- Количество слайдов: 22
Welcome to Bonnette Junior High 2013 -2014
Helpful People You Should Know & Mrs. Ø Counselors: Ms. Sheffield Ø Ø Cruse Librarian: Ms. Bowman Nurse: Mrs. Graham Assistant Principals: Mrs. Harwerth (6 th grade & 8 th A-K) & Mrs. Mead (7 th grade & 8 th L-Z) Principal: Mr. Moore
Discipline Basics Ø Stay out of the assistant principal’s office (for disciplinary reasons). Ø Know the school and classroom expectations. Follow them. Ø Be familiar with the Code of Conduct. You signed it!
Lunch Procedures & Detention Ø First level of discipline Ø Lunch Detention: Not serving assigned lunch detentions results in a ISS assignment
After School Detention Ø Second level of discipline Ø Tuesday & Thursday til 4: 30 pm Ø Failure to serve assigned detentions results in a ISS assignment
IHP- In House Partial Ø In-school suspension for a partial day Ø You are responsible for missed work Ø Repeated IHP assignments will lead to a longer ISS assignment
ISS- In School Suspension Ø ISS for full days Ø Assigned in 1, 3, or 5 day lengths Ø Most serious consequence on the campus Ø No UIL activities during assignment Ø Behavior problems in ISS result in suspension from school and/or DAEP
Suspension Ø Very serious consequence Ø Counts as an absence Ø Assigned for 1, 2, or 3 day lengths
DAEP Ø Assigned for a minimum of 15 days; can also be 30 day, rest of semester, or even rest of the year Ø Assigned for major discipline problems or persistent minor behavior problems Ø Drugs / alcohol – 30 days if under the influence and/or misdemeanor possession (1 st offense) Ø Profanity towards ANY adults
Expulsion Ø This means you no longer attend public school in Deer Park. Your school will be in Houston at the JJAEP school for a length of a semester or a year. Ø Certain violations require expulsion (2 nd time under the influence, weapons, selling / delivery of drugs, etc. )
Fighting Ø First fight is suspension and / or ISS for all participants Ø Second incident is ISS or possibly DAEP Ø Any other fight is automatically DAEP Ø May be referred to DPPD for fighting, assault, or disorderly conduct Ø Persistent verbal conflicts will be considered as fighting after warnings have been given
BJHcameras – new and very detailed Security ØPolice presence – Officer Wilcoxson and other DPPD officers as needed Ø“Drug dogs” – medication, alcohol, weapons, ammunition, illegal drugs; will search halls, lockers, and classrooms ØCrimestoppers – $$$$ paid for helping prevent crimes or for providing information about crimes that have already happened Call: 713 -222 -8477(TIPS), Text: TIP 610 plus tip to: 274637 (CRIMES) or www. crimestoppers. org ØIncident reports (teachers, counselors, office) ØYou!!! What you know and what you see!!!
Off Limits Ø Elementary, other junior high school campuses Ø Outside of building during day Ø Out of cafeteria during assigned lunch Ø Off school grounds once arriving at school (Brownies, Donut Time, etc. ) Ø Curfew violations (ticketed by DPPD)
Lunch & Lockers Cafeteria Expectations: Ø Come in, sit down and remain seated until your row is called Ø Stay in the seat that you chose Ø Clean up after yourself Ø No throwing food Ø Keep lunch account updated Locker Expectations: Ø No sharing lockers Ø 8: 07, before/after lunch, 3: 15 Ø Report stuck or damaged lockers to front office
Profanity Ø Offensive is in the ear of the beholder. Ø In the hall, first offense will be detention. Second offense will be ISS. Ø In the classroom, each offense will be IHP or ISS. Ø Aimed at any adult will be a DAEP assignment.
Dress Code ØClothes must be sized properly and preserve modesty (Prohibited – off shoulder tops, pants/shirts too revealing) ØNo inappropriate logos or wording is allowed (alcohol, tobacco, profanity, skulls, etc. ) ØNo beach shoes (flip flops, athletic slides, etc. ) ØNo tattoos, no earrings on boys, no facial piercing on anyone ØHair that is considered distracting (unnatural colors, mohawks, fauxhawks, shaved designs, etc. )
Cell Phones Ø A phone heard or seen will be confiscated unless a BJH adult has asked you to get out your phone for a specific reason Ø A parent must pick up phones from the office Ø 1 st time = student warning, parent pickup Ø 2 nd time = 2 after school detentions, $10, parent pickup 3 rd time = 1 -3 days ISS, $15, parent pickup
Absences Ø MUST bring parent/doctor note to front office before school day after absence Ø Parent can only write 6 notes per semester Ø Notes must be brought within 5 days or will be unexcused Ø After 3 unexcused absences, parents receive Court Warning from Harris County District Attorney Ø Unexcused absences after that result in court appearance
Planners & Bobcat Binders in EVERY WAY! Ø Use it EVERYDAY Ø Hall passes, library checkout, afterschool passes Ø Reminders about: homework, upcoming tests and projects, due dates for permission slips or fundraisers, dances, field trips and more! Ø We give you one for FREE! v Planners cost: 2 nd one $2. 00. Each additional $5. 00 v Binders cost: replacement $7. 00
Safety Reminders ØBike Riders: stay on sidewalk & walk your bike ØBus Riders: stand behind the yellow line or against the wall ØWalkers/Car Riders: do not go between busses & stay on the sidewalk (you should not be leaving through bus area doors)
Bobcat GOOD NEWS Ø Out of this World Winner Ø ABSO – lutely Awesome Celebrations Ø C 3 - Character Connection Counts
Bobcats Prowl with Pride!