Скачать презентацию Welcome Third Meeting of the Advisory Committee CAS Скачать презентацию Welcome Third Meeting of the Advisory Committee CAS


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Welcome Third Meeting of the Advisory Committee CAS Physics in Physics of Nano-Materials and Welcome Third Meeting of the Advisory Committee CAS Physics in Physics of Nano-Materials and Complex Systems th March 2010 24

The Second Advisory Committee met on 26 nd March 2009. The minutes were circulated The Second Advisory Committee met on 26 nd March 2009. The minutes were circulated to all members No comments received.

Financial Sanctions Non Recurring Equipment Grant of Rs. 54. 50 Lakhs Major Equipments Low Financial Sanctions Non Recurring Equipment Grant of Rs. 54. 50 Lakhs Major Equipments Low Temp Cryostat (8 ), RF Sputtering upgradation (10), Impedance Analyzer (10) plus other smaller equipments. All are working and being used. Presentations to be given by concerned colleagues. Recurring for 5 years 28. 50 lakhs plus 3 project Fellows (Main highlight here is Website development for course material… to be presented by AKK )

Three Project Fellows working. The report of their work in the report. Two of Three Project Fellows working. The report of their work in the report. Two of them are PDF level and one is research scholar. Earlier Project Fellows completed their doctoral work.

The support received from UGC by the virtue of being CAS Department A. Infrastructure The support received from UGC by the virtue of being CAS Department A. Infrastructure grant of Rs 30 lakhs during 2009 -10. All has been utilized and UC will be sent soon. Next installment of Rs 30 lakhs for next year 2010 -11 will then be released. B. 10 UGC Research Fellowships for Meritorious students for CAS Departments in 2007 -08 and another 5 in 2008 -09 were sanctioned. All the 15 have been continued in 2009 -10. Selection Committee with external members was constituted by VC

3 rd India-Singapore Joint Physics Symposium (ISJPS-2010) 19 -21 Feb 2010. Earlier two in 3 rd India-Singapore Joint Physics Symposium (ISJPS-2010) 19 -21 Feb 2010. Earlier two in this series were held at IIT Madras and SN Bose Inst. Kolkata. 10 Colleagues from NUS Singapore, 7 from other institutions in India and 16 from So. P were invited speakers in this Symposium. In addition some 65 posters were presented. The two hours of very lively poster session in DST auditorium was followed by a popular lecture and Conference Dinner.

Popular Lecture: Prof B M Arora, on Semiconductors for Efficient Energy Solutions: Current Trends…. Popular Lecture: Prof B M Arora, on Semiconductors for Efficient Energy Solutions: Current Trends…. . On 20 th Feb Valedictory lecture Some examples of the Exciting World of Biological Sciences: an Invitation to Physicists VC, Prof S E Hasnain 21 st Feb 2010. NUS-UH MOU, CAS, CFN, PURSE Grant, and Unassigned grant of the University with active support from the School of Physics

CAS Visitors (In addition to Visitors in ISJPS -2010) 1. Dr. Kali Prasanna Nayak CAS Visitors (In addition to Visitors in ISJPS -2010) 1. Dr. Kali Prasanna Nayak (Tokyo , Japan) 2. Prof. P. Chakraborty (SINP Kolkata) 3. Dr. S. Dhamodaran (I I T Kanpur) 4. Dr. Santanu Ghosh (I I T Delhi) 5. Dr. P. Balaya (N U S Singapore) 6. Prof A I Titov (St. Petersburg Technical University) 7. Prof P A Karaseov (St. Petersburg Technical University) 7. Prof. J. C. Pivin (Orsay , France) 8. Dr. P. Ghoshal (DMRL Hyderabad) 9. Dr. A. C. Kunwar (IICT Hyderabad) 10. Prof. B M Arora (IIT Mumbai) 11. Prof. T. V. Rama. Krishnan Honorary Professor (BHU Varanasi, II Sc Bangalore) 12. Dr. DK. Avasthi (IUAC New Delhi) 13. Dr. K. G. M. Nair (IGCAR Kalpakkam)

Travel Support to Faculty J Balakrishnan Bangalore E Harikumar Bangalore Surjit Dhara Bangalore AP Travel Support to Faculty J Balakrishnan Bangalore E Harikumar Bangalore Surjit Dhara Bangalore AP Pathak Kolkata S Srinath Bangalore

Academic : One Book, AKK (World Scietific in press) One edited. . Vp. S Academic : One Book, AKK (World Scietific in press) One edited. . Vp. S & PAL(Allied Publishers) Publications: over 115 publications during last one year (including those submitted and in press) in refereed Journals and about 50 in conference proceedings. Fellows of all the three Indian Academies Institute of Physics London (UK) DST PAC members ( Materials Science and Cond Matter Phys, Laser and Atomic Physics ) and other expert committees of DST Memberships of International Committees of Prestigious International Conferences and other

Editorial Work: Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids ( T & F UK) (Associate Editorial Work: Radiation Effects and Defects in Solids ( T & F UK) (Associate Editorship) Editorial Board memberships: European Physical Journal ( Applied Physics) Nuclear Instruments and Methods B, Elsevier Pramana, Int. Journal of Modern Physics B, Modern Physics Letters B, Physics Research International, Journal of Magnetism, Advances in Cond matter Physics. . . Hindawi Publishers. Open Condensed Matter Physics, Open Chemical Physics journal, Open Applied Phys. . . Bentham Publishers

Faculty Visits to Well Known Centers of Research Cambridge, Oxford, ICTP Trieste , Frankfurt Faculty Visits to Well Known Centers of Research Cambridge, Oxford, ICTP Trieste , Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies (FIAS), Trento, Oklahoma State University, National University of Singapore, St Petersburg Polytechnic University, Freie University Berlin etc Several faculty members have visited prestigious Institutes in many developing countries, both for short and longer periods ; like Turkey, Iran, Egypt Some Students also visited Cambridge, ICTP, Padova, Trento, etc for research work and conferences

Major Inputs (Incentives) required to Excel Further Convert Project Fellows to PDF/RA >International Travel Major Inputs (Incentives) required to Excel Further Convert Project Fellows to PDF/RA >International Travel : Major International Conf. At least once in two years , For 31 Faculty it works out to be about 15 lakhs per year. >Maintenance money for the equipments bought …. . about 5 lakhs per year >The novel programme of Website development More inputs to sustain it, About 2. 5 lakhs p a Consumables ->to about 3 lakhs/pa for Helium Plus some other minor additions listed in the report.

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