Скачать презентацию Welcome Kevin Lake Tony Rich UKGCVA Скачать презентацию Welcome Kevin Lake Tony Rich UKGCVA


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Welcome Welcome

Kevin Lake & Tony Rich UKGCVA Kevin Lake & Tony Rich UKGCVA

Welcome New Members • • • People Value Globoforce Drop. Gifts Jessops Group Ltd Welcome New Members • • • People Value Globoforce Drop. Gifts Jessops Group Ltd Lavish Guests • • • Aurum Holdings Ltd Cash Flows Corporate Pay Hi-Life Incahoot Ltd Mothercare Nuco International Ltd Quidco Superbreak The Present Club Transmission Marketing Ltd

New Executive Board • • • Joanne Peake – p&mm Tim Ward – John New Executive Board • • • Joanne Peake – p&mm Tim Ward – John Lewis Stuart Lawrence – B&Q Arun Glendinning – Cash. Star Tony Rich - Halfords • • Kevin Lake - Countdown Siobhan Moore – Locke Lord Wayne Harrington – Edenred Steve Bradbery - SVS Names in purple are Issuer Members, Black are Service Members Total Members = 78 37 Service, 41 Issuer

Annual General Meeting Andrew Johnson UKGCVA Annual General Meeting Andrew Johnson UKGCVA

2011/12 End of Year Accounts 2012 2011 £ £ 207, 408 175, 943 109, 2011/12 End of Year Accounts 2012 2011 £ £ 207, 408 175, 943 109, 407 86, 156 19, 241 14, 021 2, 467 9, 535 67, 500 84, 875 Total 198, 615 194, 587 Profit/(Loss) 8, 793 (18, 644) Sales Includes member fees & research fees Cost of Sales Includes subscriptions, web costs, events, data reports & research projects Administrative Expenses Includes meeting costs General Admin Expenses Includes postage, stationary, bank charges etc Legal & Professional Costs Includes secretariat costs, accountancy fees etc

Member Payments • Majority of members have paid • Few members still to pay Member Payments • Majority of members have paid • Few members still to pay • Please arrange payment for fees as soon as possible

Constitutional Changes Issuer Membership Conditions A condition of Issuer membership is that members will Constitutional Changes Issuer Membership Conditions A condition of Issuer membership is that members will participate in a mechanism to establish the market value and individual members’ shares of the market. This will be included in the Issuer membership fee. Members data will be handled highly confidentially and only members will be able to see their data. Overview data of the market will be available to all Issuing and Service members. The research agency will be appointed by the Executive Committee. Its performance will be reviewed at least bi-annually. A new Issuer Member can opt to withhold their sales figures for up to one full UK Gift Card & Voucher Association year or part year if the Member joins mid-year. (The charge for the market data will not be made whilst this takes place) Issuing members agree to provide, in confidence, and within the time requested by the appointed data agency, the requested statistical sales data for aggregation and dissemination.

Proposed Change Issuer Membership Conditions A condition of Issuer membership is that members will Proposed Change Issuer Membership Conditions A condition of Issuer membership is that members will participate in a mechanism to establish the market value and individual members’ shares of the market. This will be included in the Issuer membership fee. Members ‘data will be handled highly confidentially and only members will be able to see their data. Overview data of the market will be available to all Issuing and Service members. The research agency will be appointed by the Executive Committee. Its performance will be reviewed at least bi-annually. A new Issuer Member can opt to withhold their sales figures for up to one full UK Gift Card & Voucher Association year or part year if the Member joins mid-year. (The charge for the market data will not be made whilst this takes place) Issuing members agree to provide, in confidence, and within the time requested by the appointed data agency, the requested statistical sales data for aggregation and If a member does not submit data for three consecutive quarters their membership may be terminated. dissemination.

AGM Any other AGM business? AGM Any other AGM business?

UK GCVA review Prepared by Nick Bolshaw, Holly Tyzack Rostrum Communications PR – STRATEGY UK GCVA review Prepared by Nick Bolshaw, Holly Tyzack Rostrum Communications PR – STRATEGY - DELIVERY

Fast facts § Top 150 UK agency (PR Week, 2011/ 2012) § Sector specialists Fast facts § Top 150 UK agency (PR Week, 2011/ 2012) § Sector specialists § ‘Thought Partner’ approach § Crisis communications specialists § Results-driven PROPOSAL

How we work with you- fully outsourced PR Thought leadership Digital & social PR How we work with you- fully outsourced PR Thought leadership Digital & social PR PROPOSAL

The original brief Target core press Member meetings Raise profile PROPOSAL • National press The original brief Target core press Member meetings Raise profile PROPOSAL • National press • Retail Week • B 2 B press • Presentations to members • Attendance at socials • Ideas generation • Creative copy • Thought leadership • News hijacking

Coverage highlights PROPOSAL Coverage highlights PROPOSAL

UK GCVA- national press PROPOSAL UK GCVA- national press PROPOSAL

UK GCVA- owning Retail Week PROPOSAL UK GCVA- owning Retail Week PROPOSAL

UK GCVA-trade press PROPOSAL UK GCVA-trade press PROPOSAL

UK GCVA-Calendar hooks PROPOSAL UK GCVA-Calendar hooks PROPOSAL

High level figures PROPOSAL High level figures PROPOSAL

UK GCVA- high level stats • 141 pieces of coverage to date for 2012; UK GCVA- high level stats • 141 pieces of coverage to date for 2012; • 29 pieces of national coverage to date for 2012; PROPOSAL

Next stepsbusiness as usual PROPOSAL Next stepsbusiness as usual PROPOSAL

TL ideas • • • • PROPOSAL Bringing vouchers to life – packaging up TL ideas • • • • PROPOSAL Bringing vouchers to life – packaging up the product; The Christmas hangover- incentivising your workforce; e. Vouchers –what online means for retailers; Incentivising Gen Y and the millennial generation; Buy now, splurge later; How vouchers can help with budgeting; Where do employee incentives fall within the business- marketing director, HR etc; ROI of gifting; Sweating the numbers – why finance departments can’t afford to neglect incentives; Motivation and incentives in the Age of Austerity – what can employers deliver and employees expect? The new wedding gift list; Social gifting; How to generate long term customer loyalty; New year, new you; Budgeting for the January sales.

Continuing to hijack the news agenda Valentines New year new you, gym membership, adventure, Continuing to hijack the news agenda Valentines New year new you, gym membership, adventure, January blues British Grand Prix Winter slump PROPOSAL Mother’s Day Back to school/ uni Christmas

Negativity in the industry PROPOSAL Negativity in the industry PROPOSAL

Negativity in the industry • Journalist relations handled with key national and broadcast media Negativity in the industry • Journalist relations handled with key national and broadcast media • Reactive media interviews arranged • On-going liaison with Andrew Johnson and exec committee • Proactive and reactive approach • Educate media and journalists • 24 hour press office • 8 pieces over coverage across national and trade media • No regional coverage • Limited damage to industry’s reputation PROPOSAL

Questions? PROPOSAL Questions? PROPOSAL

Mothers Day PR Campaign Joanne Peake & Arun Glendinning UKGCVA Executive Mothers Day PR Campaign Joanne Peake & Arun Glendinning UKGCVA Executive

PR Objectives Main objective: Increase awareness of gift cards and vouchers as a great PR Objectives Main objective: Increase awareness of gift cards and vouchers as a great gift for Mothers on Mothers Day, by asking children to design a gift card or voucher for their mum. Commercial objectives: Give profile to gift cards and vouchers through the competition with an underlying message of encouraging the purchase of gift cards and vouchers for Mother’s Day Good CSR for UKGCVA – see to be working in the community Potential CSR for retailers, card manufacturers, voucher printers etc.

Campaign summary • A campaign to make gift cards and vouchers more appealing to Campaign summary • A campaign to make gift cards and vouchers more appealing to children, both when they receive them and when buying for others (specifically mum!); • A regional and national Mother’s Day-themed design competition aimed at schools, after school clubs and hospitals; • The competition will require children (up to the age of 16) to design their own gift cards using theme of ‘what my mum means to me’ • The winning designs will be announced before Mother’s Day 2013; • Positive education around gift cards and vouchers will be a key theme of this campaign

Timetable • Commitment from members by 14 th December 2012; Arun & Jo will Timetable • Commitment from members by 14 th December 2012; Arun & Jo will be contacting you! • Launch competition January 2013 • Entries closed Friday 8 th February, winners announced by Friday 15 th February • The winning design goes on sale Thursday 28 th February (short print run, assumes retail sponsor)

How • Press releases inviting entries from children • Information on dedicated pages of How • Press releases inviting entries from children • Information on dedicated pages of the UKGCVA website with potential to enter online • Prizes for winning students • Potential for a retailers to use the winning card or voucher design and actually sell it • Profile of the winners on the UKGCVA website Opportunities to talk to the press: Entries to the competition Announcing winners Gift cards in production

Key press targets • • • Broadcast Nationals Trade- Retail, Parenting, schools and education Key press targets • • • Broadcast Nationals Trade- Retail, Parenting, schools and education Regionals Online lifestyle Internal publications

Opportunities for You • Minimum 15 members paying £ 1000 per member • Additional Opportunities for You • Minimum 15 members paying £ 1000 per member • Additional prizes of gift cards and vouchers What You Get • Part of industry PR campaign • PR toolkit so you can achieve your own PR • Option to sell the winning entry – could be several age categories so several winners • Support on the members websites

Your PR Tool Kit Members only PR toolkit for the campaignto help you get Your PR Tool Kit Members only PR toolkit for the campaignto help you get the message out. Kit includes: 1. Launch press release template 2. Boiler plate 3. Press list 4. Update campaign press release 5. Case study 6. Image library Plus PR clinics at member meetings in February & June

Case Study Case Study

Summary • • Industry wide PR - part of a national campaign Corporate PR Summary • • Industry wide PR - part of a national campaign Corporate PR – for your own program Education around gift cards and vouchers Driving a positive PR agenda; rather than being reactive

Questions Questions

Irish Gift Card & Voucher Association Andrew Johnson UKGCVA Irish Gift Card & Voucher Association Andrew Johnson UKGCVA

Irish Association • The Gift Voucher Shop in Ireland have been working with UKGCVA Irish Association • The Gift Voucher Shop in Ireland have been working with UKGCVA on the benefits of forming an Irish Association • Real benefit on regulatory issues, with additional support at the EU • Ireland will take over the EU presidency from Jan to Jun 2013 • Potential to work with the Retail Ireland • Do UKGCVA members support the use of some association resources being used to help formulate an Irish Association?

Format & Agenda of Future Meetings Tony Rich & Kevin Lake UKGCVA Format & Agenda of Future Meetings Tony Rich & Kevin Lake UKGCVA

Member Feedback Member Meetings • Topics to discuss • Potential speakers • Happy to Member Feedback Member Meetings • Topics to discuss • Potential speakers • Happy to hear from other members? PR 2013 • Hot topics/issues for 2013 • Topics for proactive PR Irish Association • Benefits of an Irish Association • Would you join? • Separate Association or a Group within GCVA? Three Groups, if you have more than one person representing your company please split into the different group's

Conference 2013 Andrew Johnson UKGCVA Conference 2013 Andrew Johnson UKGCVA

Conference • 17 th & 18 th April 2013 – Park Plaza Victoria • Conference • 17 th & 18 th April 2013 – Park Plaza Victoria • Potential for 1 day to be gift cards/vouchers and one day general prepaid • UKGCVA members get the option to attend one day should they choose • IIR, Diana Middleton collating feedback on agenda items • Terri Sobal at IIR sponsorship sales

Payment Services & Emoney Directive Andrew Johnson UKGCVA on behalf of Siobhan Moore, Locke Payment Services & Emoney Directive Andrew Johnson UKGCVA on behalf of Siobhan Moore, Locke Lord

PSD & EMD • • PSD will be reviewed next year and EMD in PSD & EMD • • PSD will be reviewed next year and EMD in 2014 No merger of PSD and EMD Consultation between Member States UKGCVA asked to comment last week on results of initial Member States meeting; our feedback • PSD states Member States free to regulate in exempt areas; could lead to regulation of closed loop cards in UK but no other country (extreme); our feedback is this undermines the exemption if States are free to make own rules • Exclusions for ‘Business to Business’; aimed at Luncheon Voucher programs in other countries; better definitions requested

Business to Business Market Research Business to Business Market Research

B 2 B Research • Results of the research presented to members in September B 2 B Research • Results of the research presented to members in September • An excellent insight into attitudes from B 2 B customers • Highlighted (along with consumer research in 2010) that gift cards and vouchers are not top of mind

2012 Sales Review Year to date 2012 Sales Review Year to date

Q 3 Breakdowns Q 3 2012 • Consumer 38. 82% • B 2 B Q 3 Breakdowns Q 3 2012 • Consumer 38. 82% • B 2 B 61. 18% • • Paper 37% Closed Loop 47% Restricted Loop 4% Open Loop 12% 63% Comparisons to Q 3 2011 • Consumer up 0. 2% • B 2 B up 5. 8% • Total sales up 3. 3% • Agents up 5% • Retail up 3. 4% • Leisure down 3. 5% (9% up in B 2 B) Overall Gift Cards up 14% on Q 3 2011 & Gift Vouchers down 9. 9%

Q 3 Year To Date Q 3 y-t-d 2012 Comparisons to Q 3 y-t-d Q 3 Year To Date Q 3 y-t-d 2012 Comparisons to Q 3 y-t-d 2011 • Consumer 38% • B 2 B 62% • Consumer up 0. 41% • B 2 B up 5. 86% • Total sales up 3. 08% • • • Agents up 9. 37% • Retail up 2. 11% • Leisure up 1. 95% Paper 37% Closed Loop 47% Restricted Loop 4% Open Loop 12% 63% Overall Gift Cards up 11. 7% on Q 3 ytd 2011 & Gift Vouchers down 9. 7%

Results from Member Survey • Outlook to end of 2012 • Forecast for 2013 Results from Member Survey • Outlook to end of 2012 • Forecast for 2013