LAPP involved in source calibration system of the liquid scintillator detector, the shielding and in the analysis III- Search for Neutrinoless Double b decay to study the nature of n Ø Super. NEMO demonstrator in Modane underground laboratory LAPP involved in the realisation of half of the source foils and the slow control system. Data taking expected to start end of 2016
Gravitational Waves Compact Binary Coalescences: Binary neutron star, neutron star - black hole and binary black hole mergers most promising sources of gravitational waves Broad physics program: General Relativity, Astrophysics, Cosmology First discovery of gravitational waves in 2016 !
HESS & CTA Search for DM annihilation signatures in HESS observations of dwarf spheroidal Among the best limits at Te. V energy scale Construction of the loading system for HESS -II camera and the camera security electronics Active Galaxy Nuclei studies Constraint on Lorentz Invariance Violation Constraint on extragalactic background light Search for ultra high energy CR accelerators Mechanics, mechatronics and electronics contribution to the big telescope of CTA
Physics @ LAPTh § Particle Physics New physics, Higgs, Standard Model ü Phenomenology of the LHC, Higgsciting years to come ! ü Search and characterisation for new physics, links with Dark Matter ü Links with Dark Matter ü Precision calculus in the Standard Model ü Flavor Physics, matter/antimatter asymmetry § Astroparticles and Cosmology ü Dark matter, physics of early universe ü Detection channels and identification stategies for the search of dark matter ü Scenarios tests: CTA, AMS-02, HESS, Planck, … ü Cosmic rays propagation ü Gamma ray bursts 13 Physicists from CNRS/INP 7 Professors 5 Administrative staff and computer staff ~ 15 Ph. D students + Post-docs
§ QFT and Integrable Systems ü Study of diffusion amplitudes for particles : a way to get rid of the diagrammatic perturbation methods ? ü Integrable Systems and applications - Statistical physics of out of equilibrium systems - Spin chains ü Formal aspects of Quantum Field Theory and Topological QFT ü Symmetries
MUST : local and grid computing facility Grid VO supported • WLCG (90% of activity) üATLAS üLHCb • EGI üGEANT 4 üCTA üILC üEARTH SCIENCES üRegional VO ü…. . Today • ~1400 cores • 250 TB/GPFS • 1 PB/DPM (ATLAS grid only) • Dedicated 10 Gb/s to LHCONE Local users activities • Theoretical • Mathematics • Polymer research • High frequency research • ….
Have a Nice Meeting!