- Количество слайдов: 23
Welcome T The Faculty of Informatics Planning Conference 2008 University of Wollongong
Agenda for Today Ø Setting the Scene § Faculty long-range vision & aspirations (JC) § Current status and general outlook (JC) Ø Student Numbers § Domestic (AL) § International (RW) Ø Core Business § Research (SB) § Teaching and Learning (GW) Ø Issues and Challenges: Breakout sessions (All) § Research (2) – Student Experience – Community Engagement – Students: Domestic & International Ø Brief reports on School planning and focus for 2009 (Ho. S) Ø ECA (All) University of Wollongong
Agenda for Tomorrow Ø Getting Started – wake up call (JC) Ø Report Back: Issues and Challenges (Cs) § Research (2) – Student Experience – Community Engagement – Students: Domestic & International Finding Solutions (All) Ø The way forward – Top 3 ideas (New Cs) Ø Wrap up (JC) Ø Lunch & Bon V yage University of Wollongong
Faculty of Informatics – COS International recognition which furthers Enhance our reputation will Attract quality students, quality staff, research partners, academic partners and sponsorships will enabling us to Produce quality student outcomes, quality research, …. in a stimulating environment University of Wollongong
Core elements of our long range vision and aspirations include: Reputation Research Teaching Staff Students Partners Adaptability Values University of Wollongong
Reputation Vision The Faculty of Informatics will be ranked the top ICT Faculty in Australia and in the top 50 in the World Indicators 1. Highly sought after graduates 2. High quality & High impact research 3. Staff with international reputations & visibility University of Wollongong
Research Vision World class reputation in up to five focussed areas Indicators 1. Research output 2. Research funding 3. Visible international leadership University of Wollongong
Teaching Vision Provide a stimulating educational experience Indicators 1. State of the art knowledge & skills transfer 2. Few signature degrees 3. Student centred University of Wollongong
Staff Vision High performance staff and teams Indicators 1. Staff Commitment 2. Per capita research productivity 3. No. of high quality/impact staff University of Wollongong
Students Vision Produce students that are highly valued by industry and the community Indicators 1. Ability to be self sufficient, and adaptable 2. Highly employable 3. Demonstrated leadership qualities University of Wollongong
Partners Vision Long term, sustainable and rewarding partnerships of high repute Indicators 1. Longevity 2. Demonstrated mutual benefit 3. Broad community engagement (focus on local environment) University of Wollongong
Adaptability Vision To shape our future by anticipating, influencing and responding to a changing environment Indicators 1. Receptive to Change 2. Agility 3. Lead through innovation and early adoption University of Wollongong
Values Vision An accepted set of values that govern our actions Indicators 1. Articulated set of values 2. Behaviours consistently reflect the values University of Wollongong
External Environment – At a glance Ø Massive down turn in domestic student numbers since 2001 – 50% drop nationally § Result - major downsizing and reshaping of ICT academic units and Faculties across the country Ø As of mid-year 2008 there were ~ 380, 000 ICT jobs in Australia (3. 6% of workforce) – an increase of 100, 000 in past decade! Ø ICT industry delivers around 6% of Australia’s total GDP Ø But Alas … domestic students continue to shy away from Maths and ICT as they enter HE University of Wollongong
Faculty of Informatics – Partial Score Card (…in the midst of the turmoil) Ø Staff Ø Structure Ø Finance Ø External perceptions Ø International engagement and out-reach University of Wollongong
UOW - Overall Score Card (…in the midst of the turmoil) Ø National and International Ranking success § Times – Shanghai Jiao tong – Learning and Teaching performance fund Ø Research § Once again ranked 9 th nationally in terms of overall raw dollars from ARC DP not doing so well in ARC LP and NHMRC (yet) Ø Over all domestic student demand § Strong but patchy Ø International student demand Ø Continued growth but at a slower rate when compared to national average – a case of running to stand still Ø Innovation campus Ø 3 major buildings up and more on the way – gaining momentum! Ø Graduate School of Medicine Ø New health and medical research institute Ø Financial situation Ø very tight across the board – most Faculties running on deficit University of Wollongong
Back to the External Environment Ø 26 reviews – Bradley, Cutler … Ø The outlook starts to improve for ICT during the early part of 2008 in terms of gaining national-wide recognition for the plight of ICT and the ever growing skills shortage – to the extent that industry see it as the barrier to future growth. and then Ø A mega financial crisis hits the world economy faster than a speeding bullet … so, what happens now? University of Wollongong
As a Faculty We need fresh ideas: To Re-invigorate and Refresh University of Wollongong
Old - Challenges and Opportunities Ø Domestic and International Student Numbers § The Faculty will be faced with major challenges if numbers do not increase sharply § Student experience will be key to our future success Ø New Research Landscape: ERA § National focus will continue to be based on quality and impact § Faculty performance needs to improve particularly in terms of R&D funding success § The G 08 are after us!!! Ø Do we have the right number and mix of course offerings? § Do we? University of Wollongong
Old - Challenges and Opportunities (Cont. ) Ø Open access and engagement between staff and students within Faculty § Are we becoming a Faculty of closed doors? Ø Faculty leadership (shared) § Critical to our success – succession planning Ø Staff morale and performance § Pockets of concern – must be addressed Ø The Faculty must become even more outward looking in terms of seeking opportunities and positioning itself University of Wollongong
Open Discussion T be continued University of Wollongong
Fo. I - Values 1. Reward and publicly acknowledge high performance (staff and students) 2. Provide honest and timely feedback on performance 3. Value each individual and their contribution 4. Support cultural diversity 5. Provide a supportive and conducive environment for all staff to advance their career 6. Enhance Faculty integration by building closer relationships between the schools … University of Wollongong
From: Chris Hancock [mailto: Chris. Hancock@aarnet. edu. au] Sent: Tuesday, 25 November 2008 12: 28 PM To: gerard@uow. edu. au; Craig Peden; Damien Israel; Joe Chicharo; jraper@uow. edu. au; farzad@uow. edu. au Subject: Congratulations on the Launch of the ICTRI Farzad, Gerard and team – well done on a great event yesterday! I thought all of the guest speakers at the event were superb and UOW’s vision for IT, despite the difficult period we are going through, forms a leadership position in Australia. Congratulations! Regards Chris Hancock Chief Executive Officer, AARNet Pty Ltd street address: Level 2, Building 1, Binary Centre, 3 Richardson Place, NORTH RYDE NSW 2113 m. 0412 600 144 t. +61 2 9779 6979 e. chris. hancock@aarnet. edu. au w. www. aarnet. edu. au University of Wollongong