- Количество слайдов: 18
Welcome Jean Vieille District Vice President Bernard Cubizolles District DLC Coordinator France section President 2004 District 12 Leadership Conference Hotel Westminster – Nice (France)
Welcome n Recognition of attendees u District Council, Delegates u Others n n n ISA organization Purpose of the DLC, New scenario NVI Presentation of the Agenda Logistics information Guest/Leisure events
District Council: Officers Vice President Elect Secretary Treasurer Program Education Honors & Awards Membership Nominator alt Nominator Standards & Practices Publications / Web Student Sections A&T, I&S Dept. Liaison DLC Coordinator Jean Vieille Billy Walsh Declan Lordan tbn Charlotta Johnsson tbn Gianfranca Sanzeni Maurizio Brancaleoni Ron Migliorini Peter Partington Eoin O’Rian Alex Bobovitch Ron Migliorini Bernard Cubizolles France Ireland Sweeden Italy England Ireland Saint Petersbourg England France
District council: Section Presidents Abu Dhabi England France Ireland Israel Italy Leinster The Netherland Qatar Saint Petersburg Saudi Arabia Spain Sweden Abhijit Sen Ronald V. Migliorini Bernard Cubizolles Peadar Walsh Armon Tal Maurizio Zecchini James Long Martin Matse Yousef Amehd Muftah Alexander Samoylov Saleh Alqaffas Julio Rivas Escudero Jan O. Bjorkman
Section Delegates Abu Dhabi England France Ireland Israel Italy Leinster The Netherland Qatar Saint Petersburg Saudi Arabia Spain Sweden Ronald V. Migliorini Bernard Cubizolles Peadar Walsh Maurizio Zecchini James Long Bianca Scholten Alexander Bobovitch John Medcalf Jan O. Bjorkman
Isa organization Ex. COM Ex. Board District Board Divisions Sections Members STAFF Department Board
Departments A&T I&S IMD PDD PUBS S&P SPLN WEB Automation & Technology Industries & Sciences Image and Membership Professional Development Publications Standards and Practices Strategic Planning Web Activities
11 NA Districts District 01 (Northeast US) District 02 (Midatlantic US) District 03 (Southeast US) District 05 (Midwest US) District 06 (North Central US) District 07 (Southern US, Mexico) District 08 (South Central US) District 09 (Northwest US) District 10 (Western Canada) District 11 (Western US ) District 13 (Eastern Canada)
3 Non NA Districts n n n District 04 (South America) District 12 (Europe) !!! District 14 ( Asia-Pacific)
Purpose of DLC n Increase value of ISA membership by: u Bringing together D 12 leadership F Making informed decision on behalf of ISA members F Becoming better section and district leaders u Improving section operations u Generating feedback to Society leadership
A New scenario n n Most discussions during the DLC Final Council meeting u to handle other formal items n Each discussion will be quoted u A recorder per session n Action items voted on line u Review at the council meeting n Stay focused, respect the timing u You are responsible for the success of the conference
Meeting Ground Rules n n n n Start on Time, Keep to Agenda and Schedule Be Open, Honest and respectful Be Willing to Listen. One Person Speaks at a Time One Conversation at a Time. Stay on TOPIC Be Positive.
New Venture Investment n n 4 M$ available To finance one year projects u No operating expenses n n Expected ROI… Or members Example: u Web sites, Brochures u New Districts or Regions u Exhibit participation n Keep in mind krbaker@ix. netcom. c
General agenda
Logistics n n n n Registration process Attendance fee payment Attendance sheets Spouses at lunches Evaluation form Breaks and lunches …
Guest / Leisure events n Friday evening u 19 H 30 u Location u Booking n Saturday evening u 19 H 30 u Wine taste starts - aperitif u Dinner u Recognitions
value of membership in ISA n n ISA provides its members with unparalleled access to technical information, professional development resources, and opportunities to network with other automation professionals. In addition to these unique benefits, membership supports a not-for-profit organization dedicated to advancement of the state-of-the-art and recognition of the automation profession