- Количество слайдов: 25
Scenario #1 - $500 • 1. List 6 items you would want to buy with $500 and select only 3 that you have enough money for. • 2. Where do you go to buy your items? • 3. How were your items made and who was involved in making them?
Timed-Pair-Share: Take a few seconds to think about why you picked those 3 items and explain it to your shoulder partner. After 30 seconds switch and listen to your partner.
Scenario #2 - $5, 000 • 1. List 5 items you would want to buy with $5, 000 and select 3 that you have enough money for. • 2. Where do you go to buy your items? • 3. How were your items made and who was involved in making them?
Timed-Pair-Share: Take a few seconds to think about why you picked those 3 items and explain it to your face partner. After 30 seconds switch and listen to your partner.
Scenario #3 - $50, 000 • 1. List 4 items you would want to buy with $50, 000 and select 3 that you have enough money for. • 2. Where do you go to buy? • 3. How were your items made and who was involved in making them?
Timed-Pair-Share: Take a few seconds to think about why you picked those 3 items and explain it to your shoulder partner. After 30 seconds switch and listen to your partner.
Resources and Scarcity Economics LG: I will understand the relationship between resources and scarcity by categorizing uses of resources.
I. Economics: The study of people’s choices under the condition of scarcity A. Scarcity: When there are limited quantities of resources to meet unlimited wants B. Goods: physical items of value C. Services: human action that has value D. Consumers: those who buy goods/services E. Producers: those who create or manufacture goods/services
Giant Sequoia Trees
New Home Construction
Scissors = good
Haircut = service
II. Factors of Production (think business!) A. Natural Resources (land): materials from the earth 1. 2. Renewable - plants, animals, timber non-renewable - mineral ores and fuels B. Human Resources (labor): people’s effort & skill C. Capital Resources (capital): machines, tools, and buildings D. Entrepreneur = the business owner who takes the risk of bringing together the factors of production for a profit
Renewable Resource = forest
Workers – Human Resources
Capital Resources
Bill Gates
Donald Trump
Reading Activity • Read pages 5 -10: answer the following questions… • 1. What is the fundamental economic problem? • 2. What are the 3 basic economic questions every society must answer? • 3. What are the 4 key elements of economics? • 4. What items have you been without because of limited resources? Read pages 12 -17: answer the following questions… 1. What examples can you give of transactions taking place in product markets? 2. What is the relationship between scarcity, value, utility, and wealth? 3. Where do you fit in the Circular Flow of Economic Activity? 4. What education do you want for income purposes? Why?