- Количество слайдов: 12
HOMEWOR K Homework is given for three purposes: to reinforce skills learned in school to develop responsibility in students to keep parents informed about what their children are learning
WEEKLY HOMEWORK ASSIGNMENTS Free choice reading and math fact fluency practice are strongly encouraged each night. Monday – Thursday: math homework will be given to the students by their math teacher. Reading homework may be given as well. These assignments should be returned the next day to the child’s math and/or reading teacher. Please check your child’s Student Planner every evening for assignments and important reminders. Each of these assignments should take no longer than 30 minutes to complete. Please let us know via a note or email if your child encountered difficulty with an assignment and was unable to do so.
GRADING PROCEDURES SPELLING READING WRITING MATH word study comprehension mechanics daily writing fluency focus geometry vocabulary organization measurement phonics content algebraic thinking number sense & math facts
CONFERENCE S A conference will be held on Tues. , Nov. 20 or Wed. , Nov. 21. If you would like to schedule a conference at any other time throughout the year, please let me know.
WRITING Daily Oral Language 1 st m. p. - writing complete, detailed sentences & using proper mechanics; staying focused on a given topic 2 nd - writing stories that are focused & organized 3 rd & 4 th - writing stories that are full of relevant content, organized, & focused on one topic
Additional Curricular Areas handwriting – neatness, sizing, and spacing; cursive beginning in January social studies – communities & geography; America’s past; people & places; government; economics; celebrating cultures; Pennsylvania science – earth: earth; space; weather life: plant & animal life physical: matter; forces, machines, and work; energy; sound human body: systems of the body; staying healthy
MISCELLANEO US birthdays – no food treats unless purchased through WSD recess - every day from 9: 40 – 9: 55; appropriate attire is extremely important lunch – 11: 15 – 11: 45; roster payment is fast & easy Star Student - information sheet is sent home by homeroom teacher class parties - To Be Announced field trips – Oct. 25 th Landis Valley; May 21 st capitol **clearances communication – Student Planner, Homework Folder, email, notes, phone calls differentiated instruction – reading & math: flexibly grouped according to achievement writing: Step Up to Writing program
Before you leave… • feel free to walk around and check out our classroom • make sure you have your information folder containing 3 rd grade procedures & expectations, volunteering paperwork, Scholastic book orders, Highlights magazine subscriptions, etc. • write your child a brief letter, which he/she will receive first thing tomorrow morning
MATH • number facts – Rocket Math (+ - x ÷) – “quickly & accurately” = 3 seconds/problem – strategies, flashcards, games
MATH, cont’d algebraic concepts/ problem solving graphing, money, time, double digit + & -, geometry, & measurement
READING • whole group & flexible small group reading instruction • target skills instruction ~ character, setting, plot, etc. • independent reading, activities, & projects • fluency checks